Port Nyanzaru has a lot going on even without random encounters, but if the characters spend time exploring the city, a few random incidents can help bring that experience to life. Roll a d20 three times per day of game time, checking for encounters each morning, afternoon, and evening or night. An encounter occurs on a roll of 16 or higher. Roll a d20 and check the Port Nyanzaru Encounters table to determine what the characters encounter, or simply choose an encounter you like.
Port Nyanzaru Encounter Chance
d20 | Result |
1-15 | No Encounter |
16-20 | Port Nyanzaru Encounters |
Port Nyanzaru Encounters
d20 | Encounter |
1 | area Parrot |
2 | area Ankylosaurus |
3 | area Merchant |
4 | area Sailor |
5 | area Beggar |
6 | area Alarm |
7 | area Look Out |
8 | area Minstrel |
9 | area Thief |
10 | area Volo |
11-20 | area Side Quest |
A parrot poops on a random character’s head.
Near the harbor, an ankylosaurus that tows boats through the warehouse canals goes on a rampage and must be calmed, restrained, or killed.
A merchant shouts, “Stop! Thief!” as a furtive youngster (commoner) rushes past the characters. If the thief is caught, the grateful merchant can introduce characters to a merchant prince or provide them one other favor.
A drunk foreign sailor (unarmored veteran) is loudly trying to pick a fight with three local commoner, who are clearly no match for the lout. If the characters intervene, the grateful locals become a reliable source of information about Port Nyanzaru, but the sailor and his shipmates ambush the characters elsewhere in the city later on.
A beggar (commoner) grabs a character by the arm and shouts,
“The ancient one beneath the Forbidden City gives birth to a terrible new god! The snake-men know! They know!”
Then he stumbles away into the crowd. Passersby tell the adventurers to ignore the beggar, and that his predictions are wrong most of the time.
Alarm horns declare that undead are attacking Malar’s Throat. Mercenaries keep the monsters out of the city proper, but people are trapped in the temple of Tymora and besieged by 2d6 zombie and 2d6 skeleton led by a ghoul. If the characters defeat the undead, the temple rewards them with 5 gallons of tej and a
Look Out
Shouts of “Look out!” give a character a brief warning as a water barrel, building stone, or other heavy weight crashes down. The character must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or be struck, taking 14 (4d6) bludgeoning damage. Any character who succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check spots a disguised yuan-ti pureblood slinking away from the scene.
A tabaxi minstrel asks one of the characters for a gold piece to stake her for gambling, promising to pay it back. If the character agrees, the tabaxi makes good on her promise the next day, returning a pouch containing 10 gp.
A thief (spy) tries to pick the pocket of one of the characters.
The characters run into Volothamp “Volo” Geddarm, who is delivering a copy of his new book to one of the city’s merchant princes. There is a 50 percent chance that Volo is drunk.
Side Quest
The characters meet an NPC with a side quest
Wilderness Encounters
While the characters are exploring or camping in the wilderness, roll a d20 three times per day of game time, checking for encounters each morning, afternoon, and evening or night. An encounter occurs on a roll of 16 or higher. Roll percentile dice and check the Wilderness Encounters table for the terrain appropriate to where the characters are. After determining what the characters encounter, you can use the information presented later in this appendix to bring the encounter to life.
The maps of Chult have regions marked as undead territory (lesser or greater). The Wilderness Encounters table has separate columns you should use when determining encounters in these undead-infested regions, or in regions with no undead.
If your players tire of random encounters, make such encounters less common by having them occur on a roll of 18 or higher, or only 20. You can also let the players narrate their way through avoiding easy encounters, or you can increase the difficulty of easy encounters to keep them exciting. One way to make an encounter more challenging is to have it trigger a second random encounter. For example, a fight with goblins might attract a nearby pack of ghouls or dinosaurs. You can also shorten encounters by having monsters flee when they lose the tactical advantage or most of their hit points.
Random encounters aren’t tailored to characters of a particular level. If the characters encounter hostile creatures beyond their ability to defeat, give them opportunities to run, hide, negotiate, or otherwise avoid certain death. You can also have other creatures arrive and provide a distraction that the characters can use to make their escape. For example, if a character needs to make a crucial ability check or saving throw, you can have a chwinga appear, cast
Wilderness Beach Chance - High
d20 | Result |
1-15 | No Encounter |
16-20 | Wilderness Beach Encounters |
Wilderness Beach Chance - Medium
d20 | Result |
1-17 | No Encounter |
18-20 | Wilderness Beach Encounters |
Wilderness Beach Chance - Low
d20 | Result |
1-19 | No Encounter |
20 | Wilderness Beach Encounters |
Wilderness Beach Encounters
d100 | Encounter |
1-7 | area Aarakocra |
8 | area Artus Cimber |
9-10 | area Cache |
11-12 | area Chwinga |
13-14 | Dinosaurs, area allosaurus |
15-16 | Dinosaurs, area dimetrodon |
17-21 | Dinosaurs, area plesiosaurus |
22-28 | Dinosaurs, area pteranodon |
29-31 | Dinosaurs, area quetzalcoatlus |
32-37 | Dinosaurs, area velociraptor |
38-40 | area Dragon, red |
41-42 | area Emerald Enclave |
43-46 | area Explorers |
47-49 | area Flaming Fist |
50-52 | area Flying monkeys |
53-55 | area Flying snakes |
56-57 | area Frost giants |
58-63 | area Giant lizards |
64-67 | area Giant snapping turtle |
68-71 | area Lizardfolk |
72-74 | area Red Wizard |
75-84 | area Sea hags |
85-87 | area Stirges |
88-89 | area Swarms of bats |
90-94 | area Tabaxi hunter |
95-00 | area Tri-flower frond |
Jungle - No Undead
Wilderness Jungle No Undead Chance - High
d20 | Result |
1-15 | No Encounter |
16-20 | Wilderness Jungle No Undead Encounters |
Wilderness Jungle No Undead Chance - Medium
d20 | Result |
1-17 | No Encounter |
18-20 | Wilderness Jungle No Undead Encounters |
Wilderness Jungle No Undead Chance - Low
d20 | Result |
1-19 | No Encounter |
20 | Wilderness Jungle No Undead Encounters |
Wilderness Jungle No Undead Encounters
d100 | Result |
1 | area Albino dwarves |
2 | area Almiraj |
