“Gnomengarde” is balanced for characters of 1st level, though characters of 2nd level might find certain traps and hazards challenging. Characters of 3rd level or higher should be able to deal with the unexpected trouble here and get what they need from the rock gnomes without having to expend many resources, though the roleplaying in this quest should be fun regardless.
Location Overview
The caves of Gnomengarde are carved into the base of a mountain southeast of Phandalin, around a narrow waterfall. The rock gnome wizards who occupy these caves form strategic alliances with their human and dwarf neighbors as needs warrant. Reclusive and secretive, the gnomes craft minor magic items and useful, nonmagical inventions to pass the time. In these endeavors, their failures outnumber their successes. They seldom stray far from home, subsisting largely on the mushrooms that grow on misty islands outside their caves.
Gnomengarde has two married kings who rule in tandem—Gnerkli and Korboz. Korboz recently lost his mind and is keeping Gnerkli as his prisoner. Their subjects don’t understand the nature of Korboz’s affliction, and are at a loss as to what to do. They wish no harm to befall either king, but they acknowledge that Korboz has become a danger to himself and others.
In addition to the danger posed by the mad king, two gnomes have mysteriously vanished within the last tenday. No one except King Korboz knows that a shapechanging monster (a mimic) has crept into Gnomengarde and is feeding on the gnomes, changing its appearance as it makes its way through the complex. Korboz was attacked and almost killed by the creature, with that event inspiring his madness. He has sequestered himself and his beloved Gnerkli in their quarters because he doesn’t want the monstrous shapechanger to devour them. Korboz hopes the creature will tire of eating gnomes and leave. Providing Korboz with evidence of the mimic’s demise restores his sanity.
Gnomengarde Features
Gnomengarde’s caves are hewn from solid rock and share the following features.
Ceilings: Ceilings throughout are 7 feet high and flat.
Doors: Normal doors are made of wood fitted with rusty iron handles and hinges. A locked door can be opened with a successful DC 10 Dexterity check using
thieves' tools . A locked door can be forced open as an action with a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics ) check. Secret doors are made of stone and blend in with the surrounding stonework. Finding a secret door requires a search of the wall and a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception ) check.Light: All caves are illuminated by hanging oil lanterns attached to rope-and-pulley mechanisms that make it easy for the gnomes to lower the lanterns and refill them with oil.
Waterfall: The caves of Gnomengarde echo with the roar of the nearby waterfall. The sound is so loud that gnomes and visitors must shout to be heard unless there’s a closed door between them and the waterfall.
Quest Goals
To complete the area Gnomengarde Quest, the characters must obtain at least one magic item from the gnomes. Of the items they can secure, only the
Gnome-Made Magic Items
If the characters rescue Gnerkli and end Korboz’s madness, the grateful gnomes give them a
A stream leads the characters to a pool fed by a waterfall that tumbles down the mountainside. Describe Gnomengarde’s location to the players as follows:
You follow a stream uphill to the base of the mountain, where waterfall erosion has carved out a natural concavity. The roaring waterfall creates a cloud of mist as it plunges into a shallow pool of water, within which rise two small islands covered with two-foot-tall red, green, and purple mushrooms. Several cave openings overlook the pool from rocky ledges twenty to thirty feet above. The mountain blocks any sunlight from reaching this place.
Gnomengarde has five cave entrances perched atop ledges with sheer, rocky slopes. Climbing to a cave requires a successful DC 13 Strength (
Gnomengarde Roster
Twenty Rock Gnome Recluse dwell in Gnomengarde, including King Gnerkli and King Korboz. The gnomes' names and locations are described in the “area Gnomengarde Locations” section.
Mystery Monster
There used to be twenty-two gnomes living in the caves, but a mimic devoured two gnomes—named Orryn and Warryn—in the past tenday. The creature is currently disguised as a barrel in area area G8, but it will devour more gnomes once its hunger returns unless it is dealt with. It can move around and adopt other disguises as needed, though its forms are limited to Medium objects such as chairs, large chests, lecterns, and weird gnomish inventions of the mimic’s size and mass. The mimic can also disguise itself as a door, a false section of wall, or a rocky bulge on the floor.
