The unique magical-mechanical crafting techniques seen in the Monastery of the Distressed Body and the lost city of Daoine Gloine are the basis of a number of unique magic items found in the adventure. Because of their power and rarity, the items in this section (or at least those that aren’t cursed) are best suited for characters in a high-magic campaign. Alternatively, treat each item as the equivalent of two or more magic items appropriate for characters of 5th to 10th level.
You can also treat this section as potential treasure for future play at higher levels. Some of these items might be experiments that Kwalish is working on, which can be made available to the characters if they return to the Barrier Peaks. Alternatively, if you’d like to make full use of these items during the adventure but don’t want to make them part of your long-term campaign, some of them might function only in the monastery or Daoine Gloine, while others might be charge-dependent. When an item’s charges run dry, its magic drains away—or the item might malfunction or explode, with effects determined by you.
The “Alien Technology” section in chapter 9 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide offers useful general guidelines for dealing with strange devices of the sort found in this adventure. If Kwalish’s notes can’t be deciphered (or if the inventor doesn’t show up when the characters need him), you might ask for successful Intelligence checks on the Figuring Out Alien Technology table from anyone trying to operate magical technology. It might take one success to operate a trinket, two successes to operate a force pike or a teleportation-field device, and four successes to operate Kwalish’s powered armor.
Blade of the Medusa Deck of Several Things Galder’s Bubble Pipe Gambler’s Blade Heward’s Hireling Armor Ioun Stone Leather Golem Armor Polymorph Blade Powered Armor