3-4 | area Apes |
5 | area Artus Cimber |
6-7 | area Assassin vines |
8 | area Axe beaks |
9 | area Baboons |
10-11 | area Cache |
12-13 | area Cannibals |
14-15 | area Chwinga |
16 | area Cyclops |
17 | Dinosaurs, area allosaurus |
18 | Dinosaurs, area ankylosaurus |
19 | Dinosaurs, area brontosaurus |
20-21 | Dinosaurs, area deinonychus |
22-23 | Dinosaurs, area hadrosaurus |
24 | Dinosaurs, area pteranodon |
25-26 | Dinosaurs, area stegosaurus |
27-28 | Dinosaurs, area triceratops |
29-30 | Dinosaurs, area tyrannosaurus |
31-35 | Dinosaurs, area velociraptor |
36 | area Dragon, faerie |
37 | area Eblis |
38-42 | area Emerald Enclave |
43-44 | area Explorer, dead |
45 | area Explorers |
46 | area Flail snail |
47-50 | area Flaming Fist |
51 | area Flying monkeys |
52-53 | area Flying snakes |
54-55 | area Frost giants |
56 | area Giant boars |
57 | area Giant frogs |
58 | area Giant lizards |
59 | area Giant scorpions |
60 | area Giant wasps |
61-62 | area Girallons |
63-64 | area Goblins |
65-66 | area Grungs |
67 | area Jaculis |
68 | area Kamadans |
69-70 | area Lizardfolk |
71-72 | area Mad monkey mist |
73 | area Mantraps |
74 | area Night hag |
75 | area Pterafolk |
76 | area Rare plant(s) |
77 | area Red Wizard |
78-79 | area Snake, constrictor |
80 | area Snake, giant constrictor |
81 | area Snake, giant poisonous |
82 | area Spiders |
83-85 | area Statue of Ubtao |
86 | area Stirges |
87 | area Su-monsters |
88 | area Swarms of bats |
89 | area Swarms of insects |
90 | area Tabaxi hunter |
91 | area Tiger |
92 | area Tri-flower frond |
93 | area Vegepygmies |
94 | area Wereboar |
95 | area Weretiger |
96 | area Winterscape |
97 | area Yellow musk creeper and zombies |
98 | area Yuan-ti |
99 | area Zhentarim |
100 | area Zorbos |
Jungle - Lesser Undead
Wilderness Jungle Lesser Undead Chance - High
d20 | Result |
1-15 | No Encounter |
16-20 | Wilderness Jungle Lesser Undead Encounters |
Wilderness Jungle Lesser Undead Chance - Medium
d20 | Result |
1-17 | No Encounter |
18-20 | Wilderness Jungle Lesser Undead Encounters |
Wilderness Jungle Lesser Undead Chance - Low
d20 | Result |
1-19 | No Encounter |
20 | Wilderness Jungle Lesser Undead Encounters |
Wilderness Jungle Lesser Undead Encounters
d100 | Result |
1 | area Albino dwarves |
2 | area Artus Cimber |
3-5 | area Assassin vines |
6 | area Axe beaks |
7-8 | area Cache |
9-10 | area Cannibals |
11 | Dinosaurs, area allosaurus |
12 | Dinosaurs, area ankylosaurus |
13 | Dinosaurs, area deinonychus |
14 | Dinosaurs, area hadrosaurus |
15 | Dinosaurs, area pteranodon |
16 | Dinosaurs, area stegosaurus |
17 | Dinosaurs, area triceratops |
18 | Dinosaurs, area tyrannosaurus |
19-20 | area Emerald Enclave |
21-22 | area Explorer, dead |
23 | area Explorers |
24-26 | area Flaming Fist |
27 | area Flying snakes |
28 | area Giant lizards |
29 | area Giant wasps |
30-31 | area Girallons |
32-33 | area Goblins |
34-35 | area Grungs |
36-39 | area Mad monkey mist |
40-41 | area Mantraps |
42 | area Night hag |
43-44 | area Pterafolk |
45 | area Rare plant(s) |
46 | area Red Wizard |
47-48 | area Snake, constrictor |
49 | area Snake, giant constrictor |
50 | area Snake, giant poisonous |
51-52 | area Spiders |
53-55 | area Statue of Ubtao |
56-57 | area Stirges |
58-59 | area Su-monsters |
60-62 | area Swarms of bats |
63-65 | area Swarms of insects |
66 | area Tri-flower frond |
67 | area Troll |
68-72 | area Undead, ghouls, ghouls |
73-77 | area Undead, skeletons, skeletons |
78-79 | Undead, area specter |
80 | Undead, area wight |
81-89 | Undead, area zombies |
90-91 | area Vegepygmies |
92 | area Wereboar |
93 | area Weretiger |
94 | area Winterscape |
95-96 | area Yellow musk creeper and zombies |
97-98 | area Yuan-ti |
99 | area Zhentarim |
100 | area Zorbos |
Jungle - Greater Undead
Wilderness Jungle Greater Undead Chance - High
d20 | Result |
1-15 | No Encounter |
16-20 | Wilderness Jungle Greater Undead Encounters |
Wilderness Jungle Greater Undead Chance - Medium
d20 | Result |
1-17 | No Encounter |
18-20 | Wilderness Jungle Greater Undead Encounters |
Wilderness Jungle Greater Undead Chance - Low
d20 | Result |
1-19 | No Encounter |
20 | Wilderness Jungle Greater Undead Encounters |
Wilderness Jungle Greater Undead Encounters
d100 | Result |
1 | area Artus Cimber |
2 | area Assassin vines |
3-5 | area Cache |
6 | Dinosaurs, area allosaurus |
7 | Dinosaurs, area ankylosaurus |
8 | Dinosaurs, area hadrosaurus |
9 | Dinosaurs, area pteranodon |
10 | Dinosaurs, area stegosaurus |
11-12 | Dinosaurs, area tyrannosaurus |
13-14 | Dinosaurs, area velociraptor |
15-16 | area Emerald Enclave |
17-20 | area Explorer, dead |
21 | area Explorers |
22-23 | area Flaming Fist |
24 | area Giant wasps |
25 | area Mantraps |
26 | area Pterafolk |
27 | area Rare plant(s) |
28 | area Red Wizard |
29-31 | area Snake, constrictor |
32 | area Snake, giant constrictor |
33 | area Snake, giant poisonous |
34-36 | area Spiders |
37-40 | area Statue of Ubtao |
41-44 | area Stirges |
45 | area Su-monsters |
46 | area Swarms of bats |
47-49 | area Swarms of insects |
50 | area Tri-flower frond |
51 | area Troll |
52-63 | Undead, area ghouls |
64-67 | Undead, area skeletons |
68-70 | Undead, area specter |
71-73 | Undead, area wight |
74-85 | Undead, area zombies |
86-87 | area Vegepygmies |
88-89 | area Wereboar |
90-91 | area Weretiger |
92 | area Winterscape |
93-96 | area Yellow musk creeper and zombies |
97-98 | area Yuan-ti |
99-100 | area Zorbos |
Wilderness Mountain Chance - High
d20 | Result |
1-15 | No Encounter |
16-20 | Wilderness Mountain Encounters |
Wilderness Mountain Chance - Medium
d20 | Result |
1-17 | No Encounter |
18-20 | Wilderness Mountain Encounters |
Wilderness Mountain Chance - Low
d20 | Result |
1-19 | No Encounter |
20 | Wilderness Mountain Encounters |
Wilderness Mountain Encounters
d100 | Result |
1-11 | area Aarakocra |
12-17 | area Albino dwarves |
18-20 | area Apes |
21-22 | area Baboons |
23-25 | area Cache |
26-27 | area Chwinga |
28-29 | area Cyclops |
30-38 | Dinosaurs, area pteranodon |
39-42 | Dinosaurs, area quetzalcoatlus |
43-45 | area Dragon, red |
46-47 | area Emerald Enclave |
48-50 | area Explorer, dead |
51-53 | area Explorers |
54-59 | area Flying monkeys |
60-61 | area Flying snakes |
62 | area Giant boars |
63 | area Giant lizards |
64-65 | area Giant wasps |
66-70 | area Girallons |
71-73 | area Night hag |
74-80 | area Pterafolk |
81 | area Red Wizard |
82-84 | area Snake, giant poisonous |
85-87 | area Stirges |
88-90 | area Swarms of bats |
91-92 | area Tabaxi hunter |