After speaking to Korboz and learning about the presence of a shapechanging monster, the characters' primary goal should be to find and slay the creature. When it attacked Korboz, it looked like a 10-foot-square rug in the throne room (area area G14), but it has since moved elsewhere and changed its appearance.
If pressed, the rock gnomes help the characters find the mimic by poking objects with nonmagical wands to see if they fight back. The gnomes aren’t adventurers, however, and they flee at the first sign of danger (real or imagined).
The mimic completely devours and dissolves its victims, leaving no trace behind and relocating after each kill. It won’t leave Gnomengarde of its own accord, as it’s taken a liking to the taste of gnome flesh.
If you want a more interesting antagonist, make the mimic one of the rare varieties that can carry on simple conversations in Common. Characters who corner the talking mimic can negotiate with it, and can compel it to leave Gnomengarde with a successful DC 15 Charisma (
Wild Magic
Wild magic is a kind of magic that can’t be controlled, and Gnomengarde has long been a source of it. When a creature anywhere on the Gnomengarde map expends a spell slot to cast a spell of 1st level or higher, an additional effect might occur. Roll a
d20 | Wild Magic Effect |
1–6 | None |
7–10 | The caster’s skin turns a vibrant shade of blue. |
11–14 | Tiny, insubstantial motes of light circle the caster, shedding bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. |
15–17 | The caster sprouts wings like those of a butterfly. The wings give the caster a flying speed of 30 feet. |
18–19 | The caster teleports up to 60 feet to a random unoccupied space of the DM’s choice. |
20 | A whimsical effect of the DM’s invention. |
Gnomengarde Locations
The following locations are keyed to the map of Gnomengarde.
G1. Misty Pool and Mushroom Islands
The gnomes subsist on 2-foot-tall mushrooms that grow atop two small islands in the middle of this 3-foot-deep pool. The islands are perpetually shrouded in mist from the waterfall. Magic bestowed upon the islands by Gnomengarde’s first settlers causes the mushrooms to grow to abnormally large size. This same magic is the source of Gnomengarde’s wild magic (see above).
The mushrooms come in three colors. Red mushrooms provide oil that the gnomes use to fuel their lanterns and other mechanical devices. Green mushrooms are ground into flour and used to make a tasty green bread. Purple mushrooms are crushed and fermented to make mushroom wine, which tastes as good as it sounds.
G2. Waterfall and Rope Bridge
The waterfall plunges 60 feet, its mist lightly obscuring a 35-foot-long rope bridge firmly anchored to 20-foot-high ledges. The bridge is difficult terrain (see the rulebook), and sags so that its midpoint is only 15 feet above the water. A creature that falls or jumps from the bridge takes no damage if it lands in the water, which is 5 feet deep in the area below the bridge. The bridge has AC 11, 30 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage. The barrel crab contraptions in area G6 are too clumsy to cross the bridge without getting tangled in its ropes.
G3. Dining Room
This room contains several dining tables and chairs sized for Small folk. A stout wooden cabinet against the east wall holds tin dishware and utensils.
G4. Kitchen
This kitchen is furnished with gnomes in mind, so everything is either close to the floor or readily reachable by tugging on an overly complicated rope-and-pulley mechanism. Five Rock Gnome Recluse busy themselves here:
- Joybell (female) uses a poker to stoke the fire of a hot iron stove standing against the east wall.
- Dimble (male) uses a complicated press-like contraption to squeeze oil out of a big red mushroom and filter the liquid into four oil flasks.
- Panana (female) stands atop a low table and uses a mechanical rolling pin contraption to kneed green bread dough. The severed caps of several big green mushrooms are set around her.
- Uppendown (male) forms the dough into loaves of green bread, his tongue sticking out as he carefully shapes each loaf like a master sculptor.
