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The Handy Haversack

Magic Items

This appendix describes new magic items that appear in the adventure, and which are presented here in alphabetical order.

Several of these items are found in the possession of specific NPCs:

  • Aurinax has the dragonstaff of Ahghairon.
  • Jalester Silvermane has a badge of the Watch.
  • Jarlaxle Baenre has a bracer of flying daggers, a feather of diatryma summoning, a knave’s eye patch, and a ring of truth telling.
  • Meloon Wardragon has Azuredge.
  • Vajra Safahr has the Blackstaff.

The following items appear in various locations in the adventure:

  • Azuredge
  • Badge of the Watch
  • Blackstaff
  • Bracer of Flying Daggers
  • Dragonstaff of Ahghairon
  • Feather of Diatryma Summoning
  • Knave’s Eye Patch
  • Lord’s Ensemble
  • Paper Bird
  • Ring of Truth Telling
  • Smokepowder
  • Stone of Golorr

Badge of the Watch

Lord’s Ensemble

Paper Bird

The Stone of Golorr