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The Handy Haversack

Icespire Hold

Icespire Hold is where adventurers can expect to find Cryovain if they haven’t defeated the young white dragon elsewhere. This location is designed for characters of 6th level, though lower-level characters can defeat the dragon if they’re cunning and cautious.

Location Overview

Icespire Hold is a stone fortress perched on the icy northeast spur of Icespire Peak. A warlord named Delsendra Amzarr built the stronghold, and dwelled there for many years while she and her soldiers kept the orcs of the Sword Mountains in check. When supply lines were cut off by heavy snow and blizzards during a brutal winter, Delsendra and her followers starved to death. Orcs later took over the fortress, which was damaged by an earthquake ten years ago and never repaired.

When Cryovain decided to make Icespire Hold its lair, it stormed the fortress through the crumbled southwest section and ate several orcs before settling on the roof. With a terrible roar, the gorged dragon drove the remaining orcs out of Icespire Hold.

Recently, evil mercenaries calling themselves the Stone-Cold Reavers infiltrated the gatehouse and escaped Cryovain’s notice. They assume (incorrectly) that the dragon has amassed a hoard and hidden it in the fortress. The next time the dragon flies off, they plan to steal it. They treat adventurers as they would any other competitors—either trying to scare them off or killing them.

Icespire Hold Features

Icespire Hold is situated at an altitude of 2,500 feet and surrounded by sheer, icy cliffs. Other features of the location are summarized below.

Arrow Slits: When using an arrow slit for protection, a creature gains three-quarters cover (see the rulebook) against outside threats. A Medium character can’t squeeze through an arrow slit, but a Small character can with a successful DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.

Ceilings: Rooms and passageways in the gatehouse and fortress have 15-foot-high, arched ceilings. Ceilings in the undercroft are 8 feet high and flat.

Doors: Normal doors are made of wood fitted with rusty iron handles and hinges. Secret doors are made of stone and blend in with the surrounding walls. Finding a secret door requires a search of the wall and a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check.

Light: Interior areas with no natural light to illuminate them are completely dark.

Temperature: The temperature is slightly above freezing during the day and plunges at night. Whenever the temperature is at or below 0 degrees Fahrenheit, a creature exposed to the cold must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw at the end of each hour. Creatures with resistance or immunity to cold damage automatically succeed on the saving throw, as do creatures wearing cold weather gear and creatures naturally adapted to cold climates. On a failed saving throw, the creature has disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws, and its speed is halved. The creature freezes to death if it suffers these effects for six consecutive hours. These effects end on the creature after it spends at least an hour in a place of warmth.

Finding Icespire Hold

Icespire Hold is so tucked away in the mountains that few people know of its existence, let alone anything about its history or current state. Characters might learn of it after experiencing a vision at the Shrine of Savras, or they might search for it on their own. In the latter case, let the players use the poster map of the Sword Coast to plot a search. Icespire Hold is marked on the DM’s map (area below). Characters spot Icespire Hold if they come within 1 hex of it.

If the characters are ready to confront the dragon but need help finding its lair, use one of the following hooks to get them to Icespire Hold:

Captured Orc. A dozen Orc attack Phandalin. If the characters are not present during the attack, the townsfolk repel the orcs but suffer losses. One wounded orc is captured alive. This orc speaks Common and knows where the dragon’s lair is. The characters can also capture an orc themselves and get the information they need from it.

Tymora’s Luck. A sidekick or friendly NPC suggests that the characters pray for Tymora’s blessing at the area Shrine of Luck. If one or more characters do so, Tymora’s blessing comes after a long rest when a mysterious, cloaked man arrives in town on a riding horse to gather supplies for his companions. The man’s name is Dobin Noreth, a neutral evil member of the Stone-Cold Reavers (see the area sidebar). Both he and the horse know the way to the dragon’s lair, having come from there. Dobin’s steed is a retired, well-behaved race horse named Four-Leaf Clover.

Travel to Icespire Hold

Icespire Hold is more than 30 miles from Phandalin. En route to the dragon’s lair, the characters have the following encounter.

Frozen Ogre

Set the scene by reading the following boxed text aloud:

As you make your way across the cold, windblown foothills of the Sword Mountains, you happen upon a large, prone creature frozen in ice.

