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The Handy Haversack

Chapter 1: Rise of Elemental Evil

Elemental Prophets

A terrible threat gathers in the North. Throughout this region of the Forgotten Realms, savage marauders bring destruction. Monsters are on the prowl, preying on flocks, rampaging through croplands, and attacking homesteads and travelers. In settlements, discord and suspicion grow. Sinister strangers lurk in the shadows, whispering about how everything is soon to change. This year brought an unseasonably warm and stormy spring. Tales spread of flooding, windstorms, wildfires, and tremors.

These troubles have a source known to few in the North: Elemental Evil. Servants of this malevolence gather in the Sumber Hills and spy on the Dessarin Valley, drawn by a force they cant explain. Dabbling in dangerous lore, these fanatics seek to master elemental magic and unleash its destructive power everywhere. And they are further along in their plans than most people in the North realize.

Four elemental cults grow in power in the Sumber Hills, claiming abandoned keeps that connect to an underground fortress once part of an ancient dwarven kingdom. Within those chambers are the remnants of a temple built by drow worshipers of Elemental Evil. Each of the four cults venerates a powerful entity of air, earth, fire, or water: a Prince of Elemental Evil. Like their princes, the four cults are rivals, yet they all serve a mysterious force they call the Elder Elemental Eye.

A prophet gifted with a powerful elemental weapon leads each cult. Those weapons Windvane, Ironfang, Tinderstrike, and Drown were the catalysts for the creation of four elemental nodes, places where the Elemental Planes connect to the Material Plane. The cults draw elemental creatures through the nodes, and they use elemental magic to create devastation orbs capable of ravaging the countryside. They’ve been testing these magic weapons, bolstering the cults ranks, and infiltrating various communities, all directed by visions the prophets receive from the Elder Elemental Eye. In time, each prophet hopes to entice his or her elemental prince to pass through the node and wreak devastation on the Dessarin Valley and beyond.

Using This Book

Princes of the Apocalypse presents an epic campaign against the forces of Elemental Evil that can occupy you and your players for many months. Characters who are at least 3rd level can dive right into the main adventure. A party of 1st- or 2nd-level characters should start with the mini-adventure in chapter 6.

This chapter provides the background of Elemental Evils appearance in the campaign, and a synopsis of the adventure. The four elemental cults, which serve as the primary foes of the campaign, are also described in this chapter. Although the cults are all linked by their hunger for power and proclivity for destruction, each has its own leader and preferred methods. Further, this chapter offers guidelines for starting and running the adventure.

Chapter 2 explores the Dessarin Valley, the setting for this adventure (and many others, if you wish). The Dessarin River, one of the mighty waterways of the North, runs through a barely settled frontier region a few days travel from the great city of Waterdeep. A handful of small towns and outposts are scattered through the region, linked to more populous lands by ancient roads and the broad river. The heart of this area, the Sumber Hills, has become the stronghold where the elemental cults build their bases of power.

Chapter 3 begins the adventure in earnest. In this chapter, the characters learn that trouble has taken root in the Dessarin Valley and that evil forces are on the loose. By exploring, the characters find the first outposts of the four elemental cults-the so-called Haunted Keeps.

In chapter 4, the characters discover that the four cults occupy a sprawling dungeon complex beneath the Sumber Hills. The temples serve as the base for the cultists insidious attacks against the Dessarin Valley.

Chapter 5 describes the ancient caverns beneath the temple complex and the altar dedicated to Elemental Evil. From these caverns, passages lead to four elemental nodes, places where forces from Elemental Planes have established a foothold in the world. Within each node, a portal to one of those planes grows in intensity. The characters must destroy the cults there before the Princes of Elemental Evil are unleashed upon the world.

Chapter 6 presents adventures that are secondary to the main storyline. Use them as you see fit. Some are especially useful if you start the adventure with 1st-level characters.

Chapter 7 details NPCs, new monsters, and new magic items.

Appendixes A and B contain new material for players to use in creating their characters for the campaign. Appendix C provides advice for adapting this adventure to other D&D campaign settings.

Adventure Background

The threat of Elemental Evil surfaces in different worlds of the multiverse whenever the force known as the Elder Elemental Eye tests its strength. In its current incarnation, Elemental Evil arises in the Sumber Hills. The scattered towns and isolated homesteads of this frontier now face a dire threat. If the forces of Elemental Evil cant be defeated before they grow, madness and destruction could spread unchecked through the North.

The presence of Elemental Evil in the Sumber Hills goes back thousands of years, when a sect of renegade drow discovered the extensive caverns beneath the Sumber Hills and claimed it as their territory. These dark elves venerated a terrible god of primordial evil, and they built a shrine to this nameless power. In time, the ancient drow cult faded away (or was wiped out), and the place known as the Temple of the Elder Elemental Eye was forgotten for centuries.

The dwarves of Besilmer were the next folk to discover the site. Besilmer was a realm of pastures and cropland. The dwarves established an underground stronghold called Tyar-Besil beneath the Sumber Hills to defend against the trolls and giants that plagued the region. The dwarves discovered the ancient drow hold and its temple below their own delvings. They lacked the strength to clean out the ruins, so they abandoned their deeper excavations. Trolls and giants soon broke the realm of Besilmer, and the remaining dwarves abandoned the place altogether.

Over the years, adventurers occasionally stumbled across the buried stronghold of Tyar-Besil and the drow vaults below it. Few made any lasting record of their explorations, and their names are forgotten. But in the year 893 DR (using the Dalereckoning calendar, about 600 years before the present day), a band of adventurers called the Knights of the Silver Horn found the place and commenced an exploration of the ruins. The adventurers came back to Tyar-Besil again and again, and when they decided to establish strongholds and tame the territory, they raised their keeps over each of the known access points leading to the ancient dwarven ruins. The adventurers feared something in the deep caves below the Sumber Hills, and they intended to set a permanent watch over the area.

History didn’t cooperate. A generation or two after the Knights of the Silver Horn established their strongholds, an orc horde swept through the North, and the keeps were overrun. For centuries they stood empty. Locals came to know them as the Haunted Keeps, and various monsters occasionally occupied the ruins.