- Tervaround (female) teeters on a stool as she stuffs a big purple mushroom into a barrel, so that it can ferment and be turned into mushroom wine.
Characters who question the gnomes are urged to speak to Fibblestib or Dabbledob in the workshop (area area G11), as they know more about what’s going on than any other gnomes in the complex. These gnomes won’t leave the kitchen, but they can point characters in the right direction. The gnomes avoid talking about the missing gnomes or Mad King Korboz.
G5. Pantry
This room is piled high with small wooden crates. Each contains loaves of green mushroom bread and other foodstuffs collected and kept by the gnomes.
G6. Barrel Crabs
Parked in alcoves in this otherwise empty room are two gnomish contraptions. Each resembles a crab with a barrel for a shell, six articulated metal legs, and a pair of forward-facing pincer claws. A hatch on the top of each barrel opens to reveal an interior compartment equipped with a small, leather-padded seat surrounded by levers, pedals, and gears. The barrels are not airtight.
The gnomes built these crablike contraptions to grip and move other objects, rather like crude forklifts. However, the contraptions are so clumsy that they are useless for delicate work. They are just small enough to navigate Gnomengarde’s 5-foot-wide passageways.
Each barrel crab is a Large object with AC 15, 30 hit points, a Strength score of 10, and immunity to poison and psychic damage. It is designed to hold a single Small humanoid, though a Medium humanoid can fit inside with some discomfort. While in the barrel with the hatch closed, a creature has total cover against attacks from outside the contraption. It can use its action to make the contraption scuttle across the ground at a walking speed of 15 feet or make one attack with its pincer claws.
Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (
G7. Autoloading Crossbow Platform
Bolted to the floor of this room is a rotating platform equipped with four heavy crossbows that reload automatically. Each crossbow comes with twenty bolts. Mounted above the crossbows at a height of 6 feet is a chair equipped with pedals that causes the entire contraption to spin counterclockwise, and with levers that reload and fire the crossbows. This clanking, clattering contraption is a Large object with AC 13, 45 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage. Every time it loses 10 hit points, one of its crossbows breaks.
A creature sitting in the chair can use an action to rotate the device up to 360 degrees counterclockwise and fire up to two of its crossbows in any direction. Each crossbow makes the following attack.
Heavy Crossbow
Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 50/200 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (
Sitting in the chair when the characters first enter this area is the device’s inventor, a rock gnome recluse named Facktoré. When she sees strangers, Facktoré decides to test out the contraption on them. She stands down only when she or her contraption cease to function, or when she can no longer see any targets. Being deranged and utterly consumed by her work, she can barely string together a cohesive sentence, let alone advise visitors on where to go or whom to talk to.
G8. Mimic and Mushroom Wine
This room contains twelve forty-gallon barrels set into wide alcoves. Each barrel is secured by a wooden brace. The barrels in the south alcove have been tapped with wooden spigots. Two of those barrels are half full, and two are nearly empty.
Seven of the eight barrels in the north and east alcoves are untapped and full of mushroom wine. The eighth barrel is the mimic. You can decide where the mimic is, or roll a
G9. Gnome Guard Post
Mist from the waterfall dampens this empty cave, which has a 10-foot-high ledge overlooking it to the south. The ledge can be reached by following the curved tunnel to the east, or by scaling the slick rock wall with a successful DC 12 Strength (
Two Rock Gnome Recluse stand on the ledge—a female named Ulla and a male named Pog. When anyone enters the cave, Ulla calls out, “Who goes there?” in Gnomish, then Pog repeats the question in Common. Their orders are to “attack shapechangers on sight.” Since anyone might be a shapechanger, they attack anyone who can’t prove they are who they claim to be. Characters who don’t want to be attacked must succeed on one of the following checks:
- A DC 10 Charisma (
Deception ) check to trick the gnomes into thinking the characters have an audience with the kings of Gnomengarde. - A DC 10 Charisma (
Intimidation ) check to scare the gnomes into thinking that any harm visited upon the characters will result in Gnomengarde’s destruction. - A DC 10 Charisma (
Persuasion ) check to convince the gnomes that the characters can’t be shapechangers, as shapechangers would surely take less conspicuous forms.
