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The Handy Haversack

Leilon Point

“Leilon Point” is balanced for characters of 9th level, though characters of 10th level will still find parts of the quest challenging.

Location Overview

Leilon Point is a small community of farmers and fishers, originally formed centuries ago to supply the town of Leilon with food. When Leilon fell, the village remained, but it has recently increased its production to support the rebuilding of the town.

One tenday ago, a band of sahuagin scouts made Salt Cave beneath Leilion Point their base of operations for performing raids on the farms. Gahza, the sahuagin’s high priestess leader, brought the raiders to the cave after they investigated the disappearance of the knight-dreadnaught near the Tower of Storms. Fheralai had turned the nuisance of the sahuagin into an opportunity when she used an illusion to appear as a sapient shark (an animal revered by sahuagin) before Gahza, telling the aquatic priestess to raid the farming community. The sahuagin fell for the ruse and now believe they are doing the work of their goddess, Sekolah.

Quest Goals

To complete the Leilon Point Quest (see “area The Quest Board"), adventurers must kill or drive out the sahuagin in Salt Cave.

Arrival at Leilon Point

Leilon Point is ten miles from the town of Leilon. When the characters arrive at Leilon Point, read the following boxed text aloud:

The farms of Leilon Point are deathly quiet and still. Every window in the community of thirteen quaint buildings is shuttered. Many of the village’s fields are reduced to blackened ash, and its single street is lined with overturned carts, destroyed sacks of grain, and the rotting, slaughtered carcasses of chickens and pigs.

Though this village on a seaside cliff is mostly farmhouses, four buildings without attached fields stand out. The first, a large cottage, has a sign outside its door that reads, “Head House.” Second, a cubic wood building depicts the image of curling waves on its front door. Third is a brick building high up on a hill, its massive windows shuttered tight. The final place of interest is a stone shed with a smashed door at the edge of town, near a path that winds toward the water.

After the latest attack, the people of the Leilon Point have decided to stay shut up in their houses and wait for help.

Map 7: Leilon Point Farming Community

(Player Version)

Leilon Point Locations

The following locations are keyed to the map of Leilon Point.


The families inside the unlabeled buildings on the map of Leilon Point are farmers, fishers, and their children. No amount of persuasion or intimidation can convince the terrified families to open their doors or speak to the characters.

Fishing Supply Hut

Nets, hooks, chains, rope, and other fishing supplies lay destroyed on the floor of this hut near the corpse of an old woman lying face down in a pool of dried blood. Manda Gutterpunch ran this shop that serviced the fishers in the village. A character who searches her body, making a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check finds the tip of a blade made of bone in a fatal wound in Manda’s stomach, and with a successful DC 18 Intelligence (History) check can tell it is of sahuagin make.

Head House

The town’s leader, a nervous elderly human named Marciano Belta, occupies the Head House. As the town’s headman, Marciano settles disputes and keeps order, a relatively easy job until the sahuagin arrived. Marciano refuses to answer questions shouted through the door unless a character first succeeds on a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check to gain his trust. Characters who break into his house have disadvantage on all Charisma checks made to interact with Marciano. Once the characters gain Marciano’s trust, he shares the following information:

  • A tenday ago, a band of violent shark people appeared out of nowhere on the eastern edge of town and began burning fields and killing animals. The attack stopped almost as soon as it began.
  • Marciano sent word to Leilon for help after the first attack, but more raids followed. There was one attack each day at a different time from a different direction. With every attack the shark people destroyed more property.
  • Seven days ago, some of the fishers in the town took weapons and their boats to Salt Cave to see if the raiders were in the caves. The fishers have not returned.
  • Five days ago, Marciano ordered everyone in Leilon Point to remain inside until further notice and wait for help to come from Leilon.

Marciano describes the raiders as green-scaled monsters with finned heads. After sharing this information with the characters, he begs them to find and drive off the aquatic raiders.

