Building Eberron Adventures - Forgotten Relics Story Overview Running the Adventure Adventure Summary How Do You Know Vilroy? Starting the Adventure Roleplaying Sergeant Vilroy High Walls The Cog Carnival Chatting with Coal Catching Coal Development Mithral Tower Roleplaying Alden Roleplaying Vishtai Enclosed Lift Saving Caden Daask Excavation site Optional Encounter: Ghost of Pfingston Nezzelech Returning to Alden Skycoach Ride Need a Lift? Daask Gnolls Terminus Terminus Features Sharn Watch Guards Daask Forces Where’s Terminus Station? Areas of Terminus (1-7) T1. Skycoach Platform T2. Commerce Stair T3. Tenement Tower Stairs T4. Top-Level Apartments T5. Lower-Level Apartments T6. Skybridge T7. Graffiti Hall Areas of Terminus (8-14) T8. Daask Hideout T9. Interrogation Room T10. Terminus Station Lift T11. Bodega T12. Ticket Booth T13. Bathroom T14. Station Platform Lightning Rail to Wroat Exploring the Coach Confronting Garra Stop the Coach! Conclusion