The frozen creature is an ogre that the white dragon killed with its cold breath. The ogre’s corpse was too big to carry off, so the dragon left it. A character who examines the scene closely and succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check can ascertain that the ogre was killed within the past 24 hours. The cold of the foothills has kept the ice from thawing.

Frozen in the ice with the ogre is a hefty sack, but it can’t be reached or searched until the characters chip or melt away the ice that covers it. The sack contains a rusty dwarven helm, two halves of a splintered wooden shield, a tumbleweed, a crumpled-up cowboy hat, and a sackcloth doll in desperate need of restitching.


If the characters are low on healing magic, they find three Potion of Healing in the ogre’s sack along with the worthless items above. (Give the players three Potion of Healing cards or they can reference them in the Equipment Items Listing.)


As the characters approach Icespire Hold, read the following boxed text aloud to the players to set the scene:

Clouds partly obscure a stone fortress situated atop the icy spur of a jagged, snow-covered mountain that you recognize as Icespire Peak, a landmark so enormous as to be visible from Phandalin on a clear day. The mountain dwarfs the fortress, which consists of two separate structures joined together by a stone bridge. A narrow, winding path corkscrews up the mountainside to the smaller of the two structures, and appears to be the only safe way to reach it by land. It’s an unwelcome path, but not as unwelcome as the cold, howling wind that buffets you.

If Cryovain is alive, the young white dragon is sleeping on the rooftop of the main fortress (area area H20), where it can enjoy the cold mountain air while surveying its domain from over the battlements. It sleeps in a 10-foot-square area in the middle of the roof, away from obstacles, and awakes if one of the following things occurs:

  • The dragon is targeted by a spell or takes damage.
  • Someone or something makes a noise loud enough to interrupt the dragon’s slumber. Noises that qualify include the clap of a thunderwave spell, sounds of combat in areas not completely sealed off from the outside by doors, or a whisper in the dragon’s ear.

If the dragon realizes intruders are near but can’t determine their whereabouts, it lets out a roar and takes to the air. As it circles the fortress, it glances around for signs of intrusion. If it finds nothing to attack, it returns to the rooftop and waits for intruders to come to it. The dragon is small enough that it can squeeze through doorways and passageways, but it needs an incentive to enter the fortress because it dislikes confined spaces. Like most white dragons, Cryovain is slow-witted and easily baited.

The howling of the wind prevents Cryovain from hearing intruders who remain relatively quiet. The wind also silences the characters as they follow the icy path (area H1) that leads to and from the gatehouse (areas H2 through H6).

Icespire Hold Locations

The following locations are keyed to the map of Icespire Hold.

Map: Icespire Hold

(Player Version)

H1. Narrow Trail

This narrow trail clings to the mountainside as it twists around and up to the gatehouse. Tracks from horses coming and going along the trail are clearly visible. Characters must traverse the trail in single file. If there’s more than one character, determine their marching order and how far apart they’re spaced in case it becomes relevant.

The trail is safe, though a 20-foot-long stretch of it is buried under rubble that is difficult terrain (see the rulebook).

Reaching the Gatehouse

The trail ends at the outer door of the gatehouse. This door can be barred shut from within, but its heavy wooden crossbar isn’t in place when the characters arrive. They must let themselves in, as no one answers the door if they knock.

The mercenary stationed in area area H6 watches the trail and alerts her companions in area area H4 if she sees strangers approaching the gatehouse. Careful not to wake the dragon, the mercenaries allow characters to enter the gatehouse unchallenged. See the “area Stone-Cold Reavers” sidebar for more information about the mercenaries.

H2. Stables

Four saddled Riding Horse are kept in stalls. A fifth stall stands empty. The horses belong to the mercenaries in area areas H4 and area H6.

H3. Storage

This room contains empty wooden barrels and crates that are so old and brittle they fall apart if disturbed.

Stone-Cold Reavers

The Stone-Cold Reavers are neutral evil human Veteran who speak Common. When they can’t find work as sellswords, they resort to brigandry and thievery. After spotting the white dragon, they decided to follow it back to its lair. They’re now waiting for it to go hunting so they can plunder Icespire Hold during its absence. Until the dragon leaves, the reavers do everything they can to avoid attracting its attention. If the characters killed the dragon elsewhere, assume that the mercenaries searched the fortress, found nothing, and are now angrily waiting for a companion named Dobin Noreth to return with supplies (see “area Tymora’s Luck").