93-97 | area Troll |
98-100 | area Wereboar |
Wilderness River Chance - High
d20 | Result |
1-15 | No Encounter |
16-20 | Wilderness River Encounters |
Wilderness River Chance - Medium
d20 | Result |
1-17 | No Encounter |
18-20 | Wilderness River Encounters |
Wilderness River Chance - Low
col-2 text-center | col-10 |
1-19 | No Encounter |
20 | Wilderness River Encounters |
Wilderness River Encounters
d100 | Result |
1-3 | area Aarakocra |
4-7 | area Aldani |
8-9 | area Artus Cimber |
10 | area Assassin vines |
11-12 | area Cache |
13-15 | area Cannibals |
16-18 | area Chwinga |
19-23 | area Crocodiles |
24 | Dinosaurs, area brontosaurus |
25-26 | Dinosaurs, area dimetrodon |
27-28 | Dinosaurs, area hadrosaurus |
29-31 | Dinosaurs, area plesiosaurus |
32-34 | Dinosaurs, area pteranodon |
35-36 | Dinosaurs, area quetzalcoatlus |
37 | area Dragon, faerie |
38-40 | area Eblis |
41-43 | area Emerald Enclave |
44-45 | area Explorer, dead |
46-49 | area Explorers |
50-51 | area Flaming Fist |
52-53 | area Flying monkeys |
54-55 | area Flying snakes |
56-58 | area Giant crocodile |
59-60 | area Giant frogs |
61-62 | area Giant snapping Turtle |
63 | area Giant wasps |
64-66 | area Grungs |
67 | area Jaculis |
68 | area Lizardfolk |
69-70 | area Mad monkey mist |
71-72 | area Pterafolk |
73 | area Rare plant(s) |
74 | area Red Wizard |
75-76 | area Sea hags |
77-79 | area Snake, constrictor |
80 | area Snake, giant constrictor |
81 | area Statue of Ubtao |
82-83 | area Stirges |
84-85 | area Swarms of insects |
86-91 | area Swarms of quippers |
92-93 | Tabaxi hunter |
94 | Undead, area ghouls |
95 | Undead, area skeletons |
96 | Undead, area zombies |
97-98 | area Yuan-ti |
99-100 | area Zhentarim |
Wilderness Ruins Chance - High
d20 | Result |
1-15 | No Encounter |
16-20 | Wilderness Ruins Encounters |
Wilderness Ruins Chance - Medium
d20 | Result |
1-17 | No Encounter |
18-20 | Wilderness Ruins Encounters |
Wilderness Ruins Chance - Low
d20 | Result |
1-19 | No Encounter |
20 | Wilderness Ruins Encounters |
Wilderness Ruins Encounters
d100 | Result |
1-2 | area Albino dwarves |
3 | area Almiraj |
4-6 | area Apes |
7-8 | area Artus Cimber |
9-12 | area Assassin vines |
13-14 | area Baboons |
15-18 | area Cache |
19 | area Chwinga |
20-21 | area Cyclops |
22 | Dinosaurs, area deinonychus |
23 | Dinosaurs, area velociraptor |
24-26 | area Emerald Enclave |
27-28 | area Explorer, dead |
29-31 | area Explorers |
32-33 | area Flail snail |
34-36 | area Flaming Fist |
37-38 | area Flying monkeys |
39 | area Flying snakes |
40-41 | area Frost giants |
42 | area Giant lizards |
43-45 | area Giant scorpions |
46-48 | area Giant wasps |
49-50 | area Girallons |
51-52 | area Goblins |
53-54 | area Jaculis |
55-57 | area Kamadans |
58 | area Lizardfolk |
59-60 | area Mad monkey mist |
61 | area Night hag |
62 | area Rare plant(s) |
63 | area Red Wizard |
64-66 | area Snake, giant poisonous |
67-68 | area Spiders |
69-73 | area Statue of Ubtao |
74-75 | area Stirges |
76-77 | area Swarms of bats |
78 | area Tabaxi hunter |
79-80 | area Tri-flower frond |
81 | area Troll |
82-84 | Undead, area ghouls |
85-87 | Undead, area skeletons |
88-89 | Undead, area specter |
90-91 | Undead, area wight |
92-93 | Undead, area zombies |
94 | area Weretiger |
95 | area Winterscape |
96 | area Yellow musk creeper and zombies |
97-98 | area Yuan-ti |
99-100 | area Zhentarim |
Wilderness Swamp Chance - High
d20 | Result |
1-15 | No Encounter |
16-20 | Wilderness Swamp Encounters |
Wilderness Swamp Chance - Medium
d20 | Result |
1-17 | No Encounter |
18-20 | Wilderness Swamp Encounters |
Wilderness Swamp Chance - Low
d20 | Result |
1-19 | No Encounter |
20 | Wilderness Swamp Encounters |
Wilderness Swamp Encounters
d100 | Result |
1-10 | area Aldani |
11 | area Artus Cimber |
12-14 | area Assassin vines |
15-16 | area Chwinga |
17-21 | area Crocodiles |
22 | Dinosaurs, area allosaurus |
23 | Dinosaurs, area ankylosaurus |
24-25 | Dinosaurs, area brontosaurus |
26-30 | Dinosaurs, area dimetrodon |
31-33 | Dinosaurs, area hadrosaurus |
34-35 | Dinosaurs, area pteranodon |
36-39 | area Eblis |
40-41 | area Explorer, dead |
42-45 | area Explorers |
46-47 | area Flail snail |
48-50 | area Flying snakes |
51-53 | area Giant crocodile |
54-56 | area Giant frogs |
57-58 | area Giant lizards |
59-60 | area Giant snapping Turtle |
61-62 | area Giant wasps |
63-64 | area Grungs |
65-66 | area Lizardfolk |
67-69 | area Mad monkey mist |
70 | area Mephits |
71 | area Night hag |
72 | area Rare plant(s) |
73-76 | area Shambling mound |
77-80 | area Snake, constrictor |
81-82 | area Snake, giant constrictor |
83-85 | area Statue of Ubtao |
86-87 | area Stirges |
88-89 | area Swarms of bats |
90-94 | area Swarms of insects |
95 | Undead, area ghouls |
96-97 | Undead, area skeletons |
98 | Undead, area zombies |
99 | area Yellow musk creeper and zombies |
100 | area Yuan-ti |
Wilderness Wasteland Chance - High
d20 | Result |
1-15 | No Encounter |
16-20 | Wilderness Wasteland Encounters |
Wilderness Wasteland Chance - Medium
d20 | Result |
1-17 | No Encounter |
18-20 | Wilderness Wasteland Encounters |
Wilderness Wasteland Chance - Low
d20 | Result |
1-19 | No Encounter |
20 | Wilderness Wasteland Encounters |
Wilderness Wasteland Encounters
d100 | Result |
1 | area Artus Cimber |
2-5 | area Cache |
6-9 | area Dragon, red |
10-18 | area Explorer, dead |
19 | area Explorers |
20-37 | area Firenewts |
38-45 | area Giant scorpions |
46-54 | area Magmins |
55-71 | area Mephits |
72-78 | area Night hag |
79 | area Statue of Ubtao |
80-83 | area Troll |
84-85 | Undead, area ghouls |
86-95 | Undead, area skeletons |
96-97 | Undead, area wight |
98 | Undead, area zombies |
99-100 | area Zhentarim |
Any character with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 15 or higher spots 1d4+1 aarakocra flying overhead. These creatures are scouts from Kir Sabal or another aerie. They observe the party from a safe distance but don’t approach unless the characters demonstrate peaceful intentions. The bird folk are friendly and can point characters in the direction of nearby landmarks.
Albino Dwarves
The characters are ambushed by 1d4+3 albino dwarf warrior that attack from hidden burrows. Any character with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 13 or higher spots the dwarves, but all others are surprised. The dwarves knock characters out rather than killing them, stealing food, water, and gear from those rendered unconscious. They break off their attack if any character speaks Dwarvish to them or demonstrates peaceful intentions.