The abandoned keeps and the dwarven stronghold beneath them might have been forgotten forever, but a few years ago a drow named Vizeran DeVir returned to the ancient Fane of the Eye. A renegade drow wizard of great power, DeVir was no servant of Lolth; like the forgotten sect that created the temple long ago, he devoted himself to the nameless power of the Elder Elemental Eye. His beliefs led to his exile from drow society, but his faithfulness to this dark power did not go unrewarded. Guided by visions, Vizeran DeVir created four mighty weapons imbued with Elemental Evil: the spear Windvane, the dagger Tinderstrike, the trident Drown, and the war pick Ironfang. He left these weapons on the altar of the Elder Elemental Eye for their fated bearers to discover.

Within the last few months, each of the four elemental prophets was driven to seek out the ancient altar by dreams or visions. One by one, Aerisi Kalinoth, Vanifer, Gar Shatterkeel, and Marlos Urnrayle claimed their weapons and became the leaders of their respective cults. The four prophets established themselves in the ruins of dwarven Tyar-Besil and occupied the Haunted Keeps that guard access to the vast dungeon. Lunatics, outlaws, power-hungry villains, and monsters of all description began to trickle into the valley, drawn by the dark call of Elemental Evil. Meanwhile, the prophets experimented with their new toys, nurturing the seeds of elemental nodes that grew larger every day and testing their powers to create ever-larger natural disasters.

After thousands of years, the seeds of Elemental Evil once again sprout beneath the Sumber Hills. Whether anyone can expose these sinister plots and put a stop to them remains to be seen.

Adventure Synopsis

The adventure begins when the characters arrive in the town of Red Larch, a small settlement on the western side of the Dessarin Valley. Strange rumors and ominous signs have the townsfolk concerned, including reports of bandit attacks on the roads, piracy on the Dessarin River, and monster sightings too close to town. But the mystery that has keen observers of the region most concerned is the disappearance of a delegation traveling overland from the city of Mirabar to Waterdeep. The delegation stopped in the tiny village of Beliard, where the members mentioned their intent to visit sacred dwarven sites before continuing on to Goldenfields. They were last seen at the west end of the Stone Bridge, turning south to proceed overland through the heart of the Sumber Hills. It has now been almost a month, and the delegation never showed up at Goldenfields or any other outpost.

Powerful factions have good reason to worry about the missing delegation. The Harpers are concerned about a noted dwarf historian who was part of the delegation. The Emerald Enclave wants to know what happened to a pouch of magical seeds one of the delegation members was bringing to Goldenfields. Even the Zhentarim are interested in trying to improve their relations with Mirabar by helping to solve the mystery. Whether the characters set out to search for the missing delegation or choose to investigate another lead, they soon find clues that lead them to the Haunted Keeps in the Sumber Hills. All of these are now occupied by strange new sects masquerading as harmless societies or reclusive orders, but these outposts serve Elemental Evil.

When the characters infiltrate or defeat these disguised groups of cultists, they discover that each Haunted Keep guards a passage leading to a huge dungeon beneath the Sumber Hills, the new Temple of Elemental Evil. Here, the elemental cults have established themselves in the ruins of an ancient dwarven stronghold. They are building up their strength as they work to master elemental power. The characters come up against the elemental prophets and confront one of the four cult leaders, whose identity depends on which part of the temple the characters explore first.

Even as the characters delve into the elemental temples, their successes provoke retaliation. The elemental prophets dispatch bands of cultists armed with devastation orbs-essentially bombs of elemental energy created from the elemental nodes-to unleash natural disasters throughout the Dessarin Valley, punishing everyone for the characters interference.

Despite fierce opposition in the various elemental temples and the retribution of the offended cults, the characters succeed in rescuing some of the Mirabar delegates and driving out some or all of the cults from their newly established bases in Tyar-Besil. Unfortunately, other members of the delegation remain missing, and various other leads and mysteries remain unresolved. Worse yet, it quickly becomes clear that the elemental cults are on the brink of unleashing unthinkable disasters.

As an elemental apocalypse grows nearer, the characters discover passages leading from the cult-controlled territory in Tyar-Besil to the far older (and more dangerous) caverns known as the Fane of the Eye, dug long ago by drow. Here they find the evil altar dedicated to the Elder Elemental Eye, where the characters confront another of the elemental prophets (again, the prophet they fight depends on which part of the dungeon they explore first). They also find passages leading into the ultimate sanctums of the cults: the elemental nodes known as the Black Geode, the Howling Caverns, the Plunging Torrents, and the Weeping Colossus.

In the last stage of the adventure, the characters face the daunting task of pursuing the remaining two elemental prophets into their places of power. The most powerful and dedicated followers of each of the four cults guard these sanctums, which are infused with elemental energy and warped into strange reflections of the Elemental Planes. At the heart of each elemental node, the characters find a great portal that serves as a conduit from its associated elemental plane. Here the remaining cult leaders make their stands, and here the characters face the overwhelming power of the Princes of Elemental Evil. Victory might seem doubtful against such opponents, but clever and resourceful characters can find ways to destroy the portals instead of trying to slay these dire beings.

With the portals shut, the elemental nodes revert to normal, and any surviving cultists scatter to the four winds. Their stronghold is destroyed and their leaders are dead; Elemental Evil is defeated in this world for now.

Elemental Cults


Symbol of the Elder Elemental Eye

Symbol of the Elder Elemental Eye Complete

Elemental Evil perverts the natural elements, limiting them to aspects of destruction. This force wants to gain the power to tear down everything-morals, social structures, governments, the laws of nature-and reduce existence to a more elemental state, tainted with conflict and madness. Elemental Evil uses mortal servants as a means to this end.

These hateful principles take two primary forms in the world. The first is corruption. Elemental Evil tempts the broken, the wronged, and the wicked with the power to strike back. It represents the worm in the apple, a hidden corruption that grows stronger over time as the natural order decays. Secret cults spring up, institutions are debased, and the fundamental laws governing the seasons begin to weaken. As Elemental Evil grows stronger, its corruption grows into the second form: madness. Cultists sink into insanity, lashing out at everything around them or destroying themselves in elemental cataclysms. Ruin rules as the forces of nature become instruments of destruction. A world in which Elemental Evil triumphed would exist only as an everlasting war of raging elements.

