Unwelcome Spirits Story Overview Adventure Summary Setup and Starting Points Mission in Urzin Buhfal’s Boon Preparing for the Journey Exploring Brokenveil Marsh Navigation Describing the Journey Random Encounters B1. Urzin’s March B2. Withered Grove B3. Sunken Boneyard B4. Crumbling Tower B5. Bullywug Cave B6. Ritual Stone B7. Brokenveil Bluffs B8. The Mossback Steward B9. Fort Venture Character Advancement Infiltrating Fort Venture Bol’bara’s Exorcism V1. Palisade V2. Tent Yard V3. Commander’s Quarters V4. Training Yard V5. Main Hall Infiltrating Fort Venture (V6-V11) V6. Chapel V7. Armory Tent V8. Jail V9. Storehouse V10. Kennels V11. Latrines Return to Urzin Concluding the Adventure Character Advancement