The Reavers threaten the characters with bodily harm to scare them away, turning to violence if their threats fall on deaf ears. If the characters try to bribe them, the mercenaries realize that it would be easier to rob the characters than accept the bribe. If two or more Reavers are killed or incapacitated, the others stand down and try to negotiate a truce to ensure their own survival.

Characters encounter the following four Stone-Cold Reavers in Icespire Hold:

Syleen Wintermoon. The leader of the Stone-Cold Reavers is a lean, brash woman who hails from Neverwinter and keeps her red hair pulled back in a ponytail. Syleen enjoys taking risks, living as though each day will be her last. She lies compulsively and always assumes she’s being lied to.

Runa Vokdottir. A muscular woman with black hair and cold blue eyes, Runa hails from Icewind Dale far to the north. A lifetime of sunless days and frigid nights falsely taught her that cruelty is natural, not evil. Runa speaks few words but is armed with a biting sense of humor.

Brakkis Elspaar. An unshapely man whose best years are behind him, Brakkis is an opportunist who likes following orders, as it frees his mind to think about retirement and dogs—two topics he can’t stop talking about.

Jabarl the Orc-Biter. Jabarl is a rugged, sullen brute with a criminal past that never manages to catch up to him. He’s good at scaring people, caving in skulls, and tending to the horses, around which he seems more at ease.

H4. Gatehouse Barracks

Wooden cots lie in broken heaps against the walls, leaving a clear space in the middle of the room where the Stone-Cold Reavers have laid out bedrolls and other gear. If warned that strangers are near, all the mercenaries greet the new arrivals in the open area between this room and the stables. If the characters reach this area without being spotted, Syleen Wintermoon sits on a stool and sings quietly to herself while sharpening a knife. Sleeping under threadbare blankets nearby are Brakkis Elspaar and Jabarl the Orc-Biter. See the “area Stone-Cold Reavers” sidebar for more information on these ne’er-do-wells.

The mercenaries' supplies include enough water and rations to sustain four people for one day.

H5. Smithy

An anvil rests on the floor near a fireplace that hasn’t been lit in years. To one side of the hearth is a bellows so old that it falls apart if handled. Scattered about the floor are rusty tools and old horseshoes.

H6. Barbican

Arrow slits look down on the trail that winds around the gatehouse, and an unlit fireplace stands to the south.

Runa Vokdottir (see the “area Stone-Cold Reavers” sidebar) uses the arrow slits to watch the trail. If she sees strangers, Runa leaves the room and alerts her companions in area area H4.

H7. Stone Bridge, Iron Bell

This solid stone bridge spans the 35-foot gap between the gatehouse and the main fortress, 50 feet above the trail that passes underneath it. The bridge is edged by 3-foot-high stone railings.

Mounted to the fortress wall north of the door to area H8 is an iron bell with a short, rusty chain dangling from it. Ringing the bell wakes the dragon in area area H20. The door to area H8 stands ajar, its crossbar broken. Damage to the door suggests it was forced open at some point.

H8. Fortress Entrance

This short, empty corridor has arrow slits in the north and south walls.

H9. Outer Defenses

These cold, empty halls are hidden behind secret doors and have arrow slits along their outer walls. The orcs never entered or inhabited these areas.

H10. Rubble

Years ago, an earthquake caused two corners of the fortress to collapse into great piles of rubble. This rubble is difficult terrain (see the rulebook).

H11. Abandoned Guard Post

Between piles of rubble stands an empty hall with arrow slits lining the outer wall. Cryovain smashed through the east door to get inside but found nothing of interest here.

H12. Audience Chamber

Three Stirge flutter anxiously about this cold and dismal hall. The stirges are thirsty for blood and heedlessly attack any warm-blooded creature that attempts to cross the room.

Shields, weapons, and tapestries once festooned the walls here, but orcs tore down and destroyed the decor. A dozen humanoid skeletons in rusty armor lie scattered amid the debris. (All died of hunger.) Painted on the stone floor is a 10-foot-diameter, shield-shaped crest that features a black tower being struck by a golden bolt of lightning—the emblem of the warlord Delsendra Amzarr.

Secret Door

This room has two secret doors. The east secret door pushes open to reveal area area H9. The west secret door pulls open to reveal a 3-foot-wide staircase descending 10 feet to area area H21. Cryovain is too big to enter this staircase.