G10. Spinning Blades
This area is lightly obscured by mist from the waterfall. The larger eastern part of the room contains two rapidly spinning devices that look like turnstiles fitted with stacks of long, sharp blades spaced 1 foot apart. The northern turnstile spins counterclockwise, while the southern one spins clockwise. Any creature that enters or starts its turn in the eastern part of the room while the blades are spinning must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 18 (
Set into the south wall of the smaller western part of the room is a brass lever in the down position. Pulling the lever up causes the turnstiles to stop spinning, allowing safe passage through the chamber. The rock gnomes bypass this trap by using the
G11. Inventors' Workshop
As the characters approach this area, they overhear an argument in Gnomish between two Rock Gnome Recluse—a male named Fibblestib and a female named Dabbledob. As Gnomengarde’s foremost inventors, they are trying to dream up an invention that will cure King Korboz’s madness. Fibblestib’s proposal is a “sanity ray.” Dabbledob thinks that’s dumb, and wants to build something called a “straitjacket” instead. If the characters interrupt them, the gnomes realize that the new arrivals might have another solution, so they fill in what’s been happening and ask for any advice on how they might help cure Korboz and rescue King Gnerkli.
Fibblestib and Dabbledob consider the mystery of the vanishing gnomes of secondary importance to their mission of aiding their kings. They focus on Korboz and Gnerkli to the exclusion of all else, promising magical rewards in exchange for aid (see “area Gnome-Made Magic Items").
The workshop is cluttered with half-completed gnomish inventions that serve no purpose, as well as worktables strewn with tinker’s tools. A 10-foot-high ledge overlooks the room, set with a wooden pedestal on which sits a leather-bound book.
The book on the pedestal is a spellbook that the rock gnomes of Gnomengarde share. Its cover describes its title as Magick of Gnomengarde (in Common and Gnomish), and it contains the wizard spells
G12. Gnome Domiciles
The floor of this cave is strewn with the remnants of old campfires. Four side caves serve as sleeping areas, with five small wooden cots crammed into each one. Eight Rock Gnome Recluse sleep soundly here when the characters first arrive, with two gnomes in each side cave—Caramip, Jabby, Nyx, and Quippy (females), and Anverth, Delebean, Pallabar, and Zook (males). Characters can move through the area without waking the sleeping gnomes, who defend themselves if attacked but pose no danger otherwise. They avoid talking about the recent troubles, but advise visitors to speak with Fibblestib and Dabbledob (see area area G11), Gnomengarde’s two most gifted rock gnome inventors.
G13. Treasury
The door to this room is locked, and Fibblestib and Dabbledob (see area area G11) carry the keys. The room contains a jumble of nonfunctional gnomish gizmos, as well as loose gears, twisted bits of metal, and other scraps that the gnomes use to cobble together new inventions.
Amid the clutter, the characters can find a
G14. Throne Room
Situated atop a stone dais are two squat thrones made of scrap metal and sized for gnomes. A secret door in the north wall conceals a short tunnel leading to area G15. Only the gnome kings know of this secret passage.
G15. Gnome Kings' Bedroom
King Korboz has locked himself and King Gnerkli in their bedroom, forgetting that there’s a secret door that others could find and use to gain entry. Only Korboz and Gnerkli have keys to the locked main door. If the characters knock on the door or otherwise announce their arrival, Korboz speaks to them from inside the room and warns of a “shapechanger” in their midst. Korboz doesn’t regain his senses until the characters assure him that the monster has been found and killed. Whether the mimic is truly killed or not, convincing Korboz that it’s dead requires a successful DC 12 Charisma (
Korboz and Gnerkli are Rock Gnome Recluse, each wearing a jagged metal crown and a patchwork cloak. Gnerkli is glued to a chair and
A small unlocked chest under the gnomes' bed contains a