Island Locations Ahoyhoy Ahoyhoy Lore 1. South Gate 2. North Gate and Courtyard 3. Living Area 4. Fishing Space and Storage 5. Amphitheater 6. Egg Hatcheries 7. Gong 8. Smithy 9. Market Dangwaru (The Typhoon Palace) 1. Ruined Portico 2. Statue of Umberlee 3. Overgrown Garden 4. Antechamber and Portcullis 5. Feast Hall 6. Abandoned Quarters 7. Ruined Bath 8. Shrine 9. Crab Pool 10. Crumbling Walkway 11. Throne Room 12. Sea Cave 13. Ruined Guard Room 14. Terrace Garden 15. Cleric’s Chambers 16. Kitchen and Storage 17. Hallway 18. Treasury 19. Glass Statue 20. Haunted Cage 21. Lounge 22. Caves of Worship 23. Blow Holes 24. Shrine of Umberlee Geonid Caves Treasure High Horn Bitch Queen Carcerius Dawn Avenger Dirty Dastard Sea Mare Virago Mud Pits of Florrb Florrb’s Problem Mud Pit Effect Shrine of Fangs Talking Snakes