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The Handy Haversack

Chapter 3: The Tenth District


The Tenth District is a sprawling place. To be governed effectively, it is broken into six precincts, each the size of a small city. This chapter describes the various features you can find in those wondrous places.

The Six Precincts

Each precinct, as well as its distinct personality, is explored in its own section later in this chapter. Here are brief descriptions of each of them to help orient you before your tour:

Precinct One. This is the hub of the wealthy and powerful, where courtly games and espionage play out among visitors gawking at the impressive architecture. The precinct is also known as the Guildpact Precinct.

Precinct Two. Many professionals live here in clean and orderly neighborhoods, in the shadow of New Prahv, while mob bosses coerce residents in order to enrich themselves and influence local politics.

Precinct Three. In the Greenbelt, nature has encroached into the urban environment to varying degrees, and folk here provide bountiful sustenance and domesticated beasts for most of the district.

Precinct Four. Constantly in a state of turmoil, the scarred streets of Precinct Four are a proving ground for soldiers and marauders alike. Visitors here had best be spoiling for a fight.

Precinct Five. Precinct Five is where the learned folk of the Tenth District gather to discuss theory or to put their knowledge to practical use in the precinct’s many schools, libraries, and laboratories.

Precinct Six. In the hardscrabble neighborhoods of Precinct Six, the working folk eke out a living by toiling at warehouses, docks, and factories controlled by callous employers. When night comes, the residents hide indoors to avoid becoming prey to creatures that stalk the darkness.

People and Rumors

Each precinct’s section includes two tables that can help you, as DM, improvise as characters explore that part of the city.

When a character wants to talk to a person on the street, you can roll on the People on the Street table for the precinct. Unless otherwise noted, these NPCs can be of any race. They might use the Monster Manual stat blocks for Commoner, Guard, or other creatures, at your discretion.

Whenever characters are gathering information or talking with contacts in a precinct, you can use the Rumors table for the precinct to add some flavor to their interactions or to generate adventure hooks.


Major Trade Ways

Two major avenues run across the whole Tenth District, crossing precinct lines.

Tin Street is the longest thoroughfare in the city, a vital center of trade, and a hub of activity day and night. In addition to its shopping attractions, Tin Street is also a popular spot for nightlife, with its many restaurants and theaters. Much of the street runs through the western part of Precinct Four, and other parts are claimed by goblin gangs. The prominent presence of Boros soldiers along the length of Tin Street helps the populace feel safer, but the threat of rubblebelt raiders and goblin thieves remains.

The Transguild Promenade makes its way across the district from the edge of the rubblebelt in Precinct Four to the southern gates of Precinct One. The Promenade’s northern reach is heavily patrolled by Boros soldiers, and caravans coming from the north employ heavily armed escorts to ensure their safe passage through the ruined areas. Markets and parks line the avenue as it winds through Precinct One, and parades clog the street on festive holidays.

Beneath the Streets

Even though most Ravnicans think the city begins at ground level and stretches upward, the part of the city that lies beneath the streets impacts the lives of everyone. Immediately underground are the city works, such as the sewers and the transit system. Below the complex network of tunnels and passages that make up the city works lies the undercity—a realm populated by creatures that shun the surface world.

City Works

The Izzet League is responsible for constructing and maintaining public works, including sewers and other pipe systems. Many members of the Golgari Swarm live or work here, farming fungus and scavenging for valuable trinkets in the muck. Orzhov crypts and vaults, Dimir hideouts, and Simic laboratories can also be found in the city works.

Millennial Platform

Anchored by enormous chains at the juncture of Precincts One, Three, and Four, the Millennial Platform is a floating observation deck that affords the best overhead view of the Tenth District. The most exclusive restaurant in the district is located here. Every citizen is given a token that can be redeemed for one airship ride to the platform anytime during the coming year, but those who want to dine at the Millennial Restaurant might have to make a reservation months in advance.


A vast, winding sewer network runs under the Tenth District, lit by continual flame spells. Some of the tunnels are simply storm sewers, meant to carry rainwater (and the debris it washes from the streets) into great cisterns, where it is purified and sent into the pipes in the plumbing system that serves Ravnica’s nicer neighborhoods. Others carry waste and refuse out of those neighborhoods, depositing it in different cisterns or dumping it into the subterranean oceans of the undercity.

Pipe Tunnels

Around the sewer system, smaller tunnel networks carry steam, distilled magical energy, and water to various places throughout the city. These passages are large enough for a humanoid to walk through but are often quite uncomfortable, filled with impure air and stifling heat.

Transit Tunnels

Magically charged tracks line the floors of tube-like tunnels that send vehicular constructs to major locations in the Tenth District and beyond. The tunnels open into small stations that have staircases leading up to the surface.


Ancient resting places lie in secret chambers below the surface of Ravnica. Many of them have been magically warded to prevent unauthorized entry. Some of these sites are homes for restless undead or gathering places for thieves, smugglers, and other criminals.



Deep below the Tenth District lies a vast, thriving community of folk who have no desire or choice to live under the sky. Here, the Dimir, Golgari, Rakdos, and Simic hold sway in the caverns, causeways, and bodies of water that grace the darkest depths.


The sprawling residence of many of the House Dimir elite, parts of Nightveil overlap the Tenth District in the undercity. An extensive system of natural caverns houses high-walled mansions and sunken crypts that have a grand, sinister motif. Patrolling specters and other incorporeal undead make it difficult for the unwelcome to enter.


The Dimir guildhall is protected by memory wards (glyphs of warding that store modify memory spells) to ensure that few know of its existence. Those who are called there never remember what transpired, beyond what is necessary. Most assume that the place lies somewhere within Nightveil, but it could lie anywhere in the undercity.