The characters are shadowed by 1d4 Aldani (Lobsterfolk), which are noticed by any character with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 12 or higher. The aldani don’t communicate with others unless they must, and they won’t fight unless the characters refuse to take a bribe to leave the area. The aldani will aid the characters only if they’re offered something of great value in return-for example, an offer to drive off a pack of predatory dinosaurs encroaching on their territory.
Any character with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 12 or higher spots 1d6 almiraj 60 feet away. The almiraj run from any creature that they can see within 30 feet of them. Any character who successfully traps an almiraj can use an action to make a DC 14 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check. If the check succeeds, the almiraj becomes calm and doesn’t attack the character or run away unless it feels threatened or is harmed.
The characters stumble upon 2d4 ape enjoying some excellent fruit. The apes feel threatened and show signs of defending their food. If the characters immediately back away slowly, the apes do nothing but make threatening displays. Otherwise, they attack.
Artus Cimber
Artus Cimber (with or without his saurial traveling companion, Dragonbait) can be encountered almost anywhere. See appendix D for more information on these NPCs. The characters might stumble into Artus’s camp in the evening, or he might walk into theirs. They could find him at the camp of another group of explorers, or telling a story to Dragonbait. He could appear out of nowhere and use the powers of the
Assassin Vines
The characters unwittingly enter the hunting grounds of 1d3 assassin vine. The vines are indistinguishable from normal plants and can’t be spotted with Wisdom (Perception) checks. However, they draw carrion to their roots, so characters might smell a dead body nearby. Because assassin vines can move, an encounter in the evening or at night might involve the vines creeping into the characters' camp and strangling them as they sleep.
Axe Beaks
A flock of 1d6+3 axe beak stampede through the characters. The characters can hear the birds charging toward them but can’t see anything through the thick undergrowth until the axe beaks burst forth and attack, slashing at anyone they can reach.
A pack of 3d6 baboon take umbrage at the characters' intrusion. The baboons can be distracted by tossing each of them a day’s supply of food. Otherwise, they attack.
The party finds a cache of supplies left behind by other explorers. There’s no way to tell from the cache whether those who left it are still alive and coming back for it, or dead. Roll a d20 and consult the Caches table to determine what the characters find.
d20 | Cache |
1 | Rain Catcher and Mess Kit |
2 | 10x Preserved Rations, 1 Day |
3 | 20x Preserved Rations, 1 Day |
4 | 50x Preserved Rations, 1 Day |
5 | 1d4x Cask, Water |
6 | 1d4x Tej, Cask |
7 | 1d4x Climber’s Kit |
8 | 2d4 Vial of Antitoxin |
9 | Insect Repellant (20 day supply) |
10 | 1d4x Quiver each containing and 1d20x Arrows |
11 | Canoe with six paddles |
12 | 2x Hooded Lantern and 10x Oil, Flask |
13 | Two Person Tent and 1d4x Explorer’s Pack |
14 | 2d10x Low Quality Daggers |
15 | A set of Navigator’s Tools |
16 | 1d10x Changes of Woolen clothing |
17 | A set of Cartographer’s Tools |
18 | Two person Tent and 1d4x Healer’s Kit |
19 | 2x Tent, Folding Camp Table, and 4x Camp Stool |
20 | 2d4x Potion of Healing |
Chultan cannibals prowl the jungles in small groups, killing and eating zombies while avoiding faster, more dangerous undead. Abandoned by their gods, the cannibals have turned to the worship of Dendar the Night Serpent and pay tribute to Ras Nsi in exchange for his favor and protection. They paint a blue triangle (Ras Nsi’s symbol) on their foreheads as proof of their devotion and are known to venture into Omu to hunt and deliver tribute.
If this encounter occurs during the day, the characters spot 3d6 tribal warrior feeding on the rotting remains of a dismembered zombie. If the characters remain quiet and keep their distance, they can move away without being noticed by the cannibals.
If this encounter occurs at night, 3d6 tribal warrior try to sneak into the adventurers' camp and murder them. Any character on guard is warned of the attack with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check.
A chwinga takes an interest in the characters. It attempts to steal something valuable from an unguarded pack or canoe, but is noticed by any character with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 17 or higher. The chwinga always leaves something else in exchange: a pretty shell, a handful of nuts, or an uncut gemstone (10 gp).
Any character with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 12 or higher sees and hears 1d4+1 crocodile moments before they attack; all other characters are surprised. A crocodile can capsize a canoe and throw its occupants into the water by using its action and succeeding on a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check.
A cyclops is journeying toward its home near Snapping Turtle Bay. It isn’t looking for a fight, but any sudden moves or hostility from the characters might trigger one. The cyclops knows the region around Lake Luo and the western end of the Valley of Dread quite well, and it’s never seen anything like Omu in those areas.
Roll twice on the Treasure Drops table to see what treasure, if any, the cyclops has.
Treasure Drops
d100 | Result |
1-50 | None |
51-52 | A crude map drawn on a scrap of tanned dinosaur hide, showing a route to Port Nyanzaru and the location of a randomly determined landmark or lair (250 gp) |
53-54 | |
55-56 | A malachite ring inlaid with electrum (50 gp) |
57-58 | An empty corked vial made from an aarakocra’s engraved wing bone (5 gp) |
59-60 | A rotting quiver containing |
61-62 | A gold nugget the size of a dwarf’s fist (50 gp) |
63-64 | A stoppered vial of |
65-66 | An engraved ivory smoking pipe (25 gp) |
67-68 | Case containing |
69-70 | An iron token bearing the symbol of a triceratops (the sign of the Ytepka Society), worth 50 gp in Port Nyanzaru |
71-72 | |
73-74 | |
75-76 | |
77-78 | A stoppered vial of |
79-80 | An obsidian knife (25 gp) |
81-82 | A stoppered, wooden tube containing |
83-84 | A small onyx orb with maze-like patterns carved into its surface (75 gp), usable as an arcane or druidic focus |
85-86 | A Batiri goblin mask made of painted wood, set with nine gemstones (10 gp each) |
87-88 | A spyglass (1,000 gp) |
89-90 | A lute (35 gp) with one broken string |
91-92 | A set of |
93-94 | An excellent lock (50 gp) that requires a successful DC 20 Dexterity check to pick using thieves tools (the lock’s key is missing) |
95-96 | Jar of |
97-98 | |
99-100 |
Encounters with “honkers” are common in Chult, though not all such creatures are hostile.
The party’s scent attracts 1d3 Allosaurus, which appear 100 yards away when the characters first notice them. Any character who succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check can find a safe refuge (a high branch, a small crevice, a hollow log, and so forth) that the predators can’t reach or enter.
An ornery ankylosaurus is gorging on plants, but it attacks any characters who disturb it.
A lone brontosaurus lumbers toward the characters, oblivious to their presence. Though it might step on characters who don’t get out of its way, it fights only in self-defense.
A wild boar races across the party’s path, followed closely by a hunting pack of 1d4+2 Deinonychus. The predators decide the characters are more interesting prey.
A pack of 2d6 dimetrodon are spotted along a sunny riverbank or on rocks above the water. Roll any die. On an odd result, the dimetrodons take no notice of the characters; on an even result, they’re hungry and attack at the slightest provocation, or if the characters approach within 100 feet of them.
A herd of 3d6 Hadrosaurus are grazing nearby, with 1d6 noncombatant young among them. The adults don’t attack unless they’re attacked or antagonized. The young are Small beasts that can be sold to Ifan Talro’a in Port Nyanzaru for 50 gp each, or for 100 gp if a character succeeds on a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check to negotiate the price. The young dinosaurs are easy to handle if separated from their parents, but the adults fight if their young are captured.