H13. Dining Room

Orcs destroyed everything in this room, going as far as to pull down a pair of chandeliers that once hung by chains from the ceiling. Smashed furnishings include a long wooden dining table and a dozen wooden chairs. Lying in the sooty fireplace is the stuffed and mounted head of a large white wolf with glassy blue eyes. The head once hung from hooks above the mantelpiece.

H14. Kitchen

The orcs trashed this room, destroying its furnishings and scattering debris everywhere. A cold breeze blows out of the twin fireplaces built into the south wall.

H15. Pantry

This room has been ransacked, leaving nothing but smashed shelves, broken barrels, torn sacks, and other detritus lying about. Amid the detritus, the characters find the skeletal remains of a male humanoid clad in a rusty breastplate. On the verge of starvation, this guard was killed trying to steal rations.

H16. Armory

Weapon racks that once stood against the north and south walls lie smashed on the floor amid the remains of wooden mannequins. Rusty hooks on the walls once held armor, shields, and helms.

H17. Warlord’s Quarters

As her soldiers were dying from starvation, Delsendra Amzarr was forced to quell a revolt by a handful of followers. After slaying them, the warlord took her own life by drinking poison from a goblet. Skeletons scattered about the room testify to these events:

  • Three humanoid skeletons in rusty suits of chain mail lie on the floor near rusty longswords.
  • A fourth humanoid skeleton in rusty plate armor lies slumped in a chair that faces the fireplace. A steel goblet lies on the floor between the legs of the chair. (The orc war chief stole the dead warlord’s greataxe, which the characters can find in area area H19.)

In the middle of the room stands a sturdy oak table around which Delsendra and her officers would plan battles. Tiny, carved wooden figures of soldiers are strewn about, as are the torn-up remains of old maps.

Secret Door

The secret door in the east wall pulls open to reveal a 3-foot-wide staircase that descends 10 feet to area area H21. Cryovain is too big to enter this staircase.

H18. Orc Barracks

Orcs have long laired here, as evidenced by the filth in the room. The furnishings that were once here have all been burned in the fireplace. Characters can chart the dragon’s rampage through the fortress by following a series of smashed doors up the stairwell to the east, and to areas H19 and H20.


Characters who search through the filth find a leather sack containing 450 cp and 182 sp, and a cracked spyglass worth 100 gp.

H19. Orc War Chief’s Lair

Kra, the orc war chief, dwelled here until Cryovain ate him. All that remains of Kra is a severed right hand still clutching the haft of an elegant-looking nonmagical greataxe, which the war chief found in area H17. The room is decorated with the spoils of war, including impressive-looking furniture that was mostly destroyed when Cryovain attacked. Also heaped about the room are furs, antlers, the rotting heads of Kra’s enemies (dwarves, humans, and rival orcs mostly), as well as other trophies.


Characters who search the room find an ornate wooden chair missing one of its arms. Crafted by sea elves as a gift to their land-dwelling cousins, it has six branches of red coral worked into its design. The branches can be detached and are worth 25 gp each.

H20. Roof

If the characters haven’t defeated Cryovain yet, the final encounter with the young white dragon occurs here as it stubbornly defends its new home. The rooftop is enclosed by a 3-foot-high battlement, except in the corners where the wall has collapsed. Cylindrical stone chimneys jut 5 feet above the rooftop but are too narrow for even Small characters to squeeze through. These chimneys connect to the fireplaces in areas area H12, area H13, area H14, and area H17.

Slippery Ice

Slippery ice covers the rooftop. The ice is difficult terrain (see the rulebook). When a creature other than Cryovain moves on the ice for the first time on a turn, it must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or fall prone.

H21. Undercroft

This empty room is deathly cold. Chiseled into the lintel above each door is the word “CRYPTS” in Common.

H22. Crypts

These rough-hewn passageways contain unmarked stone caskets in alcoves. Sealed within each casket are the bones, rusty armor, and rusty weapons of warriors who fell in battle under Delsendra Amzarr’s command.

H23. Empty Crypt and Secret Exit

Of the five unmarked stone caskets in this tomb, four are empty. The middle casket contains a dismantled toboggan that takes 10 minutes to assemble. The toboggan was designed for barreling down the mountainside—a last-ditch escape route that was never used.

One-Way Secret Door

The secret door in the south wall is designed so that it can be opened only from inside the room by pulling on a hidden handle. A knock spell or similar magic can open it from the outside. The door opens onto a ledge overlooking an icy mountain slope.