Elemental Evil appears in different worlds throughout the many ages. This sinister force-the Elder Elemental Eye-is well hidden in Faerun. Individuals remain susceptible to its call: those lured by the promise of power, those who know only hate in their hearts, those whose minds are broken and therefore open to insinuation and dark whispers. These are the servants of Elemental Evil, and they can cause immeasurable harm if they aren’t exposed and rooted out.

Although destruction is the unifying principle of Elemental Evil, beings that serve this dark force don’t necessarily adhere to that goal. Only the most unbalanced minds seek destruction for its own sake. Instead, the servants of Elemental Evil seek power through the destructive might of one of the elements of air, earth, fire, or water. This is the origin of the four elemental cults that together compose the worship of Elemental Evil.

The cults operate independently of each other. Each believes that its favored element is the most powerful and most worthy of worship. Rank-and-file members of the air cult sneer at the idea that anyone could see something worth worshiping in elemental earth, fire, or water. Members of the other cults feel the same way about any cult but their own. Only the best-educated or most magically gifted members understand that a unifying principle underlies each elemental cult. Even then, they believe that their element should reign supreme.

Despite these different goals and varying methods, the elemental cults are linked to each other by forces they don’t fully understand. From world to world and age to age, the cults of Elemental Evil have risen again and again. Each time, the cultists of elemental air, earth, fire, and water are joined to the same dark fate.

Throughout the adventure, characters have ample opportunity to see the symbol associated with each of the four cults. They could figure out how the four symbols connect to form a fifth symbol: that of the Elder Elemental Eye.

Cult of the Black Earth



The earth cult worships the implacable strength and unyielding resistance of elemental earth. Cultists seek the power to destroy the works of civilization with landslides, sinkholes, or mighty earthquakes, thus demonstrating the true power of elemental earth and the futility of resistance. Earth cultists see mines, quarries, and tilled fields as insults imposed upon the living rock and soil. They believe the earth thirsts for the blood of those who don’t venerate it before all other powers and beings.

The Cult of the Black Earth appeals to those who draw their fortunes from the earth-directly or indirectly. In areas where the influence of Elemental Evil takes hold, animals and monsters that live or burrow in the ground accept the cultists as allies. Creatures such as ankhegs or bulettes, normally too stupid and ravenous to be trained, submit to the will of the Black Earth. The monsters allow themselves to be herded or ridden into battle against the enemies of the cult.

The Sign of the Black Earth

The symbol of the earth cult signifies purpose and stability. Cultists sometimes identify themselves with a hand gesture: they make a triangle by touching the thumbs and forefingers of both hands together.

Tactics and Philosophy

The Black Earth cult is the most defense-minded and patient of the four elemental cults. Earth cultists admire stoicism, endurance, and unyielding resolve. They are deliberate and slow to act, careful to consider their plans and gather their strength before beginning any new enterprise. Once earth cultists resolve to act, they are inflexible, grinding their way forward through any obstacle or unforeseen development. They are single-minded in the extreme, and most earth cultists have little use for social niceties. They see common courtesy as a way for the weak to put limits on the behavior of the strong, and they scorn empathy or friendship as weakness.

In battle, Black Earth cultists are brutal and straightforward. They overpower foes with direct assaults, although if they have the opportunity to undermine defenses or attack from below, they unhesitatingly put their skill at tunneling and mastery of burrowing monsters to good use. They are unflinching in the face of death. Surrender is never an option.

Earth cultists live and work underground. They craft weapons from stone or iron and “bathe” themselves in sand or dirt to feel close to their favored element. Black Earth initiates know the secret of creating armor from magically shaped stone, and even their robes include stone pauldrons or masks.

Prophet of Earth

A medusa named Marlos Urnrayle leads the Black Earth cult. He wields the elemental weapon Ironfang, a war pick infused with the power of Ogrémoch, the Prince of Evil Earth. Marlos is vain and cruel, an extreme narcissist who delights in surrounding himself with objects of beauty and luxurious comforts. Beneath this sneering self-assurance lies a bitter being who loathes himself and holds everyone around him in contempt.

Marlos began life as a human aristocrat, born into a wealthy Cormyrean family. He squandered his familys wealth on endless self-indulgence, seeking more questionable forms of entertainment through the years. The Urnrayle estate became known as a place of outrageous masquerades, bizarre banquets, and grotesque orgies. Marlos required his guests to don ugly or monstrous masks, thus ensuring that no ones beauty would outshine his own.

As he aged, Marlos turned to magic to preserve his fading beauty. After searching for years, he found a ring that contained the stolen vitality of a lovely fey creature. As long as he wore the ring, his imperfections vanished and no one could resist his physical charms-until the day the ring transformed Marlos into a medusa. The horror of his fate drove Marlos mad. He fled his ancestral home, taking his collection of masks with him.

After years of wandering and hiding in one ruined estate or another across the Western Heartlands, Marlos felt drawn to the desolate Sumber Hills by troubling dreams and visions. A long stairway beneath a ruined monastery brought him to an ancient cavern with a hideous altar, upon which lay a war pick of iron. When the medusa claimed Ironfang, his purpose finally became clear to him. He established his lair in the dungeon nearby and began building the Cult of the Black Earth.


Unlike many of his followers, Marlos is genteel and well-spoken. He delights in witty banter and pointed repartee, although he is quick to make a cutting remark or jest at someone elses expense. Marlos takes pleasure in mocking others, especially if he can do so in a clever or elegant way. Marloss previous life had been a constant search for pleasure, but the only thing that now stirs his loveless soul is refined cruelty. He can be driven to fits of blind, unreasoning jealousy if he is outshone by another urbane and attractive individual.

Enemies and Allies

The Black Earth cultists are highly suspicious of the Cult of Howling Hatred. They believe that the air cultists are mercurial, unreliable, and generally out of touch with reality. The earth cultists respect the strength and ferocity of the Eternal Flame followers, but also find them maddeningly inconstant. Black Earth cultists ally most often with the Crushing Wave, since they admire the patience and pragmatism of the water cultists.

