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The Handy Haversack


In Waterdeep, a gold coin is called a dragon, and someone has hidden half a million dragons in the City of Splendors. Tyler Jacobson illustrates the villains hunting for the treasure. May the gods protect any adventurer who stands in their way!

A simple question began rattling around in my head over two years ago as I was bidding farewell to Barovia, dragging myself out of the depths of Maelstrom, and planning a yearlong expedition to Chult. Where do we go next? After mulling over several options, we decided it would be refreshing to return to civilization. Waterdeep: Dragon Heist is a treasure hunt with an urban backdrop. We’ve visited Waterdeep before, but not like this. Clever heroes will respect the city’s rules. Those who get on the city’s bad side are in for a rough time, as the City of Splendors is home to some of the most powerful figures in the Forgotten Realms.

Charlie Sanders, a lifelong D&D player, brought his experience writing for television to the project by helping flesh out the story bible months before work on the adventure was scheduled to begin. Matthew Mercer, whom you might know from the livestreamed show Critical Role, lent us his boundless imagination and helped flesh out the villains and their motives. A D&D adventure is only as good as its villains, and Waterdeep: Dragon Heist has multiple baddies to choose from.

Before I pull back the curtain and lead you into the heart of Waterdeep, I wish to thank Ed Greenwood for making the City of Splendors what it is: the kind of magical place you wish in your heart was real.

Chris Perkins December 2017

Pronunciation Guide

Name Pronunciation
Agorn Fuoco AY-gorn foo-OH-koh
Ahghairon ah-GAIR-awn
Ahmaergo ah-MAIR-go
Alcedor Kolat awl-SEE-door KOH-lat
Alturiak (month) awl-TUR-ee-ak
Amath Sercent AH-math SER-sent
Ammalia Cassalanter ah-MAW-lee-ah KAS-ah-lan-ter
Arn Xalrondar ARN zal-RON-dar
Aurinax OR-ah-nax
Avareen Windrivver ah-vah-REEN
Bregan D’aerthe BRAY-gan DAIRTH
Corylus Thann KOR-eh-luss
Davil Starsong DAH-vil
Duhlark Kolat doo-LARK KOH-lat
Eleasis (month) eh-LEE-sis
Eleint (month) eh-LAINT
Esvele Rosznar EZ-veh-lay RAWJ-nar
Fala Lefaliir FAH-lah LEF-ah-leer
Fel’rekt Lafeen FEL-rekt lah-FEEN
Fenerus Stormcastle FEN-er-us
Flamerule (month) FLAME-rool
Floon Blagmaar FLOON BLAG-mar
Hlam huh-LAWM
Holvan Ebberek HOLE-van EBB-er-ek
Hrabbaz hrah-BAWZ
Hyustus Staget HEW-stus STAG-it
Iokaste Daliano i-oh-KAW-stay daw-lee-AH-noh
Istrid Horn ISS-trid
Jalester Silvermane JAH-less-ter
Jarlaxle Baenre jar-LAX-ull BANE-ray
Jelenn Urmbrusk juh-LEN URM-brusk
Jeryth Phaulkon JAIR-ith FAWL-kon
Jezrynne Hornraven JEZ-rin
Kaevja Cynavern CAVE-yah SIN-ah-vern
Kalain kah-LAIN
Karabal L’enz KAWR-ah-bawl LENZ
Khafeyta Murzan kah-FAY-tah mur-ZAWN
Korgstrod Uxgulm KORG-strawd UX-gulm
Krebbyg Masq’il’yr KREH-big MASK-il-eer
Kythorn (month) KY-thorn
Laeral Silverhand LAIR-awl
Laiba Rosse LAY-bah ROSS-uh
Llorath Pharn LOR-ath FARN
Losser Mirklav LOSS-er MER-klav
Manshoon man-SHOON
Margo Verida MAR-go veh-REE-dah
Marro Qaz’arrt MAW-row kah-ZART
Mattrim Mereg MAT-trim MAIR-egg
Melannor Fellbranch MEL-ah-nor
Meloon Wardragon may-LOON
Mirtul (month) MER-tul
Nar’l Xibrindas NAR-ul zeh-BRIN-das
Nihiloor NYE-heh-lure
Obaya Uday oh-BYE-yah oo-DAY
Orond Gralhund oh-ROND GRAWL-hoond
Raelyn Auvryndar RAY-lin ah-VRIN-dar
Remallia Haventree reh-MAW-lee-ah
Renaer Neverember reh-NAIR
Rishaal ree-SHAWL
Rongquan Mystere RONG-kwan mis-TAIR
Saeth Cromley SAYTH KROM-lee
Savra Belabranta SAV-rah bel-ah-BRAN-tah
Seffia Naelryke SEF-yah NAIL-rike
Sidra Romeir SID-rah roh-MEER
Skarn Zarphoul SKARN ZAR-fool
Skeemo Weirdbottle SKEE-moh
Soluun Xibrindas soh-LOON zeh-BRIN-das
Talisolvanar Fellbranch tal-iss-AWL-van-ar
Tarsakh (month) TAR-sack
Tashlyn Yafeera TASH-lin yah-FEER-ah
Tissina Khyret teh-SEE-nah KYE-ret
Tylan Ilueph TYE-lan ill-OO-eff
Umbero Zastro um-BAIR-oh ZASS-troh
Urlaster Ghann ur-LASS-ter GAN
Urstul Floxin UR-stool FLOX-in
Vaelle Lurval vay-ELLE lur-VAWL
Vajra Safahr VOJ-rah sah-FAR
Velgos Ephezzrin VEL-gohs eh-FEZ-rin
Vevette Blackwater veh-VET
Vhaspar Holmdreg VASS-par HOLM-dreg
Victoro Cassalanter vik-TOR-oh KAS-ah-lan-ter
Volkarr Kibbens VOAL-kar KIB-enz
Volothamp Geddarm VOH-loh-thamp geh-DARM
Westra Moltimmur WES-trah MOLT-im-ur
Xanathar ZAN-ah-thar
Yagra Stonefist YAG-raw
Yalah Gralhund YAW-law GRAWL-hoond
Yaliek Iltizmar yah-LEEK ill-TIZ-mar
Zaibon Kyszalt ZYE-bawn kij-ALT
Ziraj the Hunter zeer-AWJ
Zorbog Jyarkoth ZOR-bog jee-AR-kothT





DMs' Map—Waterdeep

DMs' Map—Waterdeep NW

DMs' Map—Waterdeep SW

DMs' Map—Waterdeep W

DMs' Map—Waterdeep E

DMs' Map—Waterdeep NE

DMs' Map—Waterdeep SE

Players' Map—Waterdeep

Players' Map—Waterdeep NW

Players' Map—Waterdeep SW

Players' Map—Waterdeep W

Players' Map—Waterdeep E

Players' Map—Waterdeep NE

Players' Map—Waterdeep SE