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The Handy Haversack

Appendix B: Monsters

The monsters appearing in the adventure are presented in this section in alphabetical order.

  • ash zombie
  • Bugbear
  • Commoner
  • Cultist
  • Doppelganger
  • Evil Mage
  • Flameskull
  • Ghoul
  • Giant Spider
  • Goblin
  • Grick
  • Gundren Rockseeker
  • Hobgoblin
  • Mormesk the Wraith
  • Nezznar the Black Spider
  • Nothic
  • Nundro Rockseeker
  • Ochre Jelly
  • Ogre
  • Orc
  • Owlbear
  • Redbrand Ruffian
  • Sildar Hallwinter
  • Skeleton
  • Spectator
  • Stirge
  • Twig Blight
  • Wolf
  • Young Green Dragon (Venomfang)
  • Zombie