Two Plesiosaurus are fighting over a dead giant octopus. If the characters are on a river, the creatures are spotted at a distance of 300 feet, whereupon they bellow menacingly and move to attack the party. To paddle a canoe to a safe spot along the riverbank, one character in the canoe must succeed on a DC 13 Strength (Athletics) check, with other characters in the canoe using the Help action. Canoes that don’t reach the bank are flipped and demolished by the reptiles, which then attack swimmers in the water.
A flock of 2d6 pteranodon is spotted overhead. They keep their distance and attack only if threatened.
A flight of 1d4+1 Quetzalcoatlus is spotted overhead. They keep their distance and attack only if threatened.
This lone stegosaurus is in a genial mood. It approaches the characters out of curiosity, but anyone who touches it triggers a swipe from its tail.
A triceratops that appears to be grazing alone is actually a mother with a nearby nest containing one noncombatant hatchling and two unhatched eggs. The mother eyes the characters suspiciously but doesn’t attack unless they position themselves between her and the nest. Ifan Talro’a in Port Nyanzaru offers 50 gp for an intact triceratops egg or hatchling, or a character can talk him up to 150 gp with a successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check.
The characters spot a tyrannosaurus rex 300 yards away. There’s a 50 percent chance that the hungry behemoth is fighting either a stegosaurus, a triceratops, a pair of giant constrictor snakes, a giant ape, or a mob of ghouls and zombies. None of these creatures will voluntarily team up with the party, but their presence might weaken the tyrannosaurus to the point where the characters have a chance of slaying it.
Characters can avoid an encounter with the tyrannosaurus if they keep their distance and succeed on a DC 15 group Dexterity (Stealth) check. If any character is trained in the Survival skill, all the characters' checks are made with advantage.
A pack of 3d6 velociraptor burst out from behind cover and attack. Make a single Dexterity (Stealth) check for the dinosaurs, with advantage. Any character whose passive Wisdom (Perception) score equals or exceeds the velociraptors' check result is not surprised.
Dragon, Faerie
An invisible green faerie dragon takes an interest in the adventurers and follows them for a while. If the characters are in good spirits, the tiny dragon plays harmless pranks on them during the party’s next short or long rest. If the characters are not angered by this trickery, the dragon appears and truthfully answers three of their questions before bidding the party farewell. If the characters seem dour or mean, or if the faerie dragon’s pranks sour them, it flutters off without providing any sort of aid.
The faerie dragon visited Omu recently and knows about the evil gargoyles and “snake people” that watch over the city. It also knows things about other nearby landmarks or locations, as you determine.
Dragon, Red
If the characters are within 50 miles of Wyrmheart Mine (see chapter 2), they see the young red dragon known as Tzindelor or Tinder circling over that location. If they’re farther away, they see her flying in the direction of the mine. The dragon ignores the characters unless they do something to attract her attention.
If the characters are on the move when this encounter occurs, they stumble across 1d4+1 eblis living in reed huts built on stilts above a swampy marsh or pond. The eblis attack wounded or weak-looking characters but offer to trade information for precious gemstones if faced with a strong, well-armed group. For 50 gp worth of gems, they point the adventurers in the direction of nearby landmarks. If the characters follow these directions, they have advantage on checks made to reach those landmarks (see “Navigation”). If the characters defeat the eblis and search the huts, roll three times on the Treasure Drops table to determine what, if anything, the eblis have stashed in their homes.
If this encounter occurs while the party is camped, the eblis sneak into the camp and try to drag one character away.
Emerald Enclave
The characters encounter a band of Emerald Enclave scouts or stumble upon one of their outposts. Choose whichever encounter works best for the circumstances and location.
Enclave Scouts
The party meets 1d4+1 members of the Emerald Enclave working to rid the jungle of its undead menace. The group works with a priest of Mielikki, but all other members are scout. If one of the adventurers has died recently, you can use this encounter to introduce a new character-either a member of the Emerald Enclave, someone the scouts have rescued, or a character who hired the scouts as guides.
The scouts are willing to trade information on an equal basis with a non-evil party. Characters can also convince the scouts to join their party for up to 3 days by succeeding on a DC 12 group Charisma (Persuasion) check. The Emerald Enclave scouts have enough food and water to nourish themselves, and each scout has an explorer’s pack. The priest carries a priest’s pack.
Enclave Outpost
Any character with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 13 or higher spots a wooden platform in a tree. The platform is 2d6 × 5 feet above ground, and a successful DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check is required to climb the tree. The platform is 10 feet square and sturdy enough to support six characters and their gear.
Explorer, Dead
Chult is strewn with the corpses and bones of those who have fallen victim to its terrors. When the characters discover one such victim, roll a d20 and consult the Dead Explorers table to determine what they find. Then roll once on the Treasure Drops table to see what, if anything, can be found on or near the remains.
Dead Explorers
d20 | Remains |
1 | The bloated corpse of a dead halfling, riddled with tiny arrows and dangling from a tree vine. (The halfling trespassed on grung sacred ground, and the corpse was hung here as a warning.) |
2 | The bones of an unarmored humanoid, lashed to a tree by vines. (This explorer was captured by Batiri goblins, doused in honey, and left to be devoured by hungry insects.) |
3 | The crushed remains of an unarmored dwarf, showing signs that she was stomped to death by a rampaging dinosaur. |
4 | The gnawed and charred bones of a humanoid. (This unfortunate was murdered and cannibalized by his starving, fever-crazed companions.) |
5 | The mangled body of a half-elf, seemingly bludgeoned to death. (She was dropped from high altitude by pterafolk.) |
6 | The scattered bones of a dwarf, torn to pieces before being devoured. (A hunting pack of velociraptors did the dwarf in.) |
7 | The swollen, purple corpse of an elf, dead only a few days ago from the bite of a poisonous snake. |
8 | A fresh human corpse stuffed into a hollow tree. (Girallons plan to return and devour it later.) |
9 | The skeleton of a humanoid seated on a folding camp stool, clutching a knife and fork in its bony hands. |
10 | The desiccated husk of a gnome, cocooned in giant spider webs. |
11 | The body of a human-from the waist up. Signs show that the explorer crawled a considerable distance after being bitten in half by a tyrannosaurus. (A Flaming Fist charter found on the corpse identifies it as Lord Onovan IV, of the Dales.) |
12 | A charred elf’s skeleton inside a charred constrictor snake’s skeleton. (Both were killed by a lightning bolt spell.) |
13 | The rotting body of a giant frog with the blade of a shortsword poking out its back. (If the frog is cut open, the partially digested body of a halfling is found inside.) |
14 | A tabaxi spread-eagled on the ground, but with its limbs and head severed from its torso and crudely stitched back on in the wrong arrangement. |
15 | A half-orc spiked to an enormous tree by the broken-off horn of a triceratops. |
16 | A gnome, spitted over a burned-out fire pit and thoroughly overcooked, but not eaten. (Goblin weapons and tools are scattered around amid velociraptor tracks.) |
17 | A headless humanoid, hung upside down from a tree and with six Batiri goblin spears thrust symmetrically through the body. (It was a Red Wizard, judging by the robes. The head is nowhere to be found.) |
18 | An elf, balanced on a tree branch 40 feet above the ground, arms and legs dangling downward. (A note pressed between the body and the branch explains that the elf climbed the tree to get away from a prowling allosaurus and was too terrified to come down.) |
19 | The moldering remains of a human wearing a Flaming Fist-style helmet, his legs broken. (He succumbed to a faerie dragon’s euphoria breath weapon and stepped off a cliff. A companion tried to carry him back to Fort Beluarian, but the warrior died en route.) |
20 | A dwarf with six large holes piercing her armor and chest. (A stegosaurus caught her squarely with a swipe of its tail.) |
The party runs into another band of explorers, consisting of a mage, a priest, a scout, and 1d6 tribal warrior. Roll a d6 on the table below to determine the group’s situation.