Also called the Maze of Decay, Korozda is an arched subterranean cathedral surrounded by fungal hedgerows and moss-encrusted ruins. In its center is a great amphitheater where the most important issues are brought to the Golgari’s attention. Penvar, the Hanging Keep, is a castle fixed upside down on the ceiling above the entrance to Korozda. Its soldiers, predominantly the insectoid kraul, prevent any unauthorized visitors to the Golgari stronghold.

Rix Maadi

Known as the Dungeon Palace, this is the guildhall of the Cult of Rakdos, and the lava-filled lair of the demon himself. An immense, crumbling, red stone staircase called the Demon’s Vestibule begins the journey from the Smelting District down into the depths, treating travelers to terrifying images depicted on banners as they descend. Farther down, the temperature rises and the passage eventually opens up into the Festival Grounds, where the bloodiest performances of the Rakdos and their torturous equipment are on display.

The Undersea

Rivers, lakes, and oceans run deep below the surface of Ravnica. Several of them connect to the Simic habitats known as zonots. They are also used as thoroughfares by aquatic races and monsters.

Precinct One

The grandeur of Precinct One is the heart of Ravnica’s civilization, and visitors gawk at the impressive architecture and rub shoulders with the rich and powerful. Immaculately maintained avenues and manicured gardens create an impression of order, civility, and high culture. During the day, the streets are filled with tourists, government officials, diplomats, and wealthy merchants and financiers. At night, most of Precinct One is quiet, with a few lit carriages drawn by constructs and well-groomed beasts making their way to exclusive nightclubs and restaurants.

The people who live in this precinct are accustomed to having high-quality goods and spending a lot of leisure time in social engagements. Neighbors are polite and affable toward others of their station, but gossip is quite common and accepted.


Affiliated Guilds

All the guilds have interests here. Lawyers, bureaucrats, and soldiers of the Azorius Senate are found throughout the precinct. The Orzhov Syndicate runs many of the clubs and restaurants here, and this is the location of both its guildhall, Orzhova, and its monumental Vizkopa Bank. The Selesnya Conclave helps to maintain the grounds around the plaza and is often involved as diplomatic envoys for meetings and negotiations that take place here.

Neighborhoods and Landmarks

Precinct One has few permanent residents, except for the very wealthy and some government officials who live in well-appointed apartments. Buildings here are of modern construction and well maintained.

Tenth District Plaza

A popular place for meetings, recreation, shopping, and simply being seen, Tenth District Plaza is a beautiful oasis of calm and cleanliness. Kept perpetually clean through magic and constantly patrolled by Azorius arresters, the plaza is considered neutral ground for every guild, gang, and faction in the city. Drawing a weapon within the confines of the plaza is met with a swift response from the arresters and marks the offender as a person who can’t be trusted.

Chamber of the Guildpact

The long promenade of Plaza Avenue connects the south end of Tenth District Plaza to the great meeting hall of the guilds. The Chamber of the Guildpact is accessible by a grand staircase leading up into a cavernous hall where visitors and dignitaries from all over Ravnica meet. The Living Guildpact has an office here, but he is seldom present. In his absence, various functionaries who occupy the upper levels of the chamber try to carry out his work of adjudicating disputes between guilds and maintaining a semblance of peace.

Plaza East

This neighborhood is home to many government officials, and it offers temporary housing for diplomats. Stately homes intermingle with more modest apartments. Transportation by carriage between Plaza East and Tenth District Plaza is readily available, especially in the morning and evening.

Plaza West

The best nightclubs and restaurants, most of which are run by the Orzhov, are in this neighborhood. There are few permanent residents in Plaza West, aside from the very rich who reside in spacious, luxurious, multilevel homes.

Plaza South

Derogatorily known as Downside by the nobles and elite, this neighborhood is the hub of commerce in Precinct One and has more permanent residents than the other neighborhoods. Specialty shops catering to tourists and the wealthy line the route of the Transguild Promenade as it runs through the area. The residents here tend to be well-to-do merchants and crafters, making their living off visitors and a few rich clients.


The Orzhov Syndicate’s lavish guildhall, also known as the Church of Deals, is on the western edge of Tenth District Plaza. The towering spires and stained glass windows house the grand gatherings of the guild and also serve as the quarters for its most elite members, including the ghosts of the Obzedat. Below the cathedral lies the mausoleum, glittering with opulence and serving as a resting place and a gathering point for secret meetings far from prying eyes and the Guildpact.

Vizkopa Bank

The Orzhov-controlled main bank of Ravnica, and also the place where the Orzhov mint their coins, Vizkopa Bank is a giant, opulent structure guarded by gargoyles. Spirits in debt to the Orzhov float within its halls and around the outside of the building.

Goods and Services

There are few general shops in Precinct One, but luxury items, grooming supplies, and fine clothing are available in boutiques in the area. Even practical items, such as backpacks and lanterns, are expensive and of the highest quality, bearing artisan’s flourishes. Standard adventuring gear, including weapons and armor, is difficult to procure.

Meals and lodging suitable for a wealthy or aristocratic lifestyle are readily available in Plaza West, and comfortable accommodations are the norm for the officials in Plaza East and the merchants in Plaza South. Poorer people, including anyone who maintains a lifestyle as expensive as modest, might be seen as uncouth or undesirable.

At the DM’s discretion, adventurers who don’t maintain a comfortable or more expensive lifestyle might have disadvantage on Charisma checks when interacting with residents of Precinct One.

