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The Handy Haversack

Appendix C: Creatures

This appendix presents new monsters and NPCs encountered in this adventure.

Monsters and NPCs by Challenge Rating

Monster Challenge
Bridesmaid of Zuggtmoy 1/8
Drow spore servant 1/8
Derro 1/4
Ixitxachitl 1/4
Male steeder 1/4
Duergar spore servant 1/2
Duergar soulblade 1
Female steeder 1
Awakened zurkhwood 2
Chamberlain of Zuggtmoy 2
Droki 2
Duergar darkhaft 2
Duergar kavalrachni 2
Duergar Keeper of the Flame 2
Duergar Stone Guard 2
Duergar xarrorn 2
Grisha 2
Narrak 2
Vampiric ixitxachitl 2
Derro savant 3
Hook horror spore servant 3
Troglodyte champion of Laogzed 3
Chuul spore servant 4
The Pudding King 4
Yestabrod 4