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The Handy Haversack


This bestiary provides game statistics and lore for more than a hundred monsters suitable for any D&D campaign, including old favorites from past editions of the game as well as original creations. Among those returning to the fold are the berbalang, the iron cobra, the spirit troll, the meazel, and the vampiric mist, all of which trace their lineage back to the original Fiend Folio published in 1981.

Many of these monsters, old and new alike, are ideal for use with the earlier chapters of this book. For instance, the demons and devils presented here—lesser varieties as well as the greatest of the demon lords and the archdevils—can add even more chaos and savagery to a campaign based on the Blood War.

Similarly, you’ll find a selection of specialized duergar to spice up a game that involves the characters in the struggle described in chapter 3.

The ranks of the drow and the shadar-kai are swelled by the addition of special individuals that can add depth—and danger—to adventures that take heroes into the Underdark or the Shadowfell.

Or, if you’re interested in exploring either side of the conflict between the gith that’s portrayed in chapter 4, the bestiary has new versions of githyanki and githzerai that supplement the Monster Manual entries for those creatures.

This chapter is a continuation of the Monster Manual and adopts a similar presentation. If you are unfamiliar with the monster stat block format, read the introduction of the Monster Manual before proceeding further. It explains stat block terminology and gives rules for various monster traits—information that isn’t repeated here.

As with the monsters in the Monster Manual, we’ve tried to capture the essence of each creature and focus on those traits that make it unique or that encourage DMs to use it. You can do what you will with these monsters and change their lore to suit your game. Nothing we say here is meant to curtail your creativity.

The creatures in this bestiary are organized alphabetically. A few are grouped under a banner heading; for example, the “Demons” section contains stat blocks for various kinds of demons, which are presented alphabetically within that section.

Following this chapter is an appendix that contains lists of the creatures arranged by type, challenge rating, and environment. DMs can use these lists, in conjunction with similar information in the Dungeon Master’s Guide and other sources, to choose monsters for a particular adventure or campaign.

  • Abyssal Wretch
  • Adult Kruthik
  • Adult Oblex
  • Air Elemental Myrmidon
  • Alkilith
  • Allip
  • Amnizu
  • Armanite
  • Astral Dreadnought
  • Autumn Eladrin
  • Bael
  • Balhannoth
  • Baphomet
  • Berbalang
  • Black Abishai
  • Blue Abishai
  • Boneclaw
  • Bronze Scout
  • Bulezau
  • Cadaver Collector
  • Canoloth
  • Choker
  • Corpse Flower
  • Deathlock
  • Deathlock Mastermind
  • Deathlock Wight
  • Demogorgon
  • Derro
  • Derro Savant
  • Dhergoloth
  • Dire Troll
  • Drow Arachnomancer
  • Drow Favored Consort
  • Drow House Captain
  • Drow Inquisitor
  • Drow Matron Mother
  • Drow Shadowblade
  • Duergar Despot
  • Duergar Hammerer
  • Duergar Kavalrachni
  • Duergar Mind Master
  • Duergar Screamer
  • Duergar Soulblade
  • Duergar Stone Guard
  • Duergar Warlord
  • Duergar Xarrorn
  • Dybbuk
  • Earth Elemental Myrmidon
  • Eidolon
  • Elder Oblex
  • Elder Tempest
  • Female Steeder
  • Fire Elemental Myrmidon
  • Fraz-Urb’luu
  • Frost Salamander
  • Geryon
  • Giff
  • Githyanki Gish
  • Githyanki Kith’rak
  • Githyanki Supreme Commander
  • Githzerai Anarch
  • Githzerai Enlightened
  • Gloom Weaver
  • Gray Render
  • Graz’zt
  • Green Abishai
  • Hellfire Engine
  • Howler
  • Hutijin
  • Hydroloth
  • Iron Cobra
  • Juiblex
  • Kruthik Hive Lord
  • Leviathan
  • Male Steeder
  • Marut
  • Maurezhi
  • Meazel
  • Merregon
  • Merrenoloth
  • Moloch
  • Molydeus
  • Nabassu
  • Nagpa
  • Narzugon
  • Nightwalker
  • Nupperibo
  • Oaken Bolter
  • Oblex Spawn
  • Ogre Battering Ram
  • Ogre Bolt Launcher
  • Ogre Chain Brute
  • Ogre Howdah
  • Oinoloth
  • Orcus
  • Orthon
  • Phoenix
  • Red Abishai
  • Retriever
  • Rot Troll
  • Rutterkin
  • Sacred Statue
  • Shadow Dancer
  • Sibriex
  • Skulk
  • Skull Lord
  • Soul Monger
  • Spirit Troll
  • Spring Eladrin
  • Star Spawn Grue
  • Star Spawn Hulk
  • Star Spawn Larva Mage
  • Star Spawn Mangler
  • Star Spawn Seer
  • Steel Predator
  • Stone Cursed
  • Stone Defender
  • Summer Eladrin
  • Sword Wraith Commander
  • Sword Wraith Warrior
  • The Angry
  • The Hungry
  • The Lonely
  • The Lost
  • The Wretched
  • Titivilus
  • Tortle
  • Tortle Druid
  • Vampiric Mist
  • Venom Troll
  • Wastrilith
  • Water Elemental Myrmidon
  • White Abishai
  • Winter Eladrin
  • Yagnoloth
  • Yeenoghu
  • Young Kruthik
  • Zaratan
  • Zariel
  • Zuggtmoy