Huer’s Hut

If the characters inspect the huer’s hut they find the door to the one-room home is unlocked. Inside they find a bed, a fireplace, a table set with cook’s utensils and a spyglass, a chair, a large handbell, and a bookcase full of novels about adventure. This hut belongs to Callana Devro, who was killed in Salt Cave. A character who searches the bed finds a book beneath the pillow called Sea Devils, which contains all the information about sahuagin found in the Monster Manual.

A huer watches the sea for shoals from a cliff and calls out to ships below in danger of beaching.

Umberlee Shrine

The door to the one-room shrine of Umberlee, goddess of the sea, is unlocked. Characters who enter find the corpse of an elf priestess, Nava Wavecrash, lying in a pool of her own blood next to a stone altar. Characters who search Nava’s body find a potion of water breathing.

Wait It Out

The characters might decide to wait for the sahuagin to exit the cave to raid the town rather than assault the cave. If they take this course of action, roll a d10. The result equals the number of hours the characters wait. At the end of this time, all the sahuagin and the giant shark skeleton exit the cave and attack.

Arrival at Salt Cave

If the characters talk to Marciano Belta at the head house, they learn that the sahuagin utilize several entrances to Salt Cave to attack the town. The characters can find the southernmost entrance, which is not hidden, by simply walking down the path to from the village to the cave. The cave’s other two entrances can be found by tracking the sahuagin with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check.

If the characters come to the cave’s southernmost entrance, they notice three abandoned rowboats left by the fishers that died in the cave.

Salt Cave Features

Salt Cave is a natural cave system.

Ceilings: The ceilings throughout the cave are 20 feet high.

Light: Unless otherwise noted in an area’s description, there are no light sources in the cave except for those the characters bring with them.

Walls: Climbing the rough stone walls of the cave without equipment requires a successful DC 13 Strength (Athletics) check.

Salt Cave Locations

The following locations are keyed to the map of Salt Cave. Sahuagin in the cave attack any characters they notice, fighting to the death.

S1. Head Hall

The severed heads of six humans on spears line the south wall of this cavern. The bodies of these humans are thrown at the back of the cave, covering a patch of floor where the glyph of warding spell was cast. If the bodies are moved, the glyph is triggered, and it erupts with magical thunder in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on it. Each creature in the area must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 (5d8) thunder damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much damage on a successful one. The glyph disappears after it is triggered.

If the glyph is triggered, the sahuagin in area S2 investigate.

S2. Clam Cavern

A glowing clam made of coral stands atop a 10-foot-high cliff, filling this chamber with bright green light. The clam was gifted to Gahza when she became a high priestess. If she dies, the clam stops shedding light. Sahuagin in the clam’s light have advantage on attack rolls.

At the center of the chamber a 10-foot-deep pool is filled with seawater and a swarm of hungry baby sharks that use the statistics of a swarm of quippers.

Gahza, a sahuagin high priestess (see appendix A), stands next to the clam, leading a group of swimming Sahuagin Blademaster (see appendix A) in wild prayer to Sekolah. There is one blademaster plus one additional blademaster per two members of the party (rounded down), not including sidekicks.

S3. Training Cavern

A sahuagin blademaster (see appendix A) trains a group of sahuagin to fight on the bottom level of this chamber. There are two sahuagin for every member of the party, not including sidekicks.

A boulder atop the 10-foot-high platform in this room mostly covers a small hole where Gahza hides her treasure. A character with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 16 or higher notices the edges of the hole around one side of the boulder. A character can move the boulder to get to the treasure beneath with a successful DC 13 Strength (Athletics) check.


The hole beneath the rock contains a black pearl worth 500 gp, 1,321 sp, and 426 gp.

S4. Ritual Cavern

A circle of sahuagin symbols are drawn in blood around the bones of a giant shark. Several Sahuagin Priestess chant around the bones, which come to life as a giant shark skeleton controlled by the priestesses. There is one sahuagin priestess plus one additional priestess for every member of the party, not including sidekicks.

The giant shark skeleton has the statistics of a giant shark with the following changes:

  • The shark is undead and doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep.
  • The shark is vulnerable to bludgeoning damage, immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition, and cannot gain levels of exhaustion.
  • The shark has had skeletal feet attached by some demented necromancer and gains a walking speed of 20 feet.