Law and Crime

The privileged and wealthy people who live in Precinct One believe that the purpose of law enforcement is to serve them and keep them protected from the more unsavory elements of the city. Government officials here are more practical in their view of the law, recognizing that Precinct One is the entry point into the Tenth for many visitors and thus it must keep up the best of appearances. Azorius law enforcement officers are ever-present here, with at least one arrester assigned to patrol each street in Precinct One. It is illegal to brandish a weapon here, and people who walk around with unconcealed weapons (even sheathed ones) draw attention. Minor crimes are reported as soon as they are witnessed or discovered. Due to enhanced monitoring by precognitive mages, the typical response time to any crime is 1d6 minutes, and the squad consists of an Azorius Mage and three Soldier.

Very little street-level illicit activity takes place within Precinct One due to Azorius’s constant surveillance. Private rooms in exclusive establishments are, however, sometimes used by the Orzhov and other wealthy criminals to conduct high-end black market transactions away from the eyes of law enforcement.


People and Rumors

People on the Street—Precinct One

d12 Description
1 Banker, heading to a favorite restaurant
2 Diplomat, heading to the Chamber of the Guildpact
3 Gardener, pruning vegetation
4 Ghost, looking for directions to Orzhova
5 Government official, late for an appointment
6 Jeweler, heading to a grooming salon
7 Mob boss, leaving a nightclub
8 Noble, taking in the sights
9 Opera singer, enjoying a meal outside
10 Painter, working on a street scene
11 Tourist, gawking at everything
12 Translator, feeding some birds

Rumors—Precinct One

d6 Rumor
1 “Oh, dear! Did you hear all that commotion yesterday evening near the opera house? It appears that a couple of dignitaries went missing during the performance.”
2 “I hear that Nolson has purses and handbags in his inventory that bear some sort of magic. They’ll get snapped up quickly, I’ll wager.”
3 “A most dreadful moaning was coming from the plaza today. My friend said she saw a wailing spirit floating over the park. I wish they’d stay in the bank.”
4 “Such a commotion at the Wayfinder Club last night. I heard the fight, but a friend told me there were blades drawn, and the perpetrator escaped!”
5 “Can you believe the gall of some people? I saw a couple of dirty ruffians in my neighborhood last night, and they were defacing the walls of the courthouse!”
6 “I still can’t believe that crazy old Orzhov syndic just handing out zinos near the plaza, muttering ‘The end is near.’ She’ll invite nothing but undesirables sniffing for free coin.”


Precinct Two

Small houses, modest apartments, and commercial shops are sprinkled throughout Precinct Two, a place that law enforcement officers, lawyers, retired soldiers, and well-off working families call home. Corner shops cater to everyday needs, and many establishments are run by ex-soldiers. Streets are kept tidy, and buildings are maintained to be serviceable. Under the precinct’s urbane veneer, tension simmers between law officers and the opportunistic crime families who call this precinct home.

The folk who live in this precinct believe in performing civic duties, conforming to your role, and maintaining strong friendships and family ties. Good neighbors show respect to one another and enjoy competing among themselves to achieve greater successes.


Affiliated Guilds

New Prahv, the Azorius Senate guildhall, is located at the eastern end of the precinct, and many residents work there. Some active officers and retired soldiers from the Boros Legion make their homes in this precinct. The Orzhov Syndicate has a presence here through its connections to many of the small businesses.

Neighborhoods and Landmarks

Most of Precinct Two is occupied by small commercial centers and rows of simple houses. It is populous but not stiflingly so.

New Prahv

The tallest structure in the Tenth District, the austere New Prahv consists of three towering columns, reminding everyone of the omnipresence of the Azorius Senate. Each column serves as the headquarters for one of the three branches of the senate. Inside, spacious chambers on the lower floors give way to a host of offices upstairs where day-to-day assignments are issued and the strategy of maintaining law is continually honed.


Whitestone is an orderly neighborhood on the northern side of the precinct, named for its rows of alabaster stone houses. It was built up by the Azorius to serve as a housing zone for many who work in New Prahv. To meet the demands of construction, many residents of this section of the city had to be relocated to the much more densely populated Griffin Heights.

Griffin Heights


Two-story houses are nestled in the rolling hills of this neighborhood in the southern section of the precinct. Griffin Heights is rife with corruption, and less scrupulous government officials exchange information and money with the Orzhov in business establishments here. The locals are fiercely loyal to the Orzhov knights who watch over them, dutifully paying their protection fees.

Augustin Station

The main airship station for the Tenth District, Augustin Station is located at the western end of Griffin Heights. Travelers from all over Ravnica are carried in various forms of air travel: from gondolas hung from giant balloons to compartments strapped to the backs of enormous floating beasts bred by the Simic Combine. Augustin Station has twenty platforms, with flights arriving and leaving at all hours. The most popular flight is to the Millennial Platform, a journey that costs 5 sp per passenger. Other flights carry passengers to smaller stations in each precinct of the Tenth District (1 gp), to large stations in each other district (10 gp), and to various other stations around the world (1 gp per mile).

Statue of Agrus Kos

A ten-foot-tall granite statue of a Boros Legion soldier stands in a small park in Whitestone, surrounded by weatherworn tables. During the Decamillennial Celebration seventy-six years ago, Agrus Kos became a hero by foiling various schemes to undermine the Guildpact. His statue has become a social gathering point for war veterans, mob contacts, and spies who talk as they play various strategy games.

Goods and Services

Most any sort of merchandise can be acquired from some shop in Precinct Two. Former soldiers and ex-adventurers run many of the businesses here, and weapons and armor are commonly available in Griffin Heights. Meals and lodging are often of modest or comfortable quality in this precinct, which has lots of boarding houses instead of inns. Corner taverns are frequent and serve as the centers of neighborhood society.

