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The Handy Haversack

DM Screen

NPC Characteristics

d20 Characteristic
1 Absentminded
2 Arrogant
3 Boorish
4 Chews something
5 Clumsy
6 Curious
7 Dim-witted
8 Fiddles and fidgets nervously
9 Frequently uses the wrong word
10 Friendly
11 Irritable
12 Prone to predictions of certain doom
13 Pronounced scar
14 Slurs words, lisps, or stutters
15 Speaks loudly or whispers
16 Squints
17 Stares into distance
18 Suspicious
19 Uses colorful oaths and exclamations
20 Uses flowery speech or long words

NPC Ideals

d20 Ideal (Alignment)
1 Aspiration (any)
2 Charity (good)
3 Community (lawful)
4 Creativity (chaotic)
5 Discovery (any)
6 Fairness (lawful)
7 Freedom (chaotic)
8 Glory (any)
9 Greater good (good)
10 Greed (evil)
11 Honor (lawful)
12 Independence (chaotic)
13 Knowledge (neutral)
14 Life (good)
15 Live and let live (neutral)
16 Might (evil)
17 Nation (any)
18 People (neutral)
19 Power (evil)
20 Redemption (any)

NPC Bonds

d10 Bonds
1 Personal goal or achievement
2 Family member
3 Colleagues or compatriots
4 Benefactor, patron, or employer
5 Romantic interest
6 Special place
7 Keepsake
8 Valuable possession
9 Revenge
10 Roll twice, ignoring further rolls of 10

NPC Flaws

d12 Flaw
1 Forbidden love or romantic susceptibility
2 Dependence
3 Arrogance
4 Envy of another person’s possessions or station
5 Overpowering greed
6 Prone to rage
7 Powerful enemy
8 Specific phobia
9 Shameful or scandalous history
10 Secret crime or misdeed
11 Possession of forbidden lore
12 Foolhardy bravery

Name Generator

d20 Beginning
5 A-
6 Be-
7 De-
8 El-
9 Fa-
10 Jo-
11 Ki-
12 La-
13 Ma-
14 Na-
15 O-
16 Pa-
17 Re-
18 Se-
19 Si-
20 Ta-
d20 Middle
1 bar
2 ched
3 dell
4 far
5 gran
6 hal
7 jen
8 kel
9 lim
10 mor
11 net
12 penn
13 quil
14 rond
15 sark
16 shen
17 tur
18 vash
19 yor
20 zen
d20 End
2 -a
3 -ac
4 -ai
5 -al
6 -am
7 -an
8 -ar
9 -ea
10 -el
11 -er
12 -ess
13 -ett
14 -ic
15 -id
16 -il
17 -in
18 -is
19 -or
20 -us

Encounter Distance

Terrain Encounter Distance
Arctic, desert, farmland, or grassland 6d6 × 10 feet
Forest, swamp, or woodland 2d8 × 10 feet
Hills or wastelands 2d10 × 10 feet
Jungle 2d6 × 10 feet
Mountains 4d10 × 10 feet
Audible Distance
Trying to be quiet 2d6 × 5 feet
Normal noise level 2d6 × 10 feet
Very loud 2d6 × 50 feet
Visibility Outdoors
Clear day, no obstructions 2 miles
Rain 1 mile
Fog 100 to 300 feet
From a height × 20

Something happens!

d20 Event
1 A door opens.
2 A fire starts.
3 A meteor shoots across the sky.
4 A monster appears.
5 A screech pierces the air.
6 A storm begins.
7 A strange star appears in the sky.
8 A strong gust oif wind blows through.
9 A tremor shakes the ground.
10 Someone experiences déjà vu.
11 Someone gets angry.
12 Someone glimpses the future.
13 Someone has a sense of foreboding.
14 Someone has to go to the bathroom.
15 Something spills or falls to the ground.
16 Something isn’t where it’s supposed to be.
17 The lights go out.
18 The sun comes out.
19 There’s a foul smell in the air.
20 Unexplained magic occurs.

Quick Finds

d12 Find
1 Artwork
2 Body
3 Food or drink
4 Jewelery
5 Key
6 Letter
7 Magic herbs
8 Map
9 Monster parts
10 Secret message
11 Signet or insignia
12 Tome


Source Bright Light Dim Light Duration
Candle 5 ft. + 5 ft. 1 hour
Lamp 15 ft. + 30 ft. 6 hours
Lantern, bullseye 60 ft. cone + 60 ft. 6 hours
Lantern, hooded 30 ft. + 30 ft. 6 hours
    Lowered hood + 5 ft.
Torch 20 ft. + 20 ft. 1 hour