Cult of the Crushing Wave



Cultists of the Crushing Wave worship the awesome power of water, from the surging tides and deadly maelstroms of the sea to the raging torrents of rivers in flood and the rock-crushing power of ice and glaciers. Crushing Wave cultists see all living creatures as nothing more than trapped water that could one day be free to return to the seas or skies in a new form. The seas and deep waters are eager to reclaim the parts of themselves currently held in the blood and bodies of living creatures, and it is the duty of Crushing Wave initiates to return nonbelievers to the primal waters by drowning them or shedding their blood.

The Crushing Wave cult appeals to those who live in or near bodies of water, as well as to those who appreciate subtlety and inevitability. Wicked sea creatures such as aquatic ghouls and merrows are friendly toward water cultists. Even non-sentient predators such as sharks or octopuses understand that water cultists are allies to be aided or masters to be obeyed.

The Sign of the Crushing Wave

Water cultists use a simple hand sign to identify one another when a token of recognition is required: crossing the forefingers and overlapping the thumbs to create an X-shape linked by a line across the bottom. It stands for waters eternal surge and retreat, a cycle of unending change.

Tactics and Philosophy

Crushing Wave cultists are almost as patient and stoic as the followers of the earth cult. They understand the value of outlasting formidable foes and slowly eroding their defenses. However, they are far more flexible and opportunistic in their overall philosophy than the earth cultists are. Like a flood that seeks the weak point in a levee and then bursts through with ever-growing strength, water cultists are quick to sense an opening and then act to exploit it. This philosophy of pragmatism and opportunism means that the Crushing Wave is the most mercenary of the four elemental cults. Water cultists eagerly seek out rich prizes and use their ill-gotten loot to develop their schemes.

In combat, Crushing Wave cultists excel as skirmishers. They value mobility and opportunism, rarely making a stand in one place for long. Instead, they feign retreats, regroup, and launch new attacks, wearing down their foes like storm-driven waves eating away at a sandy beach. Almost all water cultists are excellent swimmers skilled at fighting in water, so they look for opportunities to surprise their enemies by using bodies of water to slip around or through defenses.

Because the cultists see water as the wellspring of all life and purpose, they spend as much time in or around it as possible. Many cult hideouts are located near large bodies of water, and those that aren’t feature hidden pools or wells in which cult members can immerse themselves. Water cultists prize water-breathing magic and seek it out for no other reason than to spend hours meditating underwater. Few cultists gain any profound insights from these exercises.

Prophet of Water

The former sailor Gar Shatterkeel leads the Crushing Wave cult. He wields the elemental weapon Drown, a trident imbued with the essence of Olhydra, Princess of Evil Water. Gar is a sullen man who says little, letting his actions speak for him. He believes he has been wronged by the world and hates all people except those as broken and unfortunate as himself. Gar also despises weakness in others.

Gar was born in a poor fishing village in the Nelanther Isles. At a young age, he lost his family to a sahuagin attack. The sea devils slaughtered almost everyone he knew. A Tethyrian merchant galley conscripted the young orphan into service, and Gar was forced into a brutal indentured servitude that was barely better than being enslaved. His unwilling service came to an end when pirates attacked the merchant ship. During the fighting, Gar was knocked overboard. For days he survived by clinging to the ships wreckage, until a shark ripped off his left arm. Death seemed imminent, but a powerful current arose and bore him away from the hungry predator. Within an hour he was cast upon the shores of the Sword Coast.

Gar believed that the current that had saved his life was an elemental sent by the sea. From that day forward, he devoted himself to the ocean, teaching himself its secrets and learning powerful water magic over years of lonely wandering. He despised all other people, remembering only his harsh treatment by the merchant crew and the brutality of the pirates. But in time he became aware of a call to a higher purpose, impelling him to find other examples of human flotsam and teach them about the power of the sea.

Gars visions led him to the secret waters beneath the Sumber Hills. He found a hidden cavern temple, on whose altar lay a powerful magical trident. Sensing its power, Gar took up the weapon and began to call his cult to join him in the Temple of the Crushing Wave.


Gar is covered in barnacles, and he wears an artificial arm in the shape of a crabs claw over the stump of his left arm. He never uses two words when one will do, and he believes that anyone addressing him with courtesy is either insincere or subtly mocking him. The water prophets primary motivation is retribution; the world has been cruel to him, and he intends to make everyone else suffer as he has. He longs to be near the ocean again and is distressed by the fact that the driving force behind his visions keeps him so far from the sea.

Enemies and Allies

The followers of the Crushing Wave detest the Cult of the Eternal Flame. They find the fire cultists to be hostile, short-tempered, and unforgivably rash. The Howling Hatred cultists aren’t as hostile, but they are likewise given to sudden impulses and are unreliable. The water cultists get along with the Cult of the Black Earth. The earth cultists are deliberate and dependable, if perhaps too inflexible for their own good.

Cult of the Eternal Flame



The followers of the Eternal Flame cult worship the destructive power of fire in all its manifestations. They seek the power to burn away the “corruption” of both civilization and nature with volcanic eruptions, forest fires, heat waves, and droughts, creating a wasteland of ash and cinders ruled by fire alone. Eternal Flame cultists believe the world and all its peoples are wicked and malformed, and they consider it a sacred duty to “purify” everything around them by reducing their surroundings to smoking cinders.

The Eternal Flame appeals to those drawn to destruction for its own sake. Creatures of elemental fire are most likely to take up this reckless philosophy; even non-intelligent fire monsters sense the reckless lust for destruction lurking in the hearts of fire cultists and consider Eternal Flame believers to be their allies.

The Sign of the Eternal Flame

The symbol of the fire cult is reminiscent of a bowl-like brazier with a burning flame. Fire cultists sometimes identify themselves with a symbolic hand sign: holding one hand in a fist, thumb up, and laying the other hand over the fist as if to cover the bowl but allow the flame to show. Members of the cult can also be identified by their burn scars.