The people who live in Precinct Two aren’t fond of people who don’t fit in with them, and that includes those of both higher and lower means. People who don’t maintain at least a modest lifestyle are viewed as lazy and undesirable, and those who aspire to a wealthy or aristocratic lifestyle are seen as arrogant snobs. At the DM’s discretion, adventurers in either category could have disadvantage on Charisma checks when interacting with residents of Precinct Two.

Law and Crime

Many citizens in Precinct Two work for the Azorius, but others feel stifled by the guild’s intrusive presence under the shadow of New Prahv. Most residents respect order, but some rely more on Orzhov protection than on Azorius law. Almost everyone here knows someone who is trained in the use of weapons. The typical response to a reported crime is about 2d6 minutes, and the squad consists of two Azorius soldier or 1d6 Orzhov Thug (from the Monster Manual).

The organized crime elements of the neighborhoods are locked in a power struggle against law enforcement officials. This conflict rarely manifests in open violence, but often antagonists “disappear” or “have an accident.” Overt violent crimes sometimes involve ex-soldiers who have been psychologically scarred by past battles.

People and Rumors

People on the Street—Precinct Two

d12 Description
1 Arrester, off duty and out buying produce
2 Arrester, on duty and watching for trouble
3 Baker, returning from a long work shift
4 Carpenter, searching for a good pack animal
5 Chandler, fuming after a recent argument
6 Government official, enjoying a day off
7 Locksmith, on the way to unlock a door
8 Mob enforcer, trailing a debtor
9 Retired soldier, heading to a chess game
10 Shopkeeper, taking a child out for a treat
11 Teenager, heading to a friend’s house
12 Tourist, heading to the Millennial Platform

Rumors—Precinct Two

d6 Rumor
1 “Can you believe the deals that Janus has this week in his shop? I wonder if he’s in trouble, trying to move his merchandise so quickly.”
2 “I got a tip on some high-quality blades at Minera’s. She’s looking to find good homes for them, and she says some are enchanted.”
3 “Two Boros minotaurs garrisoned at Sunhome were meeting with old friends at Newson’s Tavern last night. They spent most of the night telling stories about a madness taking hold of their ranks.”
4 “An airship docked in the middle of the night at Augustin Station without any people on board. No one knows how it got there without a crew.”
5 “This is the third person gone missing in Griffin Heights this week. I hear they were all gamblers and deep in it. Must’ve owed way too much.”
6 “Did you hear about that lawmage who went crazy? They had to send two squads of arresters to bring him down. He kept telling them ‘A homunculus made me do it.’ I don’t want to know what ‘it’ is.”

Precinct Three


Ample parks, busy stables, and large gardens combine to create a vibrant environment in Precinct Three. Natural and urban life intermingle throughout the precinct, and the people who reside here view it as a respite from most other places in the Tenth District. Folk here tend to live simply, and generations of families have dwelt in the same structures for hundreds of years. During the day, the gardens, small pastures, and stables are tended by young and old. Evenings are given over to communal gatherings, sometimes featuring performances by trained beasts or storytelling.

The people of Precinct Three are comfortable with living around nature. They have no problems with pets or beastly companions sharing their space as well as residing in multifamily structures. Good neighbors help tend to plants, animals, and children whenever necessary.


Affiliated Guilds

The Selesnya Conclave’s influence on this area is strong, and its guildhall, the towering tree of Vitu-Ghazi, stands at the northern edge of the precinct. Members of the Gruul Clans sometimes venture into the northern part of the precinct, rarely with peaceful intentions.

Neighborhoods and Landmarks

Precinct Three is made up of old stone structures partially reclaimed by nature, standing alongside well-preserved wooden buildings that have been enhanced by Selesnya magic.


The Selesnya guildhall, a towering tree that also serves as a cathedral to Mat’Selesnya, is the epicenter of Selesnya culture and law. Members of the conclave from across Ravnica make pilgrimages to Vitu-Ghazi in hopes of finding a spiritual connection with the heart of the guild. All who come without ill intent in their heart are welcome to visit the public areas of the tree.

The Canopy

The northern neighborhood of the precinct is covered in tall trees, all of which are overshadowed by Vitu-Ghazi. To accommodate a growing population, buildings are situated around the trees and on the larger branches, making use of a network of ladders and rope walkways.

The Great Concourse

A network of elevated roadways links many of the most important Selesnya communities near Vitu-Ghazi. The polished white stone of the roadways gleams in the sun, and the pathways are topped with lush trees, grasses, and flowers. On high holy days, its central hub, called the Great Concourse, serves as a gathering place for throngs of Selesnya devotees. On most other days, the Concourse is a teeming marketplace where goods transported across the city on the great roadways are bought and sold.


Once known as the Old City, the eastern neighborhood of Concordance is the oldest section of the precinct. Many buildings in this area were once Orzhov structures, but they have been reclaimed by moss, shrubs, and other growth that make them blend in with the homes, parks, and the Selesnya vernadi that fill the rest of the neighborhood. The Great Concourse runs overhead through most of the neighborhood.

Beast Haven

The western neighborhood has many small pastures and stables, some of which are on open, multilevel structures. The area is filled with the sights, sounds, and smells of beasts of many sorts. Here, beasts are trained for labor and sold to customers from across the city. Every so often, a beast escapes captivity and rampages through the neighborhood, but the tough residents are usually able to bring any disruption under control quickly.

Goods and Services


The bounty of nature is plentiful in Precinct Three, which serves as the main source of food for the Tenth District. The finest steeds and livestock are raised here, as well as many war beasts (although they’re often trained in Precinct Four). Unlike in most other precincts, barter is an acceptable form of transaction here, and some vendors outright reject payment in coin of any kind. Manufactured goods are relatively hard to find, except in large markets such as the Great Concourse.

