Chapter 1: How to Play Yeah and no. I’m talking about owlbears, Morty! Getting Started Game Dice The Structure of Play Don’t let players trick you, Morty. Halving Six Abilities The Core Rule 4. The Dungeon Master is always right. Advantage and Disadvantage Ability Checks Strength Checks Dexterity Checks Constitution Checks Intelligence Checks Wisdom Checks OR Charisma Checks Saving Throws This is the core of it, Morty: }
Chapter 2: Combat The Order of Combat Combat Step by Step Surprise Initiative Your Turn Reactions Movement and Position Breaking Up Your Move Difficult Terrain Being Prone Moving Around Other Creatures Actions in Combat Casting a Spell Attack Dash Disengage Dodge Help Hide Ready Search Use an Object Making an Attack Attack Rolls Take a photo of it and send it to your mom. Unseen Attackers and Targets Ranged Attacks Melee Attacks Opportunity Attacks Two-Weapon Fighting Cover Damage and Healing Hit Points Damage Rolls That’s a D&D Rickth Edition p-p-power move, Morty. Damage Resistance and Vulnerability Healing Dropping to 0 Hit Points The universe doesn’t care about any of us, Morty. Knocking a Creature Out I’m up! I’m up! I’m up!
Chapter 3: Adventuring Let’s keep going! Travel Marching Order Special Forms of Movement Resting Short Rest Long Rest Rewards Coinage Equipment Carrying Capacity Armor and Shields Armor Proficiency Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor Shields Weapons Weapon Proficiency WRONG! Weapon Properties Simple Melee Weapons Simple Ranged Weapons Martial Melee Weapons Martial Ranged Weapons {@comic Marital Emotional Weapons} Improvised Weapons Miscellaneous Gear and Services Adventuring Gear Mounts and Other Animals Tack and Harness Food, Drink, and Lodging
Chapter 4: Spellcasting What Is a Spell? Spell Level Known and Prepared Spells Spell Slots Cantrips Rituals Casting a Spell Casting Time Range Components Duration Targets Areas of Effect Saving Throws Attack Rolls Combining Magical Effects Spell Lists Cleric Spells Wizard Spells Spells Aid Augury Beacon of Hope Bless Blur Burning Hands Charm Person Command Comprehend Languages Cure Wounds Dancing Lights Darkness Detect Magic Dispel Magic Feather Fall Fireball Flaming Sphere Fly Guidance Guiding Bolt Healing Word Hold Person Identify Inflict Wounds Invisibility Lesser Restoration Light Lightning Bolt Mage Armor Mage Hand Magic Missile Mass Healing Word Misty Step Prayer of Healing Prestidigitation Protection from Energy Ray of Frost Resistance Revivify Sacred Flame Sanctuary Shield Shield of Faith Shocking Grasp Silence Sleep Spider Climb Spirit Guardians Spiritual Weapon Suggestion Thaumaturgy Thunderwave Warding Bond Web
Appendix A: Conditions Blinded Charmed Deafened Exhaustion Frightened Grappled Incapacitated Invisible Paralyzed Petrified Poisoned Prone Restrained Stunned Unconscious
{@comicH1 APPENDIX B: WHAT IS THE F***ING POINT?!} Okay, Morty. That’s what D&D really is, Morty. Roll the dice. Get stupid. Truth bomb barruuuuurrrrp age!