Tactics and Philosophy

Fire cultists are impetuous, hot-tempered, and violent. They aren’t mindless savages; their impetuousness also encompasses fiendish inventiveness and a drive to devise new tools for their mad cause. They are masters of fire and forge, taking captives to work in their infernal foundries. Fire cultists see conquest and enslavement of the weak as necessary steps in bringing about the chaos they intend to unleash on the world.

In battle, fire cultists launch sudden, overwhelming assaults. They throw themselves into reckless attacks with no regard for their own lives, seeking to cause as much damage as possible before falling. They are fearless and would rather die fighting among a mob of enemies than retreat a single step.

Followers of the Eternal Flame cult surround themselves with the largest fires they can create. Their favorite tactic involves using magic to open volcanic fissures or vents and channel flows of molten rock. Widespread arson and deliberately set forest fires are acceptable alternatives. Most fire cultists believe that something important and beautiful should be set on fire every day, or else they’re just not doing their part.

Fire Prophet

Through all-consuming ambition and a desire to punish all who ever thwarted her dreams, the tiefling Vanifer has risen to leadership of the Eternal Flame cult. Beneath her refined exterior is a steel edge of scorned pride. And underneath her hard pride lies a desire for murder and mayhem. Vanifer harbors a fierce hatred for all who think themselves superior to her, and she stops at nothing to make them see her as a figure to be feared and respected.

Vanifer was born and raised in the crushing poverty of Calimports poorest quarters, armed with only her cunning intelligence. In her youth, she learned to dance for coin and slowly worked her way up from the wine sinks of the laborers districts to the elegant chambers of the citys nobles. She mastered minor fire magic to distinguish herself from other dancers and incorporated flame into her routine. Her talents grew, and soon she caught the eye of a pasha and became his concubine. But even as she enjoyed the gifts he lavished on her, Vanifer hated the pasha for seeing her as a mere trophy. She left before long, robbing the pasha of a small fortune in jewelry and setting fire to his palace.

Vanifer fled to Zazesspur, but her former masters agents soon found her. She fled again to Baldurs Gate, taking up residence in the poor neighborhood known as Little Calimshan. There she opened a school of dance and discovered that her gift for fire attracted other sorts of students. She became the leader of a cult of fire worshipers. There she remained until a few months ago, when dreams and visions impelled her to seek out a lost dungeon in the North. On the altar of a forgotten temple she found the dagger Tinderstrike, imbued with the power of Imix, the Prince of Evil Fire. Armed with this powerful weapon, Vanifer resolved to establish a new chapter of her cult beneath the Sumber Hills.


Vanifer is an extraordinary manipulator. She collects allies and followers with her wiles, using them as she needs and discarding them the moment they lose their usefulness. Its a testament to her natural talent that many of her victims are pathetically eager to bask in the glow of her attention again if she discovers she needs something else from them. While Vanifer puts on the airs of a rich noble, she despises those raised with great wealth, and her sensibilities favor the coarse. Vanifer is ambitious above all else, and as undisputed master of the fire cult, she intends to make the Eternal Flame the strongest and most feared cult of all.

Enemies and Allies

Eternal Flame cultists detest the followers of the Crushing Wave. They see the water cultists as slippery and untrustworthy, perhaps even cowardly-after all, the Crushing Wave retreats quickly from opposition and seeks the path of least resistance before committing its strength. The earth cultists are stolid and courageous, but maddeningly slow to act. The cultists of the Howling Hatred share the fire cults impulse to act swiftly and show many of the same qualities of inventiveness and creativity in the service of Elemental Evil.

Cult of the Howling Hatred



The followers of elemental air call themselves the Cult of the Howling Hatred. They worship the destructive power of wind and storms, believing that those who venerate elemental air gain the power to punish those who have wronged them. More so than the members of the other cults, air cultists see their beliefs as a means to an end. Destruction for its own sake isn’t particularly interesting, but destruction as an expression of personal freedom or to earn things wrongfully denied? Thats a different story.

The Cult of the Howling Hatred appeals to those who deal in perceptions over facts: illusionists, spies, and assassins, for example. Predatory or fierce winged creatures of any kind, even non-sentient monsters that would otherwise resist training, perceive the air cultists as allies and cooperate with them. Hippogriffs, griffons, and giant vultures are frequently used as air cult steeds.

The Sign of the Howling Hatred

The symbol of elemental air is an inverted triangle with three branching lines above it. Some believe it stands for the funnel cloud of a tornado, while others see it as the superiority of winged creatures over the ground. Some maintain it is an ancient rune that stands for the elemental lord Yan-C-Bin. Whatever their interpretations, the air cultists use the symbol as a secret password of sorts. By touching the thumbs and little fingers together and closing the rest of the fingers into a fist, an air cultist forms an inverted triangle that is a mark of membership in the cult.

Tactics and Philosophy

Howling Hatred cultists are clever, impulsive, and creative. They usually see themselves as smarter, quicker, and more capable than others they meet. Howling Hatred cultists dislike open battle. They prefer to work in secret, using stealth and illusion to gain their ends with a minimum of force. Tactics of deception and ambush provide the air cultists with opportunities to prove themselves smarter and more resourceful than their opponents. The wind doesn’t blow down a castle, but flows around and through it. Infiltration and indirect attack are clearly superior tactics.

Air cultists seek out high places for their strongholds wherever possible, although they value subterranean spaces with wide chasms or lofty vaults. Places where flying is possible are mandatory. The followers of the Howling Hatred understand that sometimes they must put secrecy above other considerations.

Prophet of Air

The moon elf Aerisi Kalinoth leads the Cult of the Howling Hatred. Tall and slender, with illusory wings that gently fan the air, Aerisi speaks to her people in a whisper that sounds clearly in the ears of all in her presence. Aerisi regards her followers not as cultists, but as her noble subjects. Before them she is prophet and queen. Musicians and courtiers amuse and flatter her, and warriors mounted on hippogriffs serve as her knights.