Meals and lodging are widely varied, from squalid to comfortable, depending on the neighborhood. In general, the neighborhoods in Concordance tend toward the more expensive end of that scale, and those in Beast Haven more toward the other end. The residents of Precinct Three don’t put much stock in personal appearance, and they’re slow to pass judgment on anyone based on visible standards of wealth. The truly wretched sometimes evoke pity and sometimes scorn, and the very wealthy are generally disliked.

At the DM’s discretion, adventurers who maintain a wealthy or aristocratic lifestyle could have disadvantage on Charisma checks when interacting with residents of Precinct Three.

Law and Crime

Most of Precinct Three is policed by its residents, occasionally supplemented by Boros troops when a serious threat rears its head. Each block elects a watch captain, who receives weapon training from Selesnya soldiers. The captain can call on additional citizens for support in case of a crisis. The typical response to a reported crime takes about 1d8} minutes, and the squad consists of a watch captain (a scout){@b with two guard or two Wolf. In Concordance, it’s either a knight or a Selesnya druid with a topiary guardian (awakened tree). See the Monster Manual for these creatures' stat blocks.

Crime usually takes one of two forms in Precinct Three. Some residents engage in outright banditry, but they typically target visitors or go outside the precinct to do their dirty work. More common are incidents of livestock theft, which sometimes lead to outbreaks of violence between neighbors, particularly in Beast Haven.

People and Rumors

People on the Street—Precinct Three

d12 Description
1 Beast trainer, walking an animal on a leash
2 Awakened shrub, completing an errand
3 Centaur, out to get the family some food
4 Evangelist, trying to win Selesnya converts
5 Farmer, using a healing balm after a hard day
6 Guide, taking a wolf out for a stroll
7 Healer, on the way to tend to someone sick
8 Ledev guardian, on patrol
9 Pilgrim, looking for directions to Vitu-Ghazi
10 Storyteller, practicing oration out on the street
11 Teamster, carrying a broken wagon wheel
12 Woodcarver, whistling a familiar song

Rumors—Precinct Three

d6 Rumor
1 “Something keeps spooking the pack animals. I wonder what it could be?”
2 “I hear there’s an old granary in the rubblebelt that’s filled with bandit plunder. Probably worth a peek!”
3 “The giant spiders above Velen’s Rest have become aggressive as of late. I heard someone got poisoned by one yesterday.”
4 “Can you believe they’re going to close Vitu-Ghazi to visitors tomorrow? I wonder what’s going on.”
5 “Those rumblings that shook the ground last night were definitely wurms tunneling. I’m sure the Selesnya aren’t pleased.”
6 “We should go find that loxodon priest and see if she’s still having visions. I’ll bet we can get her to tell us our future!”

Precinct Four


Few days or nights pass quietly in Precinct Four. The frequent din of battle as Boros soldiers guard against Gruul marauders, the strange sounds of volatile magic emanating from Izzet experiments, and the occasional explosive flare-ups of goblin gang wars keep the precinct a dynamic and dangerous place. Its buildings include ramshackle tenements damaged by conflict, impregnable fortresses and laboratories, and bustling markets filled with merchants ready to defend themselves and their wares.

The people of Precinct Four are always ready for a fight. Being able to defend oneself and adapting to change are the most important qualities in this precinct. Good neighbors are your battle mates when you’re fighting for your home or your life.


Affiliated Guilds

The Boros Legion’s guildhall fortress, Sunhome, is located here, and that guild is the heart of the precinct’s defense against the savage forces that come from the northern rubblebelt. The Izzet League often likes to test its latest experiments in this precinct. Its guildhall, Nivix, towers over the south end. The Gruul Clans frequently raid into the rest of the precinct from the rubblebelt in the north. The Cult of Rakdos delights in sowing mayhem here, stoking the fires of conflict and gathering inspiration for future performances.

Neighborhoods and Landmarks

Precinct Four is home to a wide range of folk, most of whom are used to fighting for a living. Transients, soldiers, goblin gang members, and hardy merchants call this precinct home.


The seat of the Boros Legion’s power, the guildhall known as Sunhome is an imposing structure that serves as a fortress, barracks, and spiritual center. It is widely believed to be impregnable and serves as a reminder to attackers from the north of the strength of Boros resolve.


One of the tallest towers in Ravnica, this impressive structure crackles with the wild power of the Izzet and serves as their guildhall. Filled with laboratories, testing facilities, and housing for their inventors, Nivix is the center of Izzet innovation.

Red Wastes

The rubblebelt to the north is a wasteland filled with ruins, gutted buildings, and debris-ridden streets. Aside from the Gruul Clans, the only citizens who live in the neighborhood are the ones too stubborn to move away. The Gruul share the space with ferocious beasts, elementals, and other monsters.

The Bulwark

The neighborhood between Sunhome and Nivix is filled with reinforced structures that serve as low-rent apartments and shops. Those who live in the Bulwark are mainly workers or professionals who see opportunity in supporting the Boros garrison.


The Gruul Clans periodically converge on the gutted, cratered remains of a huge palace in the Red Wastes where a great bonfire perpetually burns. Skarrg is the closest thing the Gruul have to a guildhall—a place where their clans can come together, roast giant boars, boast of their exploits, and form something akin to camaraderie before they go their separate, violent ways. It’s not neutral ground, though—old grudges frequently boil over into combat. Outsiders are never welcome.