Explorer Table
d6 | Situation |
1-2 | The explorers are lost and hungry. |
3-4 | The explorers are in good shape but are actively hunted by firenewts, ghouls, goblins, or grungs (see the appropriate entry in this appendix). |
5 | The explorers are healthy and headed toward the nearest landmark, intent on exploring it. |
6 | The explorers are healthy and heading back to Port Nyanzaru for rest and supplies. |
A light firenewt patrol consists of 1d4 firenewt warrior mounted on giant strider. A heavy patrol consists of 2d4 firenewt warrior and a firenewt warlock of Imix, all mounted on giant strider. Statistics for all these creatures appear in appendix D. The firenewts always strike their final blows with the intention of knocking out enemies, who are then taken back to the creatures' cave lair to be tortured and eaten.
Note: Adjust numbers of Giant Striders as needed
Flail Snail
Characters spot the slimy trail of a flail snail. If they wish to follow it, a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) check correctly deduces which direction the snail was traveling.
Flaming Fist
The soldiers of the Flaming Fist know the dangers of Chult better than most, and they don’t take the wilderness lightly. A typical patrol is made up of a knight or veteran leading an acolyte, a scout, and 2d6 guard- and is sometimes accompanied by 1d4 Deinonychus trained to fight and hunt alongside their handlers. The Flaming Fist is friendly and helpful toward adventurers possessing a charter of exploration issued by Commander Liara Portyr of Fort Beluarian. If the party has no such document, the patrol tries to confiscate the adventurers' critical gear and advises them to replace it at Fort Beluarian-and to obtain a proper charter while they’re at it.
Flying Monkeys
The sound of wings heralds the arrival of 3d6 flying monkey, which swoop through the adventurers in a wave of grasping hands and feet. Each character must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or lose a useful piece of gear to the furry thieves. If this encounter occurs near Mbala (see chapter 2), the monkeys are servants of the green hag Nanny Pu’pu.
These sociable creatures are curious about humanoids and have little fear of them. A flying monkey that is successfully grappled, caught in a net, or otherwise prevented from escaping can be trained to perform simple tricks by a character with proficiency in Animal Handling who spends a few hours a day working with the monkey. At the end of 1 week, the character makes a DC 10 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check. On a success, the flying monkey learns to perform a simple trick on command (such as fetching a specific object or dancing to music). An individual monkey can learn a maximum 1d6 tricks and can be taught one trick per week.
Flying Snakes
Roll a die. On an even result, the party encounters a single flying snake. On an odd result, the characters encounter 2d6 flying snake. These snakes attack only when threatened. A flying snake that is successfully grappled can be stuffed in a sack or other soft container. After 1 hour of confinement, the snake settles down. A character who succeeds on a DC 13 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check can remove a calm snake from the container without causing it to attack or fly away.
Characters can sell captured flying snakes to Ifan Talro’a in Port Nyanzaru. He offers 25 gp for each snake, but a character who succeeds on a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check can talk him up to 50 gp.
Frost Giants
The characters hear the sound of huge creatures stomping through the wilderness. If they follow the noise, they encounter a search party of three frost giant accompanied by 1d2 winter wolf. For each such encounter, there is a 20 percent chance that this is Drufi’s search party (see “Hvalspyd”).
The frost giants are concerned chiefly with locating the
Giant Boars
The characters see and hear 1d4+1 giant boar foraging ahead of them. Skirting around the boars to prevent them from charging requires a successful DC 12 group Dexterity (Stealth) check.
Giant Crocodile
Before it rises out of the water, make a Dexterity (Stealth) check for the giant crocodile. Any character with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score less than the check result is surprised when the monstrous creature attacks.
Giant Frogs
These 2d6 giant frog have come together in hunger and try to eat everything that crosses their path. The characters have plenty of warning as the amphibians hop noisily toward them.
Giant Lizards
The characters encounter 1d6 giant lizard sunning themselves on warm rocks. The lizards pose no threat unless they’re attacked, and they’re too set in their ways to be trained as pack animals.
Giant Scorpions
Any character with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 11 or higher spots 1d3 giant scorpion moments before they emerge from hiding and attack. At the end of the encounter, any character damaged by a giant scorpion must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or become infected with shivering sickness (see “Diseases”).
Giant Snapping Turtle
The characters spot a giant snapping turtle sunning itself on the shore. The turtle attacks any character it can see within 30 feet of it.
Giant Wasps
A droning sound announces the presence of 1d6 giant wasp before the characters see them. The wasps attack at once, ignoring heavily armored targets in favor of those with little or no defensive protection. At the end of the encounter, any character damaged by a giant wasp must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or become infected with shivering sickness (see “Diseases”).
Two girallon hang in the trees, perch atop rocks, or lumber between crumbling, vine-covered ruins. The characters spot them automatically and can avoid a hostile encounter if they withdraw and succeed on a DC 13 group Dexterity (Stealth) check.
If the characters defeat the girallons or frighten them away, a search of the area reveals a hidden cache, determined by rolling on the Caches table. The girallons might also have some treasure hidden near the cache; roll once on the Treasure Drops table to determine what, if anything, is found after a search of the area.
A typical Batiri patrol or hunting party consists of a goblin boss leading 2d6+3 goblin, all wearing painted wooden masks. They move quietly through familiar areas and seldom range outside their home territory. Batiri prefer to hunt at night and lay low in ambush positions during the day.
A night encounter with Batiri goblins involves an attack on the characters' camp. Each party member standing watch must attempt a DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check, made with disadvantage because of the noise of the jungle at night. On a success, a character detects the goblins moving into attack positions and can rouse the rest of the party. If no one on watch succeeds on the check, all the characters are surprised.
If this encounter occurs while the characters are traveling during the day, have each party member make a DC 16 Wisdom (Perception or Survival) check to spot the telltale signs of an ambush: disadvantageous terrain coupled with an eerie silence not normal for the jungle.
Goblins bargain for their lives if captured. If the characters can force or coerce a vow of cooperation from goblin prisoners, the Batiri will serve as guides. They have the following additional skill: Survival +1.
A grung hunting party consists of 2d6 grung led by a grung elite warrior (see appendix D for both). If this encounter occurs while the characters are traveling, the grungs have set up an ambush in the trees. Any character with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 14 or higher spots them just in time. All other characters are surprised.
If this encounter occurs while the party is camped, the grungs spotted the characters earlier in the day and have shadowed them unseen. Each character standing watch must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check, made with disadvantage because of the noise of the jungle at night. On a success, a character detects the encroaching grungs and can rouse the rest of the party. If no one on watch succeeds on the check, all the characters are surprised.
If the characters capture one or more grungs, the frogfolk offer to lead the characters to treasure in exchange for a promise of freedom. The “treasure” is a half-mile away from the party’s present location and consists of a cache, which you can randomly determine by rolling on the Caches table.
Without warning, 1d6 jaculi launch themselves at the party from the trees. Any character with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 14 or higher is able to react, but all others are surprised.