Aerisi grew up in an enchanted castle in a remote part of Faerun, surrounded by tales, histories, and tomes of magic. She passed her early years playing games, practicing enchantments, and imagining herself as one of the avariel (winged elves) from her storybooks. Her parents' sheltered her from the conflicts of Faerun, and she came of age with a tender and fragile disposition.

Eventually her paren’ts decided it was time for their daughter to engage in elven society, and they brought her to the hidden city of Evereska. Her paren’ts then realized their grave mistake. In pampering and sheltering their daughter, they had raised not a young lady but a spoiled child. Accustomed to having all she desired, the princess erupted into tantrums whenever she was denied her slightest whim, and the moon elves of Evereska could hardly endure her.

Aerisi felt powerless among the moon elves. Although she had become a skilled enchanter in Faerie, her people were resistant to such charms. In her dreams she began to envision herself as one of the winged elves from her storybooks. She wished to control the wind and go wherever she liked, and to punish those who offended her. The childlike fantasies of her youth became dark visions where she ruled the storms and the air itself. She dreamed of an old mystic with brown skin and white hair, who promised to teach her all she desired to know-a vision of Yan-C-Bin, the Prince of Evil Air. Aerisi turned her study to elemental air, learning the secret of flight and escaping Evereska to follow the deluded visions of her dreams.

Aerisis visions led her to a strange altar in a cavern beneath the Sumber Hills, where she acquired the spear Windvane. Driven by Yan-C-Bin, she dubbed herself a queen and set out to find followers to rule. Her enchantments helped fill the ranks of the Cult of the Howling Hatred with initiates hopelessly devoted to her.


No one can deny Aerisis grace, but she also possesses a violent temper that reveals itself whenever she is denied what she wants. Aerisi is prone to flights of fancy and impulsive decadence. She doesn’t see herself as evil because she lacks the capacity to empathize with anyone else. Those who worship and please her are good, and those who defy her are wicked and must be punished. Her wish to lash the world with storms and destruction is, at its root, a temper tantrum against the elven society that dared to impose its strictures on her.

Enemies and Allies

The cultists of the Howling Hatred find the Black Earth cultists to be coarse, rude, unimaginative, and stubborn to the point of stupidity. Most offensively, the earth cultists are bluntly unimpressed by the Howling Hatred cult and its achievements. Followers of the Crushing Wave are more flexible and inventive, but they are crass mercenaries and likewise too pragmatic to appreciate the finer points of the air cults philosophy. The Eternal Flame is the best of the lot, since the fire cultists share the decisiveness and creative energy of the Howling Hatred cult, even if they are overly proud and aggressive.

Running the Adventure

When you prepare to DM this adventure, several tools are at your disposal for a strong start and smooth play.

Adventure Hooks



This adventure is designed for 3rd-level characters, but see the “Starting the Adventure” section for more options. When the players create characters, encourage each of them to choose adventure-specific hooks from the list below and align with a faction (see “Factions” below). Doing so ties the characters more to the fight against Elemental Evil.

The following descriptions detail motivations associated with specific parts of the adventure. Fulfilling the goal specified by an adventure hook earns the character inspiration, as described in the hooks entry.

Best Served Cold

The character must find and defeat Windharrow, the minstrel who attends Aerisi Kalinoth. Windharrow can initially be found in area A4 of the Temple of Howling Hatred. Most members of the air cult know that he stays near Aerisi. The character earns inspiration for reaching the air temple and again for defeating Windharrow.

Dangerous Information

Its a race against time-the character overheard cruel bandits planning a raid and intends to stop them. The bandits report to someone named Grimjaw in a place called Rivergard Keep. The character earns inspiration for defeating the villains in the “Reaver Ambush” encounter in chapter 3 and again for defeating Jolliver Grimjaw.

Dangerous Secret

The character has been assigned to infiltrate the mysterious druids of the Circle of the Scarlet Moon and discover their true plans. The circle supposedly knows ritual magic unknown to other druids. The character earns inspiration for discovering the truth behind the Rite of the Wicker Giant and again for finding the fire gate in the Weeping Colossus.

Dark Omens

The signs and portents are clear: nature is out of balance. Terrible disaster is drawing closer with every passing day. To restore the balance of nature, the character must destroy the four elemental nodes. The character earns inspiration for each portal the party closes.

Defeat the Skyriders

Vicious raiders mounted on hippogriffs have laid waste to several small hamlets and merchant caravans, and the character has sworn to stop them. Clearing the Howling Hatred cultists out of Feathergale Spire earns the character inspiration, as does obtaining a flying mount.

Feathergale Rebel

The character has been sent to retrieve a Waterdhavian noblewoman. Savra Belabranta is currently guarding the front gate of Feathergale Spire. The character earns inspiration by persuading her to abandon the cult and return home, as well as for clearing the spire of air cultists.

The Fugitive

The character is on the trail of a ruthless murderer, Bastian Thermandar. Bastian is an important member of the fire cult and can be found in the Temple of Eternal Flame. The character earns inspiration for reaching the fire temple and again for defeating or killing Bastian.

Hired Hand

Homesteaders who were kind to itinerant workers are now missing. The character sets out to have revenge and to rescue any survivors. Defeating the kenku in area A2 of the Temple of Howling Hatred earns the character inspiration, as does rescuing Bero Gladham in area A12 of the air temple or Nerise Gladham in area N17 of the Howling Caves.

Madman at Haunted Keep

The character knows that unsavory sorts have occupied Rivergard Keep, and that there’s a secret way into the castle. Using the secret entrance earns inspiration, as does clearing the Crushing Wave cultists out of Rivergard Keep.

The Mud Sorcerer

Months ago, the character was robbed by a genasi who killed several innocent bystanders. Now its time to find Miraj Vizann and make him pay. Vizann can normally be found in area B8 of the Temple of Black Earth. The character earns inspiration for reaching the temple and again for defeating Miraj.

Ominous Dream

The character has seen the earth prophet, Marlos Urnrayle, in dreams and knows that Marlos is a dangerous villain who must be stopped. The character earns inspiration for gaining access to the earth temple and again for defeating Marlos.