Goods and Services

Precinct Four has a wide variation in available goods, depending on the neighborhood. There is little or no commerce in the Red Wastes, except for what can be bartered with Gruul clansfolk or scavenged. The Bulwark carries many basic goods and services, with weapons and armor plentiful due to the constant threat of conflict and the nearby foundries in District Six. On Tin Street, almost anything is available for a bit of searching and the right price.

The precinct offers a wide range of food and lodging, appropriate for lifestyles from squalid to wealthy. The more affluent folk of the precinct are careful not to flaunt their wealth, lest they make themselves targets for raiders from the Red Wastes.

At the DM’s discretion, adventurers who maintain either a squalid or aristocratic lifestyle could have disadvantage on Charisma checks when interacting with residents of Precinct Four.

Law and Crime


Much of Precinct Four is a war zone, and mundane methods of law enforcement aren’t always effective in such an environment. No one takes the constant patrolling of the Boros Legion as a guarantee of their safety, and almost all folk know how to fight to some degree. Typical threats include giant monsters, unstable elementals, and Gruul raiding parties, and a curfew system is often instituted when a neighborhood is beset by one of these dangers. The only area that is usually safe from external threats is Tin Street. Petty crimes aren’t given much attention, since the soldiers are primarily concerned with curbing violence and mayhem. The typical response to a reported crime or a dangerous threat is 1d8} minutes, and the squad consists of a Boros Legion knight (from the Monster Manual){@b leading 4d4 soldier.

The Red Wastes is a lawless region mostly beyond the reach of Boros patrols and Azorius laws. In other parts of the precinct, goblin gangs shake down locals whenever possible and skirmish against each other over turf. The Shattergang Brothers are a notorious goblin gang that haunts Tin Street in this precinct, dealing in weapons and explosives.

People and Rumors

People on the Street—Precinct Four

d12 Description
1 Bounty hunter, asking about a mark
2 Displaced merchant, looking for a new home
3 Goblin messenger, anxious and impatient
4 Healer, covered in blood
5 Leatherworker, carrying some flowers
6 Merchant, whistling a tune
7 Scientist, lost in thought
8 Street urchin, busking for money
9 Soldier, on duty and eating a quick bite
10 Soldier, off duty and fixing his armor
11 Thrill seeker, hoping to see some Gruul raiders
12 Transient, looking for a good place to sleep

Rumors—Precinct Four

d6 Rumor
1 “Sergeant Uwen got hold of something even the war wurms of the Gruul fear. Don’t know what it is, but he sent one of them running just by standing there.”
2 “If you’re looking for the best deals on explosives, you should talk to one of the Shattergang Brothers. They’ll set you up right, no questions asked.”
3 “I swear I saw Niv-Mizzet’s head floating above Nivix last night. I wonder what it means.”
4 “Beria over on Tin Street just put out some new curiosities. Says they came from an expedition in the undercity. Could be magical.”
5 “My whole street’s been smelling like sulfur for the past two days now. People are starting to get sick, and the soldiers don’t take it seriously.”
6 “I saw an angel and a demon having what looked like a polite conversation. I couldn’t believe my eyes!”

Precinct Five


As the home of prestigious universities, ancient libraries, and hidden laboratories, Precinct Five is the hub of information and learning in the Tenth District. People of all ages flock to this precinct to spend time learning, whether by poring over texts and scrolls or finding a mentor who will guide a student. It’s also the place to find information brokers, who sell specialized or secret knowledge available nowhere else. Multilevel buildings set next to each other with little regard for planning give way to an occasional square or open campus where socially minded residents congregate during daytime hours. At night, many continue their studies while others tinker with their latest creations or intellectual endeavors. Taverns and pubs tend to be more urbane than in other parts of the district and often feature poetry readings, storytelling, and musical performances.

People who live in Precinct Five have a zeal for learning and tend to be inquisitive. Getting into a heated debate or touting a recent success to your neighbors is part of showing your worth. Good neighbors keep their projects and research hidden until a result can be displayed; it is considered uncouth to allow others to view a work in progress.


Affiliated Guilds

Zonot Seven, the home of the Simic Combine’s guildhall, is located on the western edge of the precinct. The Izzet League maintains a network of laboratories and workshops close to Nivix (in Precinct Four). House Dimir agents are seen and unseen all around the district, and they secretly run the Ismeri Library. Some members of the Azorius Senate who prefer to study disciplines aside from the law make their homes here as well.

Neighborhoods and Landmarks

Life for residents in Precinct Five is spent mostly indoors, or in the case of the Simic, underwater. The precinct’s occupants—including significant populations of students, instructors, researchers, scribes, and university staff—are crowded into dormitories and apartments squeezed in among laboratories, libraries, and magical machinery.

Zonot Seven

The Simic Combine’s watery habitat is made up of huge sinkholes filled with the overflow from a subterranean ocean. Zonot Seven is the only zonot within Ravnica City proper, and it contains Zameck, the Simic guildhall. In contrast to the rest of the precinct, the zonot is a bustling place, with activity at all hours. A huge chamber just below the street surface serves as a gathering place for all the Simic speakers, as well as a place where visitors can meet with Prime Speaker Zegana or other Simic emissaries. A Simic researcher might invite a land-dwelling colleague to visit the habitat, but such an occurrence isn’t common. Canals lead from here farther into the precinct and to Precinct Six.

The Blistercoils

A series of gigantic waterwheels, built and operated by the Izzet League, turns just outside Zonot Seven in the north end of the precinct. The system generates magical energy to power public works, Simic laboratories, and, of course, Izzet workshops. Few outside the Izzet realize that the amount of energy generated in the Blistercoils far exceeds what is actually used, with the excess stored in underground batteries that could explode if they became overloaded.