The party is ambushed by 1d2 kamadan. Any character with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 16 or higher gets a warning of the attack, but all others are surprised. Characters who prevail against the kamadans can search the area for their lair, finding it with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check.
A kamadan lair has a 25 percent chance of containing 1d3 noncombatant young the size of house cats. With their snakes not yet grown out, they look like leopard cubs. Ifan Talro’a in Port Nyanzaru will pay 150 gp for a live kamadan cub, but a successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check talks him up to 300 gp.
Kamadan Cubs
d4 | Cubs |
1-3 | No Cubs |
4 | 1d3x Kamadan Cubs |
The characters encounter
Mad Monkey Mist
A bank of blue mist drifts toward the party, covering an area of 1d6 20-foot squares. Any character with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 13 or higher notices the mist and can warn others of its approach. If the encounter occurs while the party is camped, the mist drifts through the camp at a speed of 5 feet per round. Characters who come into contact with the mist are exposed to mad monkey fever (see “Diseases”).
The characters are attacked by 2d6 magmin, which flee if reduced to fewer than half their starting number.
The characters blunder into a patch of 1d4+1 mantrap, which are undetectable until they attack. The plants are 10 feet apart, so that only one plant attacks on the first round. The others must wait until characters maneuver within 5 feet of them.
The characters might encounter magma mephit, mud mephit, smoke mephit, or steam mephit (each appearing as a group of 2d6). The mephits don’t attack unless they outnumber the characters two to one, but they’re reluctant to be helpful unless they themselves are outnumbered.
Night Hag
One of the Sewn Sisters (see chapter 5) shadows the party while staying in the Border Ethereal. During the party’s next long rest, the night hag materializes and snatches some blood or hair from a random character before returning to the Ethereal Plane.
Looming in the sky, 1d4+2 pterafolk watch the characters' every move and wait until they blunder into danger. The next time a random encounter occurs, the pterafolk take advantage of the distraction and attack from the air, launching javelin attacks at wounded characters while staying out of melee. If they meet firm resistance, the pterafolk fly away, but they might regroup for a follow-up attack at your discretion.
Rare Plant(s)
The characters find one or more unusual plants, determined by rolling a d6 on the following table:
Rare Plants
d6 | Plant |
1 | 2d6x Dancing Monkey fruit growing on a tree |
2 | 2d6x Menga Leaves from a Menga bush |
3 | 1d4x Ryath Roots growing in the ground |
4 | 4d6x Sinda Berries growing on a bush |
5 | 2d6x Wukka Nuts growing on a Wukka tree |
6 | 1d6x Zabou on a dead tree |
Red Wizard
This group consists of a Red Wizard (LE male or female Thayan human mage), 1d6 guard, and 1d6 skeleton, all answerable to Valindra Shadowmantle (see “Heart of Ubtao,"). If this encounter occurs outside of Omu, these reinforcements are on their way to the city. If the encounter takes place in Omu, the Red Wizard is searching the city for shrines (see chapter 3). The Thayans aren’t spoiling for a fight; if defeat seems inevitable, the Red Wizard surrenders and offers a crude map of Chult marking the regions occupied by undead (see map 2.1). The characters can use the map to steer clear of these regions.
The characters see a salamander tending a nest of 1d6 fire snake. The salamander has no interest in fighting and attacks only to protect itself and the snakes.
Sea Hags
The characters encounter three sea hag that comprise a coven. Their favorite trick is to pull a damaged or abandoned canoe onto a riverbank and pretend to be stranded or wounded explorers in need of rescue.
If the characters defeat the sea hags and search the area, roll three times on the Treasure Drops table to determine what, if anything, they find. Whatever treasure the hags have is stowed inside a rotted wooden chest.
Shambling Mound
Roll any die when a shambling mound encounter occurs. On an even result, the characters hear the creature trudging through the muck before it attacks them. On an odd result, the shambling mound lurks within a mass of vegetation, where it can be noticed by any character with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 15 or higher.
Snake, Constrictor
A constrictor snake attacks a random party member from hiding. The character targeted by the snake is surprised unless he or she has a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 12 or higher.
Snake, Giant Constrictor
A giant constrictor snake attacks from hiding in the same manner as a constrictor snake.
Snake, Giant Poisonous
A giant poisonous snake shoots out from the undergrowth to attack a random character. The character targeted by the snake is surprised unless he or she has a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 14 or higher.
Giant spider webs are easily concealed in Chult’s dense jungles and swamps. Any character with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 13 or higher spots the webs in time to alert the other characters to an encounter with 1d6 giant spider. Otherwise, the spiders attack with surprise when the lead party member blunders into a sticky web and becomes grappled by it (escape DC 12). Hundreds of baby giant spiders crawl through the webs, but they are harmless.
Statue of Ubtao
Any character with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 12 or higher spots a 10-foot-tall statue overgrown with vines. The statue depicts a stylized Chultan king—a representation of Ubtao. Roll a d4 to determine what’s special about the statue:
Statue of Ubtao
d4 | Result |
1 | 1x Treasure Drops |
2 | Skulls |
3 | Glyph of Warding |
4 | Find the Path Charm |
1. Treasure lies at the foot of the statue, left there as tribute by some jungle creature. Roll once on the Treasure Drops table to determine what treasure is found. If the roll indicates no treasure, the characters find worthless pieces of bone jewelry instead.
2. Goblin, grung, and su-monster skulls are piled around the statue’s base.
3. A
4. The statue has grooves carved into its stomach that form a maze. Any character who studies the grooves and succeeds on a DC 10 Intelligence check sees a clear pathway through the labyrinth. That character is then bestowed with the power to cast the
Chult is rich in caves, ruins, and hollow logs in which stirges can hide. By day, the characters disturb 2d6 stirge as they move through the jungle. At night, the same number of stirges descend on the party’s camp.
The party comes across 1d4+1 su-monster. The su-monsters approach cautiously, feigning curiosity. If allowed to get close, each su-monster uses its Psychic Crush in the hope of stunning an adventurer before attacking with its bite and claws. The su-monsters flee to their treetop lairs if the fight goes against them.
The su-monsters might have treasure stashed in one of their trees; roll once on the Treasure Drops table to determine what, if anything, a search of the tree yields.
Swarms of Bats
Ruins, hollow trees, and hidden caverns can all be homes to bats. This encounter sees the characters disturb 1d4 swarm of bats that have become unnaturally aggressive from feeding on undead flesh.
Swarms of Insects
The characters are beset by
Swarms of Quippers
This encounter indicates that 1d4 swarm of quippers catch sight of the party, but these creatures are dangerous only if the characters are in the water with them. Creatures on the shore or in canoes are safe, but in both cases, the swarms follow the characters until they’re out of sight and away from the water.
Tabaxi Hunter
Any character with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 15 or higher spots a tabaxi hunter watching the party from a vantage point 300 feet away. If the tabaxi goes unseen, it might shadow the characters for a while, then suddenly appear to help them fight off a tough encounter or warn them of danger in the vicinity.
If this encounter takes place in Omu, see chapter 3 for more information on the tabaxi hunters found there.
A tiger lies in wait for the party but is noticed by any character whose passive Wisdom (Perception) score is 16 or higher. If not detected, the tiger pounces at a character who comes within 40 feet of it. The tiger retreats if it loses more than half its hit points.
Tri-flower Frond
If this encounter occurs while the characters are traveling, they wander into a patch of 1d4 tri-flower frond which seem like ordinary plants until they strike. If the encounter occurs while the party is camped, the plants try to infiltrate the camp, anesthetize characters with their orange blossoms, then slay them with their yellow and red blossoms.
