Dangerous Designs Story Overview Adventure Summary Setup and Starting Points A Boom in the Night Prison Break! H1. Ironlot Streets H2. Gearhole Prison H3. The Builder’s Plot H4. Lay of the Land Herbalist H5. Firemark Facility H6. Nima Cinnarid’s House Other Hupperdook Locations Ascending the Mountain Peak of Silver Falls Silver Falls Cavern Character Advancement Next Moves Stahlmast’s Lair Steel Door Entering the Lair L1. Turret Cavern L2. Armory L3. Volatile Materials Storage L4. Recreation Room L5. Stahlmast’s Workroom L6. Kitchen L7. Prison Cells Stahlmast’s Lair (areas L8-L14) L8. Shark Chamber L9. Training Room L10. Ambassador’s Bedroom L11. Kobold Barracks L12. Steam Trap L13. Blacksmith’s Chamber L14. Smithy Stahlmast’s Lair (areas L15-L20) L15. Storage Chamber L16. Infirmary L17. Surgery L18. Stahlmast’s Bedroom L19. Clockwork Forge L20. Passage to the Underdark Concluding the Adventure New Lodgings? Character Advancement