Blistercoils is also the name of the neighborhood near the waterwheels, which largely consists of workshops and private laboratories.


The western end of the precinct is packed with educational institutions of all sorts, from grand universities that cover a broad span of disciplines to specialized schools that instruct students in subjects ranging from theoretical metaphysics to fine arts. The neighborhood takes its name from the fact that most of these schools boast at least one tall spire among their structures. Students and staff live both on and off the various campuses, and several cozy pubs and small lecture halls are busy from afternoons through late in the night.

Prism University

A crystal-paned center of learning that concentrates on magical theory and application, Prism University draws potential wizards and other would-be mages who want to learn about all forms of magic, in contrast to the specialized and practical applications of magic espoused by the guilds. Even though the school maintains a formal state of neutrality, it’s an open secret that many guilds have infiltrated the university and planted agents to woo prospective members. Partly as a result of this influence, many graduates of the university do go on to join a guild, finding a way to apply their broad experience to support the narrower focus of the guild. (A player character spellcaster might well be a graduate of the university, which could explain the character’s ability to use magic that wouldn’t normally be taught within their guild.)

Ismeri Library

One of the greatest libraries on all Ravnica, the Ismeri Library is open to all citizens at all hours. Hundreds of thousands of books covering every conceivable subject are found here. The place is also one of the centers of Dimir communication. Secret messages are hidden within its books by a variety of methods both magical and mundane. Dimir agents might have to gather message fragments hidden within several different documents, for example, to find their next assignments or targets. Intricate codes and magical wards protect other secrets.

Goods and Services

Specialty items that are commonly used by scribes, researchers, and inventors can be found in many small shops in the precinct, usually run by a tinker or academic. Precinct Five also has the best apothecaries, alchemists, and magic-mongers in the Tenth District. On the other hand, mundane adventuring gear, weapons, and armor are harder to find.

Information is an especially valuable commodity in Precinct Five. In addition to holding booksellers, the precinct is home to a variety of people who make a living (or at least a sizable side income) selling information, including private investigators, rumormongers, and spies.

Meals and lodging of modest to wealthy quality are available here. Older and more experienced people—high-ranking Simic researchers or established scholars—tend to maintain lifestyles toward the more expensive end of that scale.

The poor are pitied and the most affluent are envied, so adventurers who maintain an aristocratic, poor, squalid, or wretched lifestyle, at the DM’s discretion, could have disadvantage on Charisma checks when interacting with residents of Precinct Five.


Law and Crime

Much of the crime in Precinct Five is of a sort that is hard to detect: blackmail, espionage, identity theft (of the literal kind, perpetrated by shapechangers), and the like. Most of the precinct’s residents spend their time absorbed in study, unaware that such activities might be happening under their noses. Only rarely does violence break out, and Azorius arresters try hard to keep the incident quiet and maintain public calm.

The typical response to a reported crime here is 1d12 minutes, and the force consists of two Azorius arresters (use the veteran stat block in the Monster Manual).

People and Rumors

People on the Street—Precinct Five

d12 Description
1 Alchemist, reviewing an ingredient list
2 Barkeep, picking up some dropped coins
3 Cartographer, laden with map cases
4 Engineer, reading a schematic
5 Homunculus, on an errand
6 Librarian, going home for tea
7 Poet, shopping for fresh produce
8 Professor, assessing a student
9 Scribe, hands stained with ink
10 Student, lost in a book
11 Tinker, out of breath from running
12 Vampire mind drinker, heading to the library


Rumors—Precinct Five

d6 Rumor
1 “The latest is that the translocation device is only operating within fifty percent of tolerances. I’m certain that funding will be pulled any day now.”
2 “I don’t know how Zameck does it, but they’ve certainly built a better soldier. And I hear some of the formulas have made it outside their halls.”
3 “That ghost haunting the history section of the Ismeri Library is back. I’ve heard this time it can speak, and it’s looking for someone.”
4 “Creatures of some sort of elemental composition were emerging from the Blistercoils this morning. Those things could be anywhere in the city by now.”
5 “I can’t believe Professor Zagany let her see his research. She’s going to take his findings to an information broker, I’m sure. He’ll never work again.”
6 “Sila has a new stock of exotic components. She says they can enhance spells in a way other components cannot.”

Precinct Six


Large warehouses, major thoroughfares, and nondescript worker tenements make the utilitarian Precinct Six a hub of activity for shipping, storage, and other mercantile concerns in the Tenth District. Wide cobblestone streets allow for the passage of beasts and constructs that transport raw goods from points beyond the Tenth and for the shipping of manufactured materials back to those locations. The demands of commerce keep the area constantly active, and the inconspicuous nature of the warehouses makes them popular as rendezvous points for all sorts of transactions, legal and illicit. At night, lurking undead and the horrors of the undercity, coming up from Deadbridge Chasm, keep wary citizens indoors, while a few people who deal in sinister magic seek the monsters out for nefarious purposes.

People who live in this working-class precinct are often practical-minded and thus tolerant of some degree of illicit activity. Being a good neighbor means keeping to yourself, unless you live in the Smelting Quarter, where the atmosphere is much more raucous.


Affiliated Guilds

The Orzhov Syndicate owns many of the warehouses in the precinct and controls much of the commerce around Tin Street. Members of the Golgari Swarm often crawl around the edges of Deadbridge Chasm, which is an opening to their sprawling subterranean network. The Boros Legion rents many of the warehouses to store manufactured goods from the Smelting Quarter, and Kamen Fortress houses a garrison to protect Boros interests. The Cult of Rakdos operates a number of pain clubs throughout the precinct, especially around Tin Street, and Rakdos street performances are more common in Precinct Six than anywhere else in the Tenth District.