Recover Your Sword

Thugs associated with the water cult broke into the workshop where the character apprenticed, murdered the master smith, and stole the beautiful sword she’d made. The character earns inspiration for defeating Jolliver Grimjaw and again for recovering the sword in area C14 of the Temple of the Crushing Wave.

Rescue Your People

Raiders from the fire cult have abducted people the character feels responsible for protecting. They must be rescued at any cost. The captives are held in area E11 of the Temple of Eternal Flame. The character earns inspiration for reaching the temple and again for getting the captives to safety.

Seeking Revenge

Fire cultists torched the characters home or razed a defenseless village. The character is sworn to stop them. The character earns inspiration for defeating Lyzzie Calderos in area E29 of the Temple of Eternal Flame and again for defeating Vanifer.

Settle a Score

Marauders in stony armor robbed the character’s friends or family and left the character for dead. Now its time to even the score. The character earns inspiration for defeating the Black Earth cultists in area M9 of the Sacred Stone Monastery and again for defeating Hedorm in area B14 of the Temple of Black Earth.

Shatterkeel’s Trail

Months ago, Gar Shatterkeel destroyed the characters ship by conjuring a powerful storm. Dozens of sailors died, and now the character intends revenge. The character earns inspiration for reaching the water temple and again for defeating Gar.

Standing Offer

Months ago, the character served as a guide for a band of mysterious pilgrims who set out to reoccupy the Sacred Stone Monastery. The character’s mission is to infiltrate the group and discover their intentions. The character earns inspiration for successfully joining the earth cult at the monastery and again for surviving an encounter with Renwick, the lich in area M16 of the monastery.

Strange Map

An ancient map has come into the characters possession, showing the location of a forgotten dwarf stronghold beneath the Sumber Hills. The character earns inspiration each time he or she discovers one of the four temples in ancient Tyar-Besil.

Suspicious Fellow

The character becomes suspicious of Thurl Merosska, a knight of the Feathergale Society, and decides to investigate. Thurl is normally found in Feathergale Spire. The character earns inspiration for defeating Thurl and again for discovering the Temple of Howling Hatred.


The character is tasked to break up a smuggling and piracy ring on the Dessarin River headquartered at Rivergard Keep. The character earns inspiration for successfully joining the water cult at Rivergard Keep and again for capturing or killing Shoalar Quanderil.

Walked Away

The character was briefly recruited by the fire cultists but never took up arms with them. Now the character wants to stop the villains before they give all mercenaries a bad name. The character earns inspiration for clearing out Scarlet Moon Hall and again for reaching the Temple of Eternal Flame.


Factions are like political parties, religious organizations, or secret societies. Players can choose a connection to one of five factions: the Harpers, the Order of the Gauntlet, the Emerald Enclave, the Lords' Alliance, and the Zhentarim. All five factions have their own reasons for opposing the spread of Elemental Evil. However, none fully comprehend the gravity of the threat at the adventures start.

You can make the characters connections to their factions as complex as you like. The Harpers and the Emerald Enclave operate on personal relationships, so the characters might have met their contacts before the adventure starts. The Lords' Alliance and the Zhentarim, on the other hand, have an elaborate system of pass phrases and secret signs that identify their agents to one another.

The first visit to Red Larch is a good time to establish these protocols and give each character some face time with a faction contact. (See the “Important Red Larchers” section of “Red Larch” in chapter 2.) Such contacts can’t promise the characters specific resources or reinforcements, but they’re friendly faces who know the lay of the land and can offer guidance. They can pass messages to higher-ups; however, any reply is slow in coming.

As the characters further explore the Dessarin Valley, they meet other NPCs affiliated with various factions. The factions also become more helpful as they start to recognize the cults are a dangerous, destructive force.

The Harpers

Faction Harpers

A scattered network of spellcasters and spies, the Harpers advocate equality and covertly oppose the abuse of power, magical or otherwise. Agents operate in secret and emphasize stealth and subtlety, or at the very least discretion. Bards and wizards are their most prominent members.

Harpers operate in small cells throughout the North. One is based in Triboar: Darathra Shendrel, the Lord Protector, belongs to the faction, and Harper agents can find welcome at the Home of the Boars.

Another cell in the prosperous trade center of Yartar monitors traffic in the Dessarin Valley and the actions and policies of the citys Waterbaron. The Harpers work to maintain the balance of power between the various groups competing to influence the city.

In the Sumber Hills, the Harpers warn travelers and adventurers to stay clear of Rundreth Manor and the Dark Lady who dwells there. Harpers also watch the ruined Halls of the Hunting Axe.

The Order of the Gauntlet

Faction Order of the Gauntlet

This faction is primarily a military organization made up of paladins, clerics, and monks. Members of the order are faithful and vigilant seekers of justice who protect others from the depredations of evildoers. They exact swift retribution against those who violate the law.

Atop a high crest in the Sumber Hills stands Summit Hall, home to the Knights of Samular. This venerable order of paladins of Tyr strives to promote justice in the savage North. The Order of the Gauntlet hopes to expand its influence in the region by joining the Knights to its cause.

In the western Sumber Hills, the order has little political influence. It hopes to correct this weakness by establishing alliances with local leaders who share its goals, such as the Waterbaron of Yartar. The order is even pursuing negotiations with fringe organizations.

The Emerald Enclave

Faction Emerald Enclave

This widespread group of wilderness survivalists preserves the natural order while rooting out unnatural threats. Many of the Enclaves members are barbarians, druids, and rangers. Some wander the untamed lands while others make their homes on the outskirts of towns and villages, where they help to protect travelers from the dangers of the wild.

The enclave’s greatest stronghold in the region is the fortified farm and abbey to Chauntea called Goldenfields. Abbot Ellardin Darovik is a senior agent of the Emerald Enclave. In the High Forest to the east lies Shadowtop Cathedral, another of the enclave’s meeting places.

The Lords' Alliance

Faction Lords Alliance

The Lords' Alliance is a shaky compact of aggressive political powers concerned with mutual security and prosperity. Fighters and sorcerers are prevalent among alliance agents, and they are often glory hounds seeking personal recognition. Most agents are lawful or neutral; in the courtly circles of the lords', those who don’t follow the rules seldom last long.