A hungry troll comes crashing out of the jungle, intent on eating the characters.
Undead are spreading through the jungles of Chult like a plague. The Emerald Enclave, the Order of the Gauntlet, and the Flaming Fist are all taking steps to contain this menace, but their efforts to date have fallen short.
Any character with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 12 or higher hears and smells a ghoul pack approaching, consisting of 2d6 ghoul led by a ghast. The ghast has a blue triangle tattooed on its forehead-an indicator that it once served Ras Nsi.
The characters come across 3d6 skeleton. If the encounter occurs while the party is traveling, the skeletons are either lying on the ground or buried under it, ready to spring up when wayward explorers pass by. If the party is camped, the skeletons wander into the camp and attack.
The evil remnant of a dead explorer has become a specter that attacks the party. The explorer’s body can be found with a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Survival) check. If the characters locate the body, see “Explorer, Dead” earlier in this section to determine what they find.
The characters encounter a wight that has lurked in the Chultan jungle since before the Spellplague. It harbors an eternal hatred for Chultans and everything related to Ubtao. If the party includes any Chultans or any character wearing the holy symbol of Ubtao, the wight attacks those characters in preference to other targets.
Characters catch the scent of death on the air and hear the undead lumbering through the jungle.
Roll on the table below to determine what appears:
d10 | Zombies Appearing |
1-3 | |
4-5 | 1 Ankylosaurus Zombie |
6-7 | |
8-9 | |
10 | 1 Tyrannosaurus Zombie |
The characters cross paths with 1d4 vegepygmy, each one mounted on a thorny (see appendix D for both). These vegepygmy hunters have wandered far from their tribe. They flee if outnumbered; otherwise, they attack.
A wereboar masquerading as a Chultan priest takes a dim view of explorers encroaching on its territory and demands that the characters turn back. Around its neck, it wears a wooden holy symbol of Ubtao (a labyrinthine pattern carved into a circular disk). The wereboar might be guarding a shrine to Ubtao, a grove of wukka trees, or a cave it uses as a lair. The creature might also have treasure in its lair; roll three times on the Treasure Drops table to determine what, if anything, a search of the wereboar’s lair yields.
A weretiger in human form offers to escort the party through a particularly dangerous stretch of wilderness. It has no ulterior motive and doesn’t ask for payment. If the characters accept its assistance, they have no hostile random encounters while the weretiger is with them. It leaves after accompanying the party for 24 hours or when it reaches a location it does not wish to explore, including Omu, Nangalore, or Orolunga.
The characters stumble into a wondrous sight: a 120-foot-radius sphere of winter weather. To drive off some monsters, Artus Cimber created the sphere using the
Yellow Musk Creeper and Zombies
The characters pass close to a ruin inhabited by 3d6 yellow musk zombie. The zombies might be spread across the area or bunched together, depending on the terrain. In the heart of the ruin, a yellow musk creeper clings to a crumbling archway, statue, or polluted well.
If this encounter occurs while the party is camped, the zombies emerge from a nearby ruin to attack the camp and attempt to knock characters unconscious. They then drag those characters back to the yellow musk creeper.
Yuan-ti patrols consist of 1d6+1 yuan-ti pureblood, which keep their distance as they try to gather information to take back to Ras Nsi. The yuan-ti are camouflaged, but any character who succeeds on a DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check made with disadvantage catches sight of the serpent folk as they withdraw.
If this encounter occurs within 25 miles of Omu, the patrol is instead made up of 1d4 yuan-ti malison (type 1), and it takes a DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check to spot them. If the characters chase after the malisons, they transform into snakes and vanish into the jungle.
A Zhent assassin with a flying snake pet leads a priest, 2d6 thug, and 1d6 tribal warrior through the wilderness in search of Artus Cimber and the
Roll once on the Treasure Drops table to determine what treasure, if any, the Zhents carry.
If this encounter occurs while the characters are traveling, they spot 2d6 zorbo in wukka trees. The creatures growl and bare their teeth if any characters approach them. If the characters act in a threatening manner, the zorbos attack.
If this encounter occurs while the party is camped, the hungry zorbos drop from the surrounding trees and attack.
Omu Encounters
Random encounters in Omu can take place in ruined buildings and streets, in the fetid swamps around the buildings, and in the ruined royal palace. Roll a d20 three times per day of game time, checking for encounters each morning, afternoon, and evening or night. An encounter occurs on a roll of 18 or higher. Roll percentile dice and check the Omu Encounters table for the appropriate terrain to see what the characters encounter.
Omu Encounters - Ruins
Omu Encounters - Ruins
d100 | Result |
1-5 | area Apes |
6-10 | area Baboons |
11-15 | area Cannibals |
16-20 | area Dragon, faerie |
21-25 | area Gargoyles |
26-30 | area Giant wasps |
31-35 | area Giant wolf spiders |
36-40 | area Goblins |
41-45 | area Grungs |
46-50 | area King of Feathers |
51-55 | area Kobolds |
56-60 | area Red Wizard |
61-65 | area Shambling mound |
66-70 | area Su-monsters |
71-75 | area Tabaxi hunter |
76-80 | Undead, area ghouls |
81-85 | Undead, area zombies |
86-90 | area Vegepygmies |
91-95 | area Yellow musk creeper and yellow musk zombies |
96-00 | area Yuan-ti |
Omu Encounters - Palace
Omu Encounters - Palace
d100 | Result |
1-10 | area Baboons |
11-15 | area Dragon, faerie |
16-25 | area Gargoyles |
26-35 | area Giant wolf spiders |
36-40 | area Goblins |
41-50 | area King of Feathers |
51-60 | area Kobolds |
61-70 | area Red Wizard |
71-75 | area Su-monsters |
76-80 | area Tabaxi hunter |
81-90 | area Yellow musk creeper and yellow musk zombies |
91-00 | area Yuan-ti |
Omu Encounters - Swamp
Omu Encounters - Swamp
d100 | Result |
1-10 | area Crocodiles |
11-15 | area Gargoyles |
16-25 | area Giant wasps |
26-35 | area Grungs |
36-50 | area King of Feathers |
51-60 | area Shambling mound |
61-65 | Undead, area ghouls |
66-70 | Undead, area zombies |
71-80 | area Vegepygmies |
81-90 | area Yellow musk creeper and yellow musk zombies |
91-00 | area Yuan-ti |
Unique Encounters
Four random encounters that occur only in Omu are described below.
Perched on a cliff are 2d4 gargoyle that swoop down to attack. Two of them carry a net between them. As an action, either gargoyle can use the net to make a melee weapon attack (+4 to hit) against one Small or Medium creature. If the attack hits, the gargoyles hoist the character into the air and fly off with their catch. It takes both gargoyles to lift the net if it has a creature caught in it. The gargoyles flee if reduced to half their number.
Giant Wolf Spiders
The characters are attacked by 1d6 giant wolf spider living in hidey-holes in the nearby ruins. A search of the spiders' lair might yield treasure; roll once on the Treasure Drops table to determine what, if anything, is found.
King of Feathers
The characters encounter the tyrannosaurus rex known as the King of Feathers. See chapter 3 for more information on this unique beast.
Moving through the city or palace ruins are 1d4+1 kobold led by a kobold inventor. Characters with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 12 or higher spot the kobolds, which flee if approached or attacked. The kobolds serve the kobold scale sorcerer Kakarol (see chapter 3). They might be on their way to one of the city’s shrines to reset its traps, or they might be returning to their lair with a recently discovered treasure. Roll once on the Treasure Drops table to determine what, if anything, the kobolds found.