Neighborhoods and Landmarks

Precinct Six is home to many working-class folk, most packed into modest apartments near their place of work. It’s also home to more than its share of monsters, most of which are active at night.

Smelting Quarter

The heart of the manufacturing industry in the Tenth District is at the north end of the precinct. The Smelting Quarter is smoky, hot, and filled with activity day and night. Goblins often make their homes near the factories on Foundry Street, preferring the constant activity to sleepier neighborhoods. Standing south and east of the quarter, Kamen Fortress is a Boros garrison dedicated to keeping watch on Rakdos activity. Clashes between the Boros Legion, the goblins, and the Cult of Rakdos are common throughout this part of the precinct.

Gore House

A Rakdos club called the Gore House, run by a viashino (lizardfolk) named Nyoser, occupies a defunct factory in the south end of the Smelting Quarter—and also houses the main entrance to the Demon’s Vestibule, the stairway down to Rix Maadi.

Medori Park

The western part of the precinct, Medori Park, is named after an Orzhov pontiff who converted a city park into a warehouse lot many years ago. This neighborhood is particularly rife with undead at night, both corporeal and incorporeal. Some serve dark masters and often guard valuables, while others pursue their own evil urges. The Orzhov Syndicate owns many large warehouses here, and the Boros Legion maintains facilities to store a variety of equipment used by their soldiers, including valuable weapons and armor. The most important facilities are heavily guarded—often by angels, whether Boros or Orzhov.

Deadbridge Chasm

A gaping opening in the ground dominates the precinct and is lined with mossy stairs and fungal blooms. Deadbridge Chasm serves as an entrance to the Golgari’s undercity realm and their guildhall, Korozda. The area smells of decomposition, an odor that grows particularly intense on hot days. Many kraul make their homes in the walls that line the cavernous descent, and Devkarin elves come up to the surface through this passage to trade on Tin Street.


The neighborhood of Wayport rises like a pillar from the midst of Deadbridge Chasm, and a number of bridges, large and small, connect it to the surrounding city of multiple vertical levels. Many goods traded with other districts are funneled along Tin Street, often pausing in Wayport’s warehouses along the way. But only the wealthiest merchants can afford storage space here.

Benzer’s Bridge

This wide bridge is a main thoroughfare for cargo traveling to and from districts beyond the Tenth. A small market is located here, complete with shops and restaurants, all of which close after dark. Secret pain clubs, hidden below the market in dark rooms inside the bridge itself, come alive after sunset.

Goods and Services

Trade goods can easily be acquired in Precinct Six, along with manufactured items such as artisan’s tools. Weapons, armor, and mounts are rarely on sale here. Fences deal in stolen and otherwise illicit goods. On Tin Street, which runs along the eastern side of the precinct, most anything can be had for the right price.

Meals and lodging of poor to modest quality meet the needs of the laborers, dock hands, and street performers of Precinct Six for a price they can afford. The wealthy are viewed as outsiders, and the truly impoverished are generally shunned.

At the DM’s discretion, adventurers who maintain a lifestyle less expensive than poor or more expensive than modest could have disadvantage on Charisma checks when interacting with residents of Precinct Six.

Law and Crime

The folk of Precinct Six are pragmatic, not overly concerned with the welfare of others, and thus often willing to disregard minor crimes. Arresters from the Azorius Senate can often be found on patrol in and around the warehouses. Soldiers from the Boros Legion are common near the warehouses and in the Smelting Quarter. The typical response time to a reported crime in these areas is 2d10 minutes, and the squad consists of two Boros soldier. At night or in the Smelting Quarter, a response to an attack might instead consist of 1d4 Boros Soldier led by a sergeant (use the knight stat block in the Monster Manual).

Precinct Six is a hotbed for illicit activity, particularly organized crime. Goblin gangs haunt the Smelting Quarter, most notably a large gang that claims Foundry Street, led by a goblin named Krenko. Vicious turf wars sometimes erupt in that area. Violent crimes occur with regularity all over the precinct, with most of the bodies ending up in Deadbridge Chasm. Night-lurking monsters are a particular problem in the precinct as well, often attacking and disappearing before help can arrive.

People and Rumors

People on the Street—Precinct Six

d12 Description
1 Actor, out getting a meal
2 Carpenter, heading to the next job
3 Devkarin elf (dark elf), on an errand
4 Goblin cutpurse, looking for an easy mark
5 Laborer, ready to head to the tavern
6 Merchant, looking for a Rakdos club
7 Metalsmith, grimy from a long day’s work
8 Performer, with a child apprentice
9 Shipwright, out buying some supplies
10 Soldier, off duty and enjoying a walk
11 Soldier, on duty and in a hurry
12 Teamster, spoiling for a fight

Rumors—Precinct Six

d6 Rumor
1 “Something very large was lurking in the chasm last night, and it knocked a carriage off a bridge. The passengers jumped out just in time!”
2 “I heard that Krenko’s gang has been trying to get their hands on mizzium, and are willing to pay a good price for it too.”
3 “The wight of Precinct Six has struck again! This morning, an arrester and a cutpurse were found dead in an alley, drained of their life. A bystander saw it happen.”
4 “Did you hear those shrieking sounds out near Benzer’s Bridge last night? Whatever it was, it didn’t sound like anything I’ve ever heard before. Chilling.”
5 “I hear Rhionna is closing up her forge. She says she’s getting sick of replacing stolen tools every week. The staff claims they’re innocent.”
6 “One of the warehouses out in Medori Park had an intense red glow shining through its windows yesterday. Smelled of sulfur. No one wants to go near it.”