Trade along rivers and roads links the cities of the Lords' Alliance, so its operatives eliminate threats to that trade as soon as they appear.

Located at the confluence of the Dessarin and Surbrin rivers, Yartar is a prosperous center of commerce. Various groups vie to control its wealth and influence its trade. The Waterbaron of Yartar, Nestra Ruthiol, is a member of the Lords' Alliance, and her decisions affect the politics of not only her city but the other cities of the region.

The Zhentarim

Faction Zhentarim

Zhentarim Ally

This shadow network seeks to expand its influence and power base throughout Faerun. Its members coerce, persuade, or buy their way into every major area of influence. Rogues and warlocks fill the Zhentarims ranks, but the faction recruits any who can conduct its business without too many moral reservations.

Zhentarim operatives might be found in any settlement, but in the North the organization is based in the Bargewright Inn. Zhentarim mercenaries and spies meet within its many private chambers. The Black Network disguises its ownership of the inn to avoid unwanted attention. The organization also has a vested interest in maintaining the prosperity of Yartar.

Minor Factions

A number of minor factions also seek influence in the Dessarin Valley: the elves of the High Forest, the Hand of Yartar, the Knights of Samular, and the Uthgardt tribes.

Elves of the High Forest

The High Forest once sheltered three great elven realms beneath its boughs. Many tribes of wood elves-and a few moon elves-still protect the ruined monuments to their golden age. Few beyond the borders of the High Forest know much about these elves; they have no single leader and make little contact with the outside world.

The wood elf Morgwais, known as the Red Lady or the Lady of the Wood, seeks to unite the disparate tribes through the Caerilcarn (“Council of the Wood”). Her aim is to resurrect the ancient kingdom of Eaerlann, and she has made steps in that direction by allying various elven settlements. As yet, though, only a few elves believe in her vision, and they are spread far apart over the eastern reaches of the forest.

The Emerald Enclave is friendly to the elves of the High Forest. However, Morgwais has a troubled history with Turlang, a treant leader of the enclave in Shadowtop Cathedral.

The Hand of Yartar

The famous chronicler Volo once said that everyone in Yartar is after money or power-preferably both-in as short a time as possible. The Harpers, the Lords' Alliance, and the Zhentarim compete within the city. The local thieves guild, the Hand of Yartar, vies for a larger piece of the action, but infighting has kept the guild from having much influence.

Within the guild, a new and deadly group is flourishing, comprising ambitious young female thieves and assassins. They are masters of disguise and infiltration, impersonating officials and commoners alike in order to steal, bribe, and murder.

The Hand of Yartar might work with the Zhentarim when its convenient for both parties.

The Knights of Samular

This order of paladins dedicated to Tyr has pursued justice across the North for over five hundred years (see chapter 3 for more information). Its founder, Samular Caradoon, built Summit Hall in the Sumber Hills as a training monastery for the order. Young men and women across the North travel to Summit Hall so that they might learn from its aging heroes.

The Lady of the Hall, Ushien Stormbanner, is sympathetic to the Order of the Gauntlet.

Uthgardt Tribes

For over a thousand years, the barbarian humans of the Uthgardt tribes have roved the North, holding to ancient customs of ritual and taboo. They are notorious for their hatred of magic, disavowal of any gods but their own, and hostility to anyone not of their tribes. Most in the North consider Uthgardt to be little better than orcs. Two tribes are the most troublesome to folk of the Dessarin Valley: the Tree Ghosts and the Elk. See chapter 2 for more about the Uthgardt.

Starting the Adventure

If the characters are 1st level, use the adventures at the start of chapter 6 to get them to 3rd level, at which point they’re ready for the main adventure (which begins with “The Missing Delegation” in chapter 3). You can also skip the introductory adventures in chapter 6 and begin playing the main adventure with 3rd-level characters.

If you previously ran Lost Mine of Phandelver (the adventure in the D&D Starter Set), players can use characters from that adventure in Princes of the Apocalypse. In this case, the characters are likely to be 5th level, a fact you need to account for when considering encounter difficulty in the adventure. Such characters also have no existing motivation to pursue the cults of Elemental Evil. As experienced adventurers, though, they might find the mystery of the Mirabar delegation to be all the incentive they need. Ideas for relocating the party to Red Larch include the following:

  • Gundren Rockseeker asks the characters to escort a wagonload of valuable ore from the newly reopened Wave Echo Mine to Bethendurs Storage in Red Larch, where it should be picked up by a caravan bound for Secomber. The dwarf has heard that the market for platinum ingots is quite good in more easterly lands and anticipates a tidy profit.
  • After receiving a vision, Sister Garaele of the Shrine of Luck decides to become intendant at the Allfaiths Shrine in Red Larch. She asks the characters (especially any prospective Harper) to accompany her and make sure she reaches the shrine safely.
  • Halia Thornton hears rumors about an important delegation that has gone missing somewhere in the Dessarin Valley. She asks a Zhentarim character to investigate the situation on behalf of the Black Network. The story came to her from a trapper who’d heard it in Red Larch, so she suggests that the character should begin there.

The journey from Phandalin to Triboar is about 140 miles eastward along the Triboar Trail. Another 200 miles south along the Long Road takes characters from Triboar to Red Larch.

Preparing for Play

Players feel more immersed in the setting when their characters backgrounds, bonds, and faction choices come to life at the table. Once your players make their characters, make a list of key story elements that you can refer to throughout the course of the adventure. Include locations and NPCs important to each characters faction and background. As the characters become more involved in aspects of the adventure, keep this list up to date.

Using Monster References

Throughout the adventure, each encounter presents monster names in bold. This is a visual cue pointing you to look up the monster’s stat block. If a monster comes from chapter 7, you should find a parenthetical note telling you to look there. Finding no such note, you should head for the Monster Manual.

Using the Side Treks

In addition to the core narrative, Princes of the Apocalypse presents a number of short adventures as side treks. Side treks provide players with a change of pace. You need not run side treks in order or at all. Let the natural course of the campaign and the players' interests dictate when or if a side trek becomes available. You can